Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1: CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments for Rent 44 Articles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automotive Service Auto Accessories Parts 13 Beauty Services Offered 31 Boats Accessories 521 Brokers In Real Estate Building Materials 53 Business Opportunities 38 Business Places For Rent 75 Business Property For Sale 82 Business Services Offered 18 Cards of Thanks 2 Cemetery Lots 6 Correspondence Courses 42 Deaths Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 Employment, Male Female 33 32 Employment, Male- Female 34 Farming Implements 48A Farm Miscellaneous 48C Farm Land For Sale 83 Farm Land For Rent 76 Floral Tributes Funeral Directors 5 Garages For Rent 76A Good Things To Eat 57 Houses Rent 77 Houses For Sale 84 In Memoriam Instruction Classes Insurance Bonds 23 Jewelry 60 Lake Property For Sale 86 Lakes Resorts 79 Laundering 24 Livestock 48 Lost, Strayed Or Stolen 10 Lots For Sale 85 Machinery Tools 61 Motorcycles, Bicycles 15 Moving Storage 81A Musical Merchandise 62 Personals Plumbing Roofing 22 Poultry 49 Rummage Sales 7A Salesmen 33A Seeds, Plants Flowers 63 Sewing da Alterations 21 Sleeping Rooms 68 Situations Wanted Female 36 Situations Wanted Male 37 Specials At The Stores 64 Suburban For Sale 87 To Exchange Real Estate 88 Trailers For Sale 51A Spaces For Rent 518 Trucks For Sale 12 Wanted To Borrow-Money 41 Wanted To Buy 66 Wanted To Rent 81 Wearing Apparel 65 PHONE NO 4-5111 Coming Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT p.m. Furniture, appliances mi at Puckett's Merchandise Mart. 27th Bypass. Puckett Son, Auctioneers. SATURDAY Jan.

18. 12:30 p.m. Located 4 miles east LaFontaine or 1 mile south 2 miles west Banquo. Farm Implements. misc.

Household goods. Ira R. Martha Una McClurg owners, Bill Rogers! Auctioneer. SATURDAY Jan 18th, 1:00 p.m. Located 1 and miles south of Greentown, Indiana on 213 then mile west of 6 and mile north of Windfall then mile west or mile east of New Salem Church.

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given James Crist at last known address, Kokomo, Indiana that 1957 Plymouth, Identification No. 14350992, that said car will be possessed for storage and mechanic work by John Ad. dison, having sent certified notice at last known address in accord. ance with the provisions of Section 56. Chapter 213 Acts of 1925, Indiana Motor Vehicle Law.


PHILLIPS, Plaintiff VS. CARRIE BOYCE, ET Defendants BE IT REMEMBER hat on the 27th day of September, 1963, the above named plaintiff filed in the Office of the Clerk of said Superior Court of Grant County, Indiana, her Complaint Against all the Defendants herein, and her Af: fidavit Concerning the Non Residence of Certain Defendants herein. after named and designated, and her Special Jurisdictional Affidavit as to certain named and designated Defendants. That said proceedings are brought to quiet the title of ANNIE E. PHILLIPS, against all named and designated defendants to the plaint and as against all demands, claims and claimants whomsoever and as against the world in and to the following real estate described in the Complaint situate in Grant Lot Number to Four Hundred County, Indiana, to-wit: Four (404) in the First Addition to Gas City, Indiana.

That said Special Jurisdictional Affidavit filed with said Complaint sets out. the matters required by Chapter 177 of the Acts of 1915 of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved March 10, 1915, and all acts amendatory and plementary thereto authorizing the quieting of title to real estate against all persons whomsoever and as against the world. Plaintiff also files the affidavit of a competent person that the dence of the following named and designated defendants is unknown and upon diligent inquiry cannot be ascertained and they are each believed to be bf the State. of Indiana, to- wit: CARRIE BOYCE, THOMAS J. BOYCE, hus.




nations above set out, are hereby notified of the pendency of said cause against them, and that unless they appear and plead to at the calling of said cause on the 14th day of February, 1964, the same being a judicial day of said court to be held at the Court House of said Grant County, diana, the said cause will be heard and determined in their absence. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court affixed at Marion, Indiana, this 27th day of 1963. Victor C. Drook Clerk of the Grant Superior Court (Seal) CAMPBELL, GEMMILL, BROWN TORRANCE Attorneys for Plaintiff E-Jan. 2, 9, 16, 1964 1 32 Marion, Indiana, Hartford City Bank Names Officers HARTFORD CITY Executive promotions of the Hartford where Citizens announced State by Robert Bank Cron- staff in, newly elected chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer, following the annual stockholders meeting Wednesday.

Cronin announced Robert Renner was elected president. Cronin 1958. has Renner served as has president since. been executive vice president since joining the bank in 1959. William E.

Ross, manager the insurance department, was elected assistant vice and Steven E. Cook was elected assistant cashier. In his annual report, Cronin said the past year was highly successful year for the He said there was an increase in savings, deposits and checking accounts. Total loans was up $353,932 over the preceding year, he said. Directors elected at the stockholders meeting were Robert Cronin, J.

R. Emshwiller, Cecil Gough, David M. Hartman, R. Handley, T. R.

Larkin, T. W. McKee, R. W. Monfort, Robert Mossberg.

Robert Renner, Rex Sullivan, Charles Walker, James Crankshaw and Wirth Gadbury. Haag entered a plea of innocent to supplying alcoholic beverages to. minors. Judge Alfred Hollander set the date for his trial at March 16. Haag allegedly committed the crime while employed as a clerk in a local package liquor store.

PLEADS INNOCENT HARTFORD CITY George Hospital Notes City. Torrence Welch, Rt. 1, LaFontaine. Janet Ann Fox, Swayzee. Dorothy Howard, Rt.

5, Marion. DISMISSALS Sandra Jo Behr, 1823 S. Adams St. Debra Kaye Behr, 1823 S. Adams St.

V. S. Morrison, Swayzee. Wayne L. Stevens, 616 Farlook Dr.

Frank C. Huffman, 3402 S. Hayes St. Lucy Faye Talbott, 2110 S. Gallatin St.

Julia May Brown, Rt. 3, Marion. Leona Williams, 2216 S. Selby St. Flossie Blanchard, 1321 tory Ave.

Shelby J. Marden, 2615 S. Washington St. Joan Holt, 724 E. Bradford St.

Rose E. Shirar, Rt. 4, Marion. Loretta De Longchamp, Rt. 2, Hartford City.

Ann Ruth Chapman, Upland. Mark A. Brewer, Fairmount. Louise D. Ernst, 3812 S.

Felton St. Pamela Combs, Spencer Ave. A Norma Jean Smith, 2605 S. Washington St. Betty Jane Cole, Rt.

1, Sway. zee. ADMISSIONS Jody Rodehamel, 411 Ave. Jessica Fowler, Rt. 1, Marion.

Gladys V. Long, 1504 W. 12th St. Janice Lee Burton, Anderson. Chester P.

Huffman, S. McClure St. Robert D. Ballard, 1529 W. Fourth St.

Deborah A. Ballard, 1529 W. Fourth St. Kimberly S. Harlan, Rt.

2, Marion. Debbie Ann Muchmore, 4503 S. Harmon St. Donnie L. Roberts, Rt.

1, Marion. Frances Dixon, 1114 S. Nebraska Betty B. Crenshaw, 1126 W. Fourth St.

5 Carole Lee Wyckoff, Rt. 3, Marion. Beulah D. Willis, 1312 W. Fourth St.

Charles E. Masterson, 1908 W. 11th St. Marilyn Lou Cole, 536 W. First St.

Robert William Auler, Ga zee. Lillian Hughes, 3004 S. Adams St. Esta Irene Wilmes, 3003 S. Adams St.

Mary Jane Zirkle, Rt. 6, Marion. Barbara June Price, 905 S. Lyons Lena R. Ave.

Hayes, Cohverse. Kenneth Howard, LaFontaine. Mildred Kirby, 1106 S. Branson St. Otto Butler, Rt.

1, Van Buren. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. James N. Carter, S.

Forest boy, 7:33 a.m. Jan. 16. Mr. and' Mrs.

Ronald Smith, W. 26th boy, 2:05 a.m. Jan. 16. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert K. Mcnu*tt, 3228 S. Meridian boy, 12:20 p.m., Jan. 15.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fornshell, Gas City, boy, 6:37 p.m., Jan. 15. OFFICERS CHOSEN Wesley Kerschner was elected president of Grant County Plumbing and Heating Chronicle Jan.

16, Bayh Birthday Party Tickets Go On Sale 78 County Plan Director Resigns "Tickets for the "Birch Bayh Birthday Party" at Cadle Tabernacle, Indianapolis, at 8 p.m. Feb. 1 are at all Grant County license branches, Don Millspaugh Gerald Bole, local co chairmen, announced Wednesday. The party, honoring the Indiana senator's 36th birthday, is being sponsored by his home congressional district, the sixth. An array of Hollywood personalities is being lined up for the I celebration by Mrs.

Milton Berle, who will serve as producer for the event. Tickets also will be available from Grant County Young Democrats, Grant County Democratic Women's Club and the two co-chairmen. During the organization meeting of the Grant County Board of Zoning Appeals Wednesday night, the resignation of Darrell W. Brandon was accepted. His resignation is effective Feb.

1. The board authorized the dispatch of a letter to Brandon, expressing the board's appreciation for his services the unexpired term of Peter K. Wolfe. During the meeting, Richard Earnest elected chairman, to replace George H. Rogers, who was appointed chairman of the planning commission Jan.

8. Bechtel Winger was named to serve as vice chairman, and Jerome Rosman, newly appointed member of the board, was elected secretary. The board's first official act of business was the granting of approval to operate a sanitary land fill for the Town of Sweetser. The landfill was granted after a special use petition was filed by the Town Board of Sweetser and Ira B. Jones, owner of property on the site of the former Sweetser Packing south of the old dump site.

Harvey Haynes, Sweetser, of the comstated, residents, in need a dump for some time and said he felt there would be no objections to the dump if the requirements of the State Board of Health were met. Haynes owns property adjoining the proposed project. The petition was presented to the board by Michael Kiley, in behalf of the town board and Jones. There were no objectors present. Today In History By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today Thursday, Jan.

16, 1964. There are 350 days left in the year. Today's highlight in history: On this date in 1903, a letter to the London Times carried the first mention of auction bridge. The card game originated in India. On this date: In 1778, France recognized the independence of the United States.

In 1942, American film actress Carole Lombard was killed in an airplane crash. 1956, the Soviet Union said it would strive for a 65 per cent increase in heavy industry over a five-year period. Ten years. ago Vietnam's new premier, demanded negotiaFactions a new French and Vietnamese treaty based on full equality between the two countries. Five years ago The Atomic Energy Commission announced development of.

a fivepound atomic generator capable! of doing the work of 1,450 pounds of the best electric batteries. One year ago The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th District ordered Clemson College of South Carolina to admit a Negro student--the first at Clemson or any other white school in the state. STATIONS INSPECTED Marion's five fire stations were inspected Wednesday by Mayor Gene Moore, accompanied by Chief, Russell Sheridan. The mayor indicated such tours would be made periodically to insure that the stations are kept clean and in peak operating efficiency.

2ND ALARM Malfunction of a sprinkler head at Foster Glass Co. caused run by Marion Fire Department at 5:20 p.m. Wednesday. It was the second run to the plant. A fire run was 8:45 a.m.

tors Association at Marie's Party House Tuesday night with 24 members attending. Other new officers are Gerald Nelson, vice president and treasurer, and John Ferguson, secretary. E. B. Usher, O.

V. Sutton, Charles Weaner and Robert Badger were named directors. Upland Club Picks Officials UPLAND-Mrs. Ralph ton was elected president of the YWI Club at the regular meeting held home of Mrs. Donal Showalter.

Other officers elected include, Mrs. Edith Reynolds, vice president; Mrs. Cleo Ferguson, secretary, and Mrs. Louise Davis, trasurer. Mrs.

Sylvia Baker presided. Miss Luella Weimer was in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Omer Ballinger showed slides of her recent trip to the western states. Mrs.

Reynolds and Mrs. Pinkerton were winners of contests conducted by Miss Weimer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Weimer, to one guest and 11 members. LESSONS PLANNED UPLAND Upland Cub Pack 127 will hold its first swimming lesson at the Hartford City High School Tuesday. All cubs are to meet at the Upland Fire Station at 6 p.m.

for transportation. There will be no charge. UPLAND PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mittank have returned from Columbus, where they were called on because death of the ter's brother Fred Fear.

Mrs. Resler, Muncie, and Mrs. Clara Reynolds, Indianapolis, have returned home after a visit with Miss Mary Reynolds. Miss Betty Wilhelm, Fort Wayne, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Grace Wilhelm.

Sex Slayer Given Life Sentence FORT WAYNE, Ind. need to remember that until the moment you draw your last breath," a judge told a convicted sex killer as he showed him a police photograph of the body of his victim. The admonition was part of a lecture given Wednesday by Judge W.0. Hughes of Allen Circuit Court before he sentencled 23-year-old Robert Huggins to life in prison. "This man ought to die for his enormous crime," Judge Hughes said, but he followed the life imprisonment recommendation of Prosecutor Walter Helmke "You took this lovely young lady and left her like this," Judge Hughes told Huggins as he showed him the picture the nude body of Sally Jo Wisenberg, 21.

Helmke's recommendation came after Huggins, who had pleaded innocent by reason of insanity, changed his plea to guilty. He was 1 charged with first degree murder, which -carries either death or life imprisonment as the penalty. The body of Wisenberg was found last March 7 on a lonely road near Fort Wayne. She had been raped and stabbed in the throat with a steak knife. Police, said: Huggins admitted kidnaping her, raping and stabbing her when she tried to escape.

Four Persons Treated At An Marion Anderson Hospital resident was among four persons treated at Marion General Hospital for accidental injuries Wednesday. The four were dismissed after treatment. Treated for first and second degree burns to both hands was Charles Hardebeck, 51, Anderson. Cause of the burns was not listed. Bennie Mitchell, 14, son of Mr.

I and Mrs. Ivory Mitchell, 1528 S. Florence was treated for a lacerated right hand after cutting it on a nail. of Greg Mr. and Likes, Mrs.

eight-year-old Howard Likes, son 432 E. Bradford was treated for a lacerated upper right arm after being bitten by a dog. Bruce Bickel, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bickel, 4820 Lincoln ran into a fire box at Evans school and was treated for a lacerated scalp.

DOCTOR APPOINTED Grant Circuit -Judge Robert T. Caine, Wednesday named Dr. to Henry examine Alder- Mrs. Dorothy Jackson, 20, under indictment for involuntary manslaughter in the death of her 14-month-old son. Alderfer replaces Dr.

Toner Overley, Indianapolis, who has prior commitments. Hearing date will be set on defense motion of "suggestion of insanity" after Dr. Alderfer and Dr. Charman PalMarion, file their reports. STILL AND MASH SEIZED HOBART, Ind.

(AP) -Federal and state officials raided a home in Hobart Wednesday and reported a 50-gallon still and nine 50-gallon barrels of mash were seized, James T. Sutton, 35, was arrested on a charge of possession of an distillery. 1 COMING AUCTION SALES Furniture Auction. Chester Wright, Jr. Owner.

Eddie Nash 0. B. Swinford, Auctioneers. SAT. JAN, a.m.

1 mile south mile West of Walton, Sale will be conducted In the Real Estate office 'of Wilbur T. Clair, Converse, Ind. Sat. Jan. 18, 10:30 a.m.

30 acres with build. ings. Emily Morin, Atty in Fact for Mary Lewis. Wilbur T. Clair.

auctioneer. SAT. NIGHT Jan. 18th, 7:30 p.m. at Millspaugh's Auction Co.

845 N. Wash. St. Late model house. hold goods, antiques, misc.

Col. J. C. Millspaugh, Auctioneer. TUES, JAN.

21ST 12 noon (EST): 4-H Fairgrounds; Marion; Ind. 50 Top Quality Holsteins; open for inspection Mon. p.m.; Sponsored by the Holstein Friesian ers of Indiana. WED. JAN.

22ND-11: 00 a.m. 6 miles west of Kokomo on State Road 22, then miles south or 7 miles East of Burlington on No. 1 22, then mile south on Howard Co. roads 600 10 N. Live.

stock, Hay Grain. Trucks, tors, Farm Equipment. Edward E. Smith Estate. Roy L.

Crume E. M. (Mike) Schaeffer, auctioneers. WED. JAN.

a.m., 3 miles north of Markle, Ind. on State Road No. 3, then 2 miles west to the Conservation Club then miles north or 6 miles east of Huntington, Ind. on ler Rd. to Co.

Road 500 E. then 1st farm south. Tractors, Balers, Corn Auger Wagon, Farm machinery, hay, straw. Mr. Mrs.

Souers, owners. EMenberger auctioneers. SAT. JAN. p.m.

at Pucketts Merchandise Mart, 27th Bypass, COMPLETE ANTIQUE SALE (furniture, glass ware, clocks, lamps Lora D. Puckett Everett E. Corn, Auct. THURSDAY, Jan. a.m: miles east of Huntington on County Road 400 N.

or miles' west of Markle on U.S. 224 to north. a 32. Head dairy cattle; Trac: County Road 350E. then 4 miles' tor Equip.

Hay, straw, ensi. lage, Riding horse. Russell David Alexander, owner, SAT. FEB. a.m.

3 miles ger BE auctioneers. north 1 mile west of Oak Hill School or 3 miles north 2 miles east of Converse, Ind. Livestock, grain, Farm Machinery. Robert V. Winnie Miller, owners, WIlbur T.

Clair, auctioneer. MONDAY, FEB. a.m. 3 miles southwest of Hartford City, Ind. on the Angling Pike to Tri County Church, then mile west on Williams Road, or 4 miles east of on State Rd.

26 to Blackford Co. line, then mile south, then East 1st farm. Wisconsin Dairy Cattle, 1962 er Dairy Equip. Tractors farm equipment. Hay.

Lucille Sargent, owner. Ellenberger Bros. auctioneers. SAT. FEB.

a.m. 8 miles East of Marion, Ind. on Road- 18 to road 221, then first farm south! or mile north of Upland Road 221 or 7 miles west of the Point Restaurant Jct. 18 3 to road 221 then first farm south. Tractors, Baler, Combine, Farm Implements.

Cattle Hogs. Hay, Alfalfa. Mrs. Ralph Anders, owner. Ellenberger Bros.

auctioneers. ANNOUNCEMENTS Death Notices ROBINSON, Geraldine (infant) 429 E. 3rd St. Needham Son! WICKERSHAM. Evaline 1516 S.

Adams Diggs Funeral Home Card of Thanks BERTHA P. MILLER We would like express our heartfelt thanks to the people who were so kind to us in the illness, death of my wife, mother, We wish to thank the H. Brown Son Funeral Home for all their help and courtesy. To Rev. Milo Bowsman to the organist, singer.

pallbearers to all the people who brought in food those sending cards and for the beautiful flow. ers. Your kindness never be forgotten. Mr. Ester Miller Mr.

Mrs. Harold George, Family Funeral Directors SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL PHONE NO 4-9266 ARE BILLS WORRYING YOU? SIGN NO CONTRACT Let PERSONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE free you your family of worry and debts, by combining all your bills into one easy payment. SIGN NO CONTRACT Be Under No Obligation Anytime SATISFACTION "Indiana's Most Reasonable Financial Management Service" PHONE NO 4-3914 PHONE Private Office or Home Appointment DAY or NIGHT -Bonded- PersonnelHours: Mon. Thurs. Fri.

Sat. 9:301:00 PERSONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, INC. 3116 S. Washington Phone NO 4-3914 Phone Established 1888 2901 S. Washington NO 8-8185 Worthy of a Sacred Trust Diggs Funeral Service, Inc.

504 W. Third St. Phone NO2-2503 RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The HOME For Services" 911 'S. Washington Ph. NQ 4-6271 Serving As We Would Be Served Funeral Home 2722 S.

Washington Ph. NO 4-5765 JAY, SWIFT STOREY Gas City Jonesboro Ph. Gas City OR 4-4647 OR 4. 4-3877 NEEDHAM SON We Appreciate Your Confidence 814 S. Adams St.

Ph. NO 4-5168 Personal VAPOR BATHS- MASSAGE For Arthritis, Nerves, Colds Muscular Ailments Reducing Earl Mickel, 212 W. 20th NO 4-7659 PERSONAL-Income tax preparation. Gene Connelly. Ph.

NO 2-8295 BE DEBT FREE CREDIT ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Above Roessler-Kirk Ph. NO 4-0539 WALLS Woodwork, carpet upholstery cleaning. Professional Service. Call for your appointment NOW. BURTON BROS.

Ph. NO 4-8873. Rent Adding Machines Marion's only "Rent All" Store AA RENTS 11th Bypass PIANO INSTRUCTION Rummage Sales 7A LARGE RUMMAGE Sat. 8 to 4. 722 Lincoln Blvd.

Everyone Welcome! RUMMAGE -Clothes for the fami. ly. Trailer washer, lamps stands, 9 to 7. 1709 W. 11th.

Free Gifts to customers. Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST. BEAGLE-3 years male, spayed. all tan head. Gas City Dec.

15th. REWARD. Phone OR 4-1629. LOST- Jan. 2nd Boy's new MA watch between Hospital Western Ave.

Reward. Ph. NO 4-2967. LOST-Large male Beagle. Black white spots: brown face with white.

Ph. streak, NO 4.4590. Collar-no tags. Re AUTOMOTIVE City Court News Two persons appeared in Court today before Judge Michael Kiley, one for failure provide and the others for vagrancy. John Swisher, 43, W.

Highland was fined $5 and costs and was sentenced to 180 days on the Indiana Penal Farm after he pleaded guilty to charge of failure to provide. Later the sentence was suspended. The affidavit against him was signed by Arvetta Swisher. Marion police took Swisher into custody at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at Marion industrial site.

Arraignment was continued for Felicidad Bagada Wyatt, 45, who gave no address at the time of her arrest Wednesday in Marion theater on a vagrancy charge. Case against James Small, 36, 1517 W. Seventh cited to court last September for reckless driving, Sepcial Judge Pat Ryan at the request of the prosecuting witness. He had pleaded innocent at his arraignment. The trial was scheduled for 10 a.m.

today. Charges against three persons were dismissed on motions of prosecuting attorney and at the request of prosecuting witnesses in Marion City Wednesday. C. Stickann, 54, 709 E. Seventh arrested Dec.

17 on charge of public intoxication, whose trial was scheduled, failed to make his appearance and Judge Michael J. Kiley instructed police to advise the defendant that if he fails to appear city court, his bond will be forfeited. Fishermen To Be Aided By New Law WASHINGTON (UPI) -Legislation to help Great Lakes fishermen stricken by the public fright over botulism last fall was approved Wednesday by the House Banking Currency Committee. The bill, by Rep. John A.

Blatnik, would amend the disaster loan provision of the Small Business Administration (SBA) Act. Under the amendment 3 per cent loans would be available to small businessmen unable to sell their edible products "because of disease or toxicity occurring in such product through natural or undetermined The Food Drug Administration (FDA) last October traced several botulism deaths to smoked fish sold in the Great Lakes area. The FDA issued a public warning against smoked fish caught in the Great Lakes area or caught. elsewhere and smoked in. plants in lakes states.

Wall Street Chatter NEW YORK (UPI) According to Kenneth Ward of Hayden, Stone "the bullish technical pattern of the general market and dozens of individually attractive stocks is till undisturbed." "Strategic investment position are being strongly held and a large amount of latest buying power is available. It seems that any correction taking place during the next few weeks should hold above the 755-760 level in the Dow-Jones industrial and 174-176 in the rails. A selective buying policy on all periods of minor weakness is still advocated." "Little doubt can remain that we are in a long term bull market," says Colby Inc. "Although it is becoming a little overextended and subject to increasing. price irregularity, it's far from over." They would continue to add to existing portfolios during avoidable reactions.

Bache Co. says that "although the overall tone continues to look good, the market is still expressing a good deal of discrimination of choice. We think investors should certainly do the Housewife Tramples Polecat To Death ILOMANTSI, Finland (UPI) -A polecat attacked a housewire here Wednesday, bit off her shoe and tore off part of her clothing. The lady, more embarrassed than hurt, stamped the polecat to death with her other shoe. INJUNCTION PERMANENT A permanent injunction preventing the renaming of River Drive to Kennedy Drive was issued Wednesday by Grant Circuit Judge Robert T.

Caine. Residents sought the injunction after former Mayor M. Jack Edwards proposed the change. The city dropped the matter after a temporary injunction was obtained by Harold Friemuth and Frank M. King.

Mrs. Mildred Stapleton, Marion, charged with public intoxication, was advised the affidavit 'against her would be dismissed provided she pays $15 to a Marion police officer for damage to his uniform while in the act of making an arrest. In addition the defendant is to be committed to the Marion VA Hospital for treatment. Charges were dismissed on motions of the prosecuting attorney against the following persons: James Small, 33, 3216 S. McClure assault and battery, Dec.

3, 1963; Norma Hig. genbotham, 27, 314 W. Sixth trespass at the Swing Bar; and Catherine Boyce, 26, 1202 Nebraska petit larceny, charged in an affidavit signed by John Burnett, Marion, arrested Dec. 26. Rickey Lee Rogers, 19, Rt.

1, Upland, arrested Nov. 25 along Ind. 22 west of Upland on a charge of driving recklessly, was advised by the court that his case had been continued on motion of the prosecuting attorney. LEGAL NOTICES TOWN OF SWEETSER Sweetser, Indiana ANNUAL REPORT For the year ending December 31, 1963 GENERAL FUND Receipts Balance Jan. 1.

1963 3.137.89 ABC Tax Distribution 1.078.31 Property Tax 11,543.78 Bank Tax 354.68 Miscellaneous 35.00 Total Balances and Receipts $16,149.66 Disbursem*nts Salary Trustees 450.00 Salary of Treas. 500.00 Salary of Town Marshall 2,197.00 00 Compensation of Attorney 150.00 Salary of Laborers 446.00 Communication and transportation 166.94 Heat and light 2,561.76 Printing and advertising 168.76 Repair of buildings and equipment 2.299.82 Other contractual service Supplies--Garage motor 135.64 Office supplies 47.93 Material Street -Sewers 138.30 Current Charges 354.86 Election expense 156.42 Properties 1,845.94 Land and buildings 753.00 Total Disbursem*nts $14.841.80 STREET FUND Balance, Jan. 1, 1963 850.41 Distribution 6.378.09 Total Balance and Receipts 7.228.50 Disbursem*nts Services Personal Contractual 4.320.00 2,197.00 Total Disbursem*nts 6,517.00 Signed: R. H. Allen.


12410 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT OF GRANT COUNTY, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that Mar. ion National Bank of Marion was, on the 30th day -of December, 1963, pointed Administrator WWA of the estate of Ferlie G. McCracken deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file same In said court within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Indiana, this 30th day of December, 1963.

Victor C. Drook Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court Campbell, Gemmill, Browne, Torrance Sisson Attorneys E-Jan. 2, 9, 16, 1964. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE CAUSE NO. 10872 IN THE GRANT CIRCUIT COURT NOVEMBER TERM, 1963 STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF GRANT, SS: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELWOOD, INDIANA, Plaintiff; VS.

MAX D. MOON and JACQUELINE MOON ET AL. Defendants: virtue of a certified copy of 8 Decree to me directed by the Clerk of the Grant Circuit Court in cause where FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELWOOD is Plaintiff and MAX D. MOON and JAC. QUELINE MOON ET AL.

are fendants, requiring me to make the sum of Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty and Dollars 830.63) with interest on said Decree and costs, will expose at Public sale, to the highest bidder on the 11th day of February, 1964, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. of said day at the West door of the Grant County Court House, Marion, Indiana, the following des. cribed real estate situate in the County of Grant, State of Indiana, to-wit: Tract No. 1 Beginning at a point in the Range 'Line which is 627 feet North of the southwest corner of Section 18 Township 24 North, Range 18 East, thence North along the said Range line 240.24 feet to a point.

Thence East 170.25 feet to a stake. Thence South parallel with the said Range Line, 239.4 feet to a stake in the existing property line fence. Thence West along said existing fence line 170.25 feet more or less, to the place of beginning. Containing 0.94 an acre, more or less, and being 8 part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18. Township 24 North, Range 8 East in Center Township, Grant County, In.

diana, and being subject to all' legal highways. Tract No. 2 Commencing at an iron pipe which Is located 627.0 feet north and 170.25 feet east of Brass Plug over the cornerstone situated at the Southwest corner of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, thence north and parallel to the range line 239.4 feet to an iron pipe, thence east 140.25 feet to. an iron' pipe, thence south 239.4 feet to an iron pipe, thence west 140.25 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.77 acres, more or less, and being a part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 24 North, Range 8. East, in Center Township, Grant County, State of Indiana.

discharge said Decree, Interest and costs. Said sale to be without any relief whatsoever from Ition and appraisem*nt laws. E. C. Riggs Sheriff of Grant County, Indiana Campbell, Gemmill, Browne, Torrance Sisson Attorneys for Plaintiff E-Jan, 9, 16, 23, 1964 Automobiles for Sale SAVE ON CAR WASHES! Drive to the BIG CAR WASHI 34th Bypass.

Instant Service! FOR COMPLETE Convertible Top Repair -ask for Bob. BROOKSHIRE COVER SHOP 1959 CHEVY-Bel Aire, standard transmission, excellent condition. Call NO 4-2597 after 5 p.m. 1962 SKODA 2-door, 4-cylinder, A Bypass 4-speed at HENRY'S 15th. transmission.

USED Phone CARS NO 2-2362 $495 '56 RAMBLER- -Cross country station wagon. 1st. $200 takes. runs O. K.

LAKE TRAILER-2 bedroom, A -1. $600 or take car as down pay. ment. Phone NO 4-8760. HARTMAN MOTORS of Marion.

Inc Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Dealer 1341 N. Baldwin (By- Pass) NO MOTORS RAMBLER Parts 38th BY. PASS OR 4-3313 PAYMENTS TOO "TRADE DOWN AT B' USED CARS 3rd Branson St. Phone NO 4-5312 1961. TRIUMPH- -Herald Converti.

ble, mileage, I owner. $1,295. CHARLEY'S USED CARS 215 Spencer Ave. Ph. NO 4-2949 1956 BUICK door Special, 1 owner, nice.

Ph. NO 4.3539. BILL'S Used Cars 1015 N. Wash. FOR QUALITY USED CARS SEE MOTOR SALES 312 West 2nd St.

Ph. NO 2-2574 SAVE -New 1964 PONTIAC hardtop Sport coupe. Ventura Trim, turne blue with black interior. 4 speed transmission, 5.000 ac actual miles, 389 cu. in.

318 H. P. Call NO 2-7770 between 3:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 1963 PONTIAC.

Catalina. power steering. brakes, automatic trans. mission, $2,695. Ph.

NO 4-3627. CARS STATION WAGON- From $50 Up 1016 NORTH BRANSON '61 T-BIRD Hard top. full power, new tires. '57 CAD CADILLAC A ible, full power. Must sacrificel Ph.

NO 2.8587. '55 CHEVY-Wagon. Overdrive. $299 HAWKINS AUTO SALES 11th Bypass Ph. NO 4.4744 $57 CHEVY-Convertible, V-8, stick.

$575. Phone OR 4-2569. -OPEN 9 TILL 5 DAILYSee Charles Wykoff or Ray Vickery For Good Buys in Used Cars RAY VICKERY, INC. 1202 S. Baldwin (By- Pass NO 2-2164 1961 CHEVROLET Impala convertible, power steering.

Yellow with black top. Real Sharp! MARION AUTOMOTIVE 2nd Adams. Ph. NO 4.8026 1962 CHEVY Impala Super sport 2 door hardtop, green. 250 V8.

automatic transmission, power steering. bucket seats A No. 1 shape. See at Sweetser Texaco. Ph 384-7101.

'51 OLDS MOTOR Radiator. transmission. $45. Ph. OR 4.4114.

1956 FORD like. new inside Ph. NO 4.7469. 1962 BUTCK-Skylark, power, buck. et seats, Ph.

OR 4-1259. 1957 PLYMOUTH-9 Passenger wa. gon, power steering brakes. Automatic transmission. $495.

1019 Wabash, Ph. NO 4-8469. 1961 FORD-Fairlane, 2 door se. dan, A-1, 6 cylinder, automatic, new tires. Ph.

OR 4.1259 1958 door Belvedere V8 automatic, nice condition, $495, 4609 S. Wigger. Ph. OR 4.2866 '55 FORD Good engine, tires, fair body, needs transmission pair. $135.

Dick Brunt. S. Marion -CONVERTIBLE TOPSYORKIES SEAT COVER SHOP 2nd Bypass Phone NO 4.3449° 1958 MERCURY-9 passenger commuter wagon, excellent condition, new tires, no rust, Call Converse EX 5-3166. MECHANIC'S SPECIAL 1955 MOUTH -Looks nice, runs perfect, new SCOTTY'S CAR LOT 38th ByPAss LINCOLN MERCURY SALESGRICE MOTORS. INC.

1009 S. Washington Ph. NO 8-8147 HAVE YOU tried A Used Cars? Most everyone else has. In most cases we can save you money on the price of the car, and on the price of financing. It costs nothing to find out how you can buy here and SAVE SAVE SAVE! See Dave Adamson, John Adamson, M.

Greg, Lou or Clarence. One of them ought to be able to help you. A USED CARS, INC. 3406 S. Adams St.

Ph. OR 4.4021 GET VALUE For your dollars At BUD'S AUTO SALES 3226 S. Washington Ph. NO 2-8397 DON MARSHALL INC. FOR O.K.

USED CARS Upland, Ind. Ph. WY 8-2570 EXTRA VALUE USED CARS ECKMAN MOTORS, INC. 1956 FORD Take over I payments. Varren Ind.

Phone 262 $12 month, balance $199, Phone OR 4-2671. See Drive The JEEP JEEP JEEP JACK OVERMAN SALES Wabash, Ind. Ph. 563-1932 1963 BIRD Landau, white with black top, demonstrator, never been titled, save $800. Warren, Ind.

St. Road 5, N. Ph. 27 HUFFMAN-EARHART A Ford Sales Trucks for Sale 12 1951 FORD with 12 ft. Stake rack $275.

CLARK GMC 26th ByPass. '52 FORD ton, flat bed, 10 ton winch. $350. Ph. Wabash 563..

1158, Extension 42. Motorcycles- Bicycles 15 CUSHMAN Eagle scooter. 9 horse power. Reconditioned, like new. Was $335 now $295.50.

Also used bikes, all sizes starting at $12.50 up. PULLEY SALES, 417 N. Wash. Automotive Service 16 OLDSMOBILE SERVICE EXPERT BODY WORK WYANT OLDS, INC. 230 West 2nd St.

Ph. NO 4-5188 EXPERT MECHANICAL SERVICE On All Make Cars and Trucks We Use Genuine Factory. Partsi DeVOE 'CHEVROLET and CADILLAC, Inc. 221 W. Second St.

Ph. NO 4-4549 EXPERT Mechanical Transmis sion work by Ronnie Stairs. HOLMES AUTO SALES 26th Bypass Phone NO FORD- Parts 4-3458, HAWKINS FORD SALES 3rd Nebraska Ph. NO 2-2561 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service' Offered 18 FROZEN PIPES -Thawed electri. cally.

Phone NO 4-1546. LOCKSMITH Formerly affiliated 28 years with Glasser Electric, PAUL D. PRESNALL NO 2-6928. CLEAN-Sewer lines, septic tank Office cesspools, toilets, Lee Ragsdale, Ph. OR 4-1750.

FROZEN PIPES -Thawed electric. ally. Phone NO 4-0036. PAPER HANGING INTERIOR DECORATING. Call NO 4-6533.

BUY, SELL TRADE THE CLASSIFIED WAY, to -1. 7 4 1 1 1- 1 2 2.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.