Sidney Daily News from Sidney, Ohio (2024)

ELECTION HELD TOMORROW CANDIDATES FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICERS TO BE NOMINATED TUESDAY, AUGUST 10 School Board Names Must be Written- -Put Your Cross Mark in Front of the Man You Want to Vote For The primary election for the nomination of candidates to be voted on at the November election will be held Tuesday, August 10. The names of the following candidates, except the members of Board of Education will be found printed on the primary tickets. The Board of Education tickets will be blank and the names must be written in the blank spaces and a cross mark placed in front of the name. There are three new members to be elected at the November election. Mayor--Hugo J.

Antony, Charles N. Strahlem, Democrats: W. M. Crozier, Republican. Councilmen aL Large (three to nominate) -1.

M. Apple, Louis G. Croft, M. M. McIntire, Ed C.

Wolf, Democrats; Ed Bland, R. G. Ward, Republicans. President of Council- Hudson Gartley, Democrat. T.

B. Marshall is a candidate for President of the Council on the publican ticket. Hs name must be written in. City Auditor--Melville Young, Democrat; M. L.

Rhoades, Republican. City Solicitor- Frank J. Doorley, Democrat City Treasurer--Ben B. Amann, Democrat. Councilman, first ward--Earl Lee, Democrat; Charles A.

Hetzler, Republican. Second ward--D. H. Warner, Democrat; V. E.

Chambers, Robert Cartwright, Republicans. Third ward--Henry Berger, Democrat: C. F. Reeder, Republican. Fourth ward- -G.

W. Groves, F. J. Huth, Democrats; Harley Baker, Republican. Assessors, first ward--A.

B. Gudenkauf, Democrat. Second ward- J. L. McCashen, Democrat; T.

F. Williams. Republican. Third ward--Robert Watson, Republican. Fourth ward--Jacob Schuler, Democrat.

of Education- Dr. M. F. Hussey, H. L.

Loudenback, Dan Toy, Democrats; (Dr. A. W. Reddish, W. P.

Collier, Dr. B. M. Sharp, C. O.

Stiles, Republicans. For voting for the School Board voting booths will be located in north and south Clinton at the usual places A voting place will also be located In Orange township, where persons in that township residing in the Sidney school district can vote. The following will be the places of voting: First ward precinct A- S. E. Dilbone's room on south Main avenue.

First ward precinct B--Room at rear of 'Charles Pearson's on Queen street. Second ward precinct A- Second ward hose house on north Main avenue. Second ward precinct B--At Laura B. Smith's property shop office tier Port Jefferson avenue and Miami avenue. Third ward precinct -Stowell room on Ohio avenue occupied by Miss Ella Creegan.

Third ward precinct B--At the residence of Elizabeth Carper en Michigan street. Third ward precinct CAt Fred Messmer's residence on Pomeroy avenue. Fourth ward precinct A- At the Charles Eisenstein room on west Court street. Fourth ward precinct BAt residence of Henry Henke, corner of Fair avenue and Chestnut street. Fourth ward precinct CAt residence of E.

W. Herbst on Culvert street. Brakeman F. A. Wootsey, a railroad brakeman of Jacksonville, Texas, writes: "I was down with kidney trouble and rheumatism so bad I could hardly get up when I sat down.

I had a backache all the time and was almost tired of living. I saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised. I took some and after a short time. was thoroughly cured and am having no more trouble." They act promptly and help kidneys throw poisonous waste products out of the blood, Thousands, have written. similar let- Christian's Drug Store, DIED AT THE COUNTY INFIRMARY John Dillon, Who Was Injured on the C.

H. and D. Railroad Several Days Ago John Dillon, aged seventy-one years, died at the County Infirmary Saturday evening. Dillon was injured on the C. H.

and D. railroad near the Michigan street bridge several days ago by having his feet badly crushed. The funeral services were held at the Holy Angels church Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Interment at Calvary cemetery. For fire insurance see E.

E. Trout. TWO FIRE ALARMS ARE SOUNDED Gas Left Burning While Parties Go Away--Much Smoke But No Blaze The fire department was called to the home of H. A. Dunham on Forest street Sunday afternoon.

Burning eggs left in a pot that had boiled dry was the cause for the smoke that filled the house and frightened the neighbors. There was no one at home at the time. Smoke coming from the apartment of Cora Smith in the third floor of the Oldham building opposite the postoffice was the cause for the fire alarm Monday morning. Burning grease on a hot plate made the smoke. Miss Smith was not at home at the time but had left the gas burning.

Fire Insurance R. C. Kah, Agt Surprised on Fiftieth Anniversary Henry Huffman and wife, of St. Paris, were married 50 years Sunday, August 8. To celebrate the occasion his brother Isaac, of this city, his children, grand children and great grand children took their dinner with them and drove over to St.

Paris and spent the day with them. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman were taken completely by surprise. They enjoyed their company very much.

Those present to enjoy the occasion were: Isaac. Nuffman, Pearl Huffman, Ed 'Runyon and wife, Jullette Runyon and Harley Runyon, Harley Sarver and wife, Eldred Sarver and John Sarver, Ellis Runyon, wife and daughter Eileen, Mrs. Walter Shepherd, Margaret, Lad6nna and Charles Shepherd, Ida Phillips, Willanna Phillips and Ruth Coy. Robert Kaser, Franklin Blue, Raymond Sexauer, Louis Windle, Joe Stockstill, John Ranson Kenny, Louis Boyer and Ralph Tennery are spending the week enjoying the pleasures of an outing at Russell Point. HAPPY CORNER Mrs.

Jacob Miller is spending a few days with friends and relatives in Indiana. Miss Cora Rhodehamel spent Friday night with her brother Harry and family at Hardin. Mrs. Allison, of Indiana, is spending a couple weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Miller.

Mrs. A. J. Byrd and famny sauntered westward to visit their daughter, Becca at Bradford. Isaiah Goode, Henry Cox, Andy Byrd and son Roy spent last Friday in Piqua.

(Elizabeth Stone called on the (Brandon youngsters Sunday afternoon. Tom Cromer and wife spent Sunday with Wm. Ginn and family. Lewis McKinney and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Dorothy McKinney and family, Mrs.

Leander Wright and daughters Goldie and Elsie spent Friday with Hudson Wick and family, Dewey Rhodehamel and Albert Cecil motored to New Weston Sunday. Announcement We are authorized to announce the name of Dr. A. W. Reddish as a candidate for member of Board of Education, subject to the decision of the coming primary election on Tues day, August 10, 1915.

We are authorized to announce the name of W. P. Collier for Board of Education, subject to the decision of the voters at coming primary election on Tuesday, August 10, 1915, 18616 Dr. B. M.

Sharp wishes to announce himself as a candidate for member of the school board subject to the will of the Republican primary. 184t6 WATCH AND DIAMONDS ARE STOLEN NO CLUE TO THE BURGLARY COMMITTED AT THE HOME OF C. A. SEXAUER Three Diamonds and a Watch All Valued at About $500 Are Missing There is still no clue to the missing jewelry taken from the home of Mr. and Mrs.

C. A. Sexauer on Franklin avenue some time Friday afternoon or evening. The police are working on the case but as yet no arrests have been made. Diamonds and jewelry to the value of about $500 were stolen.

Three diamonds, two of them belonging to Mrs. Sexauer and one to Mr. Sexauer and a solid gold watch were taken. The missing jewelry is described as follows: Gold hunting case watch, size six, No. 4:678, "Seaside" Waltham move ment No.

2745308. One solitaire diamond ring, Tiffany mounting. One diamond ring, fancy mounting. One diamond stud karat. The missing diamonds were highly prized, one of the rings taken having been presented to Mrs.

Sexauer by her husband at the time of their marriage. The stolen watch had been presented to her by her. father many years ago. One of the diamonds had been given Mrs. Sexauer by her husband last Christmas as a Christmas present.

Chief of Police O'Leary has notifiled the police of all the surrounding cities of the theft of the erty and all pawn shops will be closely watched for the missing property. Mr. Sexauer is very desirous of recovering the stolen jewelry and has offered a liberal reward for their recovery and the conviction of the thieves. It is believed that the house was entered from the roof. A new roof was being put on the house and the thieves could climb over the root into Mrs.

Sexauer's bed room where the jewelry had been left in a bureau drawer. Three Young People Dead SLONKOSKY Edward N. Slonkosky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slonkosky, of Rauth street, died Saturday evening about 8 o'clock.

The boy was born March 21, 1907. The funeral services will be held at the Holy An gels church Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock. FAIR Freda Alberta, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Fair, died Monday morning at their home on Pomeroy avenue.

The funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the house. McKINLEY Charles the eleven- -months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McKinley, of Perry township, died Saturday evening. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon and interment made at Graceland cemetery, FOR SALE Potato crates sixteen cents each.

See The Buckeye Churn Company. 6t Invitations Are Issued A number of the friends of little Marjorie Blake received the following invitations today: I am going to give a little Party on' Thursday the 12th of August, from 2 to 5 o'clock and shall be so glad if you can come. Please be sure to let me know. Marjorie Blake FUNERAL SERVICES HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON The Remains of William Binkley Jr. Consigned to Their Last Resting Place The funeral services of William Binkely Jr.

were held at the Binkley residence at the corner of Walnut avenue and South street Sunday afternoon and were attended by a large number of her relatives and friends. The services were in charge of Rev. R. McCaslin. The pall bearrs were Bert, Harry and John Binkley, brothers; Howard Dill and Perry Griffs, brothers-in-law, and Paul Loudenback, a cousin.

floral offerings were received. The Interment was made at Graceland cemetery. The family desire to extend thanks for the many courtesies and kindnesses shown. William Kathcart and Ollie M. Marshall, both of this city, were united in marriage by Rev.

R. McCaslin at his residence on south Ohio avenue Sunday morning, August 8. Dr. F. D.

Clark will return this evening from New York, where he has been attending the American Osteopathy Convention. The Sunlight will meet with Mrs. Ed McClure in Jimtown Thursday afternoon. All bring well filled baskets as a picnic supper will be served on the lawn. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs.

John Orr, Mt. Auburn, Tuesday, 2:30. Those desiring to go by traction can leave station return 5:20. Walter J. Timeus received a telegram from his wife at Alberquerque New Mexico, that their son Roy, was slowly sinking and not expected 30 live.

Mr. Timeus left immediately for New Mexico. The Foreign Missionary Soicety, at of the M. E. church will meet in the church parlor tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Those who have not returned their mite boxes are requested to bring them to this meeting. Sluggish Liver Causes Trouble The discomfort and dangers of hot weather are doubled if the liver 18 sluggish and torpid and the bowers irregular and inactive. There is no better remedy than Foley Cathartic Tablets for indigestion and constipation. They are prompt, wholesome and vigorous in action without griping or pain. If you feel dull and stupid, languid and weak, a Foley Cathartic Tablet will help you.

Stout persons are particularly grateful for the light and free feeling they bring. Christian's drug store. An Obituary LAMBERT Philip Henry Lambert was born in New Jersey March 27, 1828, departed this life July 31, 1915, aged 87 years, 4 months, 4 days. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Lambert and the last survivor of a family of six children. He came to Ohio in young manhood, and on October 2, 1861, was united in marriage to Eliza J.

Lefevre. To this union were born nine children, of whom two, Laura and Cora, were called to the spirit land, Laura in her Infancy and (Cora in her young womanhood. The mother having passed to the great beyond December 5, 1879, There survive three sons, William and John, and four daughters, Margaret, Mrs. Ella Niswanger, Mrs. Marry Tully and Mrs.

Cora Henman and ten grand children. Announcement This is to give notice that T. B. Marshall is a candidate for president of the City Council, subject to the will of the Republican Primary, HUGO J. ANTONY, Candidate for the Democratic nomination for Mayor.

Primary Tuesday, August 10. Your support and influence solicited. 3t THE THREE WESTON SISTERS WITH BILLY S. CLIFFORD AT THE MALL THEATRE, SIDNEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. Mall Theatre, Thursday Evening August 12 Billy "Single" Clifford and His Minstrel Maids Clifford Musical Volunteers Festival Himself in His Latest Billy "Single" "WALK THIS WAY" "The Three Weston Sisters" Classiest Musical Act from Vaudeville Jack Van Allen -The Virginia Minstrels Miss Helen Clark- -Mezzo Soprano Solist Mae Guiger Collins -The Dainty Little Comedienne and Dancer Ladies' Brass Band and Orchestra- -Open Air Concerts Daily Popular Prices 25, 50 and 75 Cents Last But Not Least- -Billy "Single" Clifford Himself Seats on sale at Mall Theatre box office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon LIST OF THEM at Lima.

August 10- -Ladies' Aid Society of Presbyterian church with Mrs. John Orr. August 14-Moore reunion at home of Jasper Moore. August 11-Pool-Wilkinson reunion at the fair ground. August 12, 13 and 14- The King family at the Mall.

August 17-Pionic summer on Amos lawn, 3rd ward Presbyterian ladies. August 19- -Bunker Hill reunion. August 19. 19-Burton-Bell-Vandiver family reunion at Fountain park. August 21-Harmony family reunion at Fountain park, Piqua.

August 21-Davis-Linker-Heintz reunion in Heintz grove north of Montra. August 26-Annual reunion of Monroe family at Celina. August 28-Apple reunion at Fountain park, Piqua. September 6-Barker family reunion at fair ground. August 19.

-Young family -reunion at' Green Springs. September 2-Fogt family reunion in Fogt grove. FOR SALE FOR SALE Whiskey and vinegar barrels for cider purposes. Orders for quantities large and small given our careful attention. OHIO BARREL 188t6p DAYTON OHIO Dr.

A. A. Thomen, Cleveland and Columbus Specalist, will visit Hotel Wagner, Sidney, Wednesday, August 11th and each month thereafter. A free consultation and examination will be given to all. Do not neglect the opportunity to consult this eminent specialist.

It will be of the greatest value to you. See advertisem*nt in this paper. To show their appreciation of their former employer, H. F. Renner, who has resigned his position as manager of the Home Store, the clerks of that store went to the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Renner on Grove street after the closing of the store Saturday evening and spent a few very pleasant social hours. SPECIAL NOTICE TO SIDNEY FOLKS We wish to announce we are exclusive Sidney agents for the simple mixture of burkthoen bark, glycerine, known as Adler-1-ka. This remedy, used successfully for 8p- pendicitis, is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser we ever sold. It is 50 powerful that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach.

Adler1-ka never gripes, is sale to use and the INSTANT action is surprising. F. D. Christian, druggist. GROCERY BURGLARIZED SATURDAY NIGHT The grocery store of Thurman Norton, on west Poplar street was broken into some time late Saturday night.

Four sacks of flour are reported to be missing. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0.

We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free.

Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Impure blood runs you down- -makes you an easy victim for disease. For pure blood and sound digestion- -Burlock Blood Bitters.

At all drug stores. Prive $1.00. NOTICE TO TEACHERS Notice la hereby given that the reg ular meetings of the Board of School Examiners of Shelby County, Ohio, will be held the first Saturday of September, October, January, March, April, May and on the last Friday of June and August, commencing at o'clock a. m. the Central School building at Sidney.

After January first, 1915, applicants will be required to present their Certificates of Professional Instruction as required by Sections 7822 and 7823 of the school law, properly signed by the officers of the institutions where they have attended. JOHN F. AILES, President, H. M. MILLER, Vice President, W.

E. PARTINGTON. Clerk. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION RELATING TO THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS ON ELECTION DAY. "Whereas the General Code of the State of Ohio, provide that "whoever sells or gives away any spirituous, vinous or malt liquids on any election day, where or being the keeper of a place any such liquors are habitually sold and drank, fails on any election day to keep the same closed, shall be fined not more than one hundred ($100.00) Dollars, and imprisoned not more than ten (10) days," and whereas, said law makes it the duty of the Mayor, previous to any election to issue a Proclamation to the Public, setting forth -therein the substance of the enactments to prohibit the sale, or the giving away of Intoxicating liquors on election day, and whereas, Tuesday, the 10th Day of August, A.

1915, Is Such An Election Now therefore, W. M. Crozier, Mayor of the City of Sidney within said State, in compliance with the requirements of the law thereof, do hereby warn the public and all persons engaged In the sale of liquors, neither to sell or give away any intoxicating 11- quor, and to keep their respective places of business closed on said day, under penalty a8 provided by said of General Code, and it will be the duty the Police within said Municipal Corporation and they are hereby commanded to take proper, measures for the enforcement of said law, close all places in violation thereof, and report the same to me. Given under my hand and official seal in said Municipal Corporation this 4th day August, D. 191 5, (SEAL) ML CROZIER, Mayor of the city of Sidney.

OPIUM! HABIT MORPHINE TREATED Free trial. Cases where other remedies jave failed, specially desired. Give particulars. Dr.R. G.

Contrell, Suite 547. No.400 W.234 Sc.New York DR. M. F. HUSSEY At Home Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P.

M. Both Phones Will Rostron, Tinner At the Old Stand Quality Work and Low Prices Call Home Phone 221 RALPH R. SHAW, Veterinarian ATANNA, OHIO Located at Penrod'8 Old Stand Farmers phone 3 on 1, Anha Exchange. Calls answered promptly. For All Kinds of TIN WORK See STEINLE MILLER East Poplar St.

Sidney, O. THE FLOWER SHOP Flowers for parties, weddings and funerals. All kinds of designs made to order. O. L.

OSBORN, Prop. Phone-220. Greenhouse phone 2 on 4662. Painting, Decorating and Paper Hanging artistically done by KARL LEHMAN Try nim. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Phone No. 603 "BIG FOUR" Excursion SUNDAY' AUG. 15 Good returning same day. $1.50 Indianapolis And return Train leaves Sidney 6:44 a. IL.

Returning, leaves Indianapolla at 7 m..

Sidney Daily News from Sidney, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.