The Good, The Bad, The Crazy, and Luffy - AzureExorcist (2024)

Chapter Text

As the blinding white glow faded from Luffy, he found himself in Gear 5, with Yamato's clawed hand stuck into his chest, although it did no damage due to his powers. He stood protectively in front of Nami, who sighed in relief, confident that her captain could shield them from harm, now that he had sorted through his emotions.

Yamato snarled at Luffy, infuriated that he had thwarted her from her prey. She leaped back, removing her hand from his chest. Luffy remained silent, making no immediate move to stop Yamato. Nami, puzzled, whispered to him from her position behind him, "Luffy, what are you doing? You need to stop her," her voice a hushed urgency. Luffy heard her but didn't charge at Yamato. Instead, he slowly began to walk toward her.

Yamato growled defensively, baring her fangs, but Luffy's approach didn't provoke an immediate attack. He stopped a few feet in front of her, making no aggressive gestures. Then, in a hushed whisper, Luffy said, "You look really pretty like this, Yamato." Nami face-palmed in exasperation; Luffy's timing couldn't have been worse. Of course, he chose the worst possible moment to try to confess to Yamato. That rubber moron. She could only hope whatever he was doing would work.

Yamato, however, reacted differently. She seemed slightly perplexed, her snarling less heated and dangerous. It was as if she couldn't quite determine if Luffy's words were a threat or something else entirely.

Luffy stood there, inches away from Yamato, his Gear 5 form gradually receding as he attempted to reach her with words rather than force, because he really didn't want to hurt her. His face was earnest, his eyes locked onto hers, and he began speaking in his own uniquely Luffy way.

"Yamato," he started, "I gotta tell you somethin' real important. I love you. Not like a nakama love, but like... like a love-love. You're special, Yamato, and I ain't good with words, but I'll try my best to explain."

Yamato's wild gaze seemed distant at first, as if his words weren't registering. But Luffy continued, his voice unwavering, "You're like me, Yamato. We both got dreams that burn hotter than anything else. We both know what it's like to have someone hold you back, and we don't want that anymore. You've got your goal, and I've got mine, and we're both willin' to do whatever it takes to make 'em happen."

He took a step closer, his conviction clear. "I know you don't want to hurt us, Yamato. You're part of this crew, our family, and you've been with us through thick and thin. We've laughed together, fought together, and shared our dreams. I've seen your heart, and it ain't a heart that wants to hurt us."

Luffy paused, searching for the right words. "I've been where you are, too. I've let my emotions take over, but it's my friends who've always brought me back. You've got us, Yamato, and we won't let you lose yourself."

As Luffy spoke, a subtle change occurred in Yamato's eyes. A spark of recognition, a hint of her consciousness returning. The wildness seemed to recede, and she blinked slowly, as if beginning to come to her senses.

Luffy smiled, reaching out a hand toward her, "We'll face everything together, Yamato. Our dreams, our adventures, and even our crazy feelings. So, let's start by coming back to us."

Yamato hesitated for a moment, then, with a soft growl and a visible struggle, she began to retract her claws and lowered her guard slightly, her gaze less feral. Luffy took this as a positive sign, inching closer, keeping his hand extended, waiting for her to make the final decision to return to their family.

As Luffy continued to speak, pouring his heart out to Yamato, Nami watched with a mix of disbelief and admiration. Her arms had slowly lowered from their defensive stance, and she found herself feeling hopeful despite the dire situation.

"Seriously, Luffy," she muttered under her breath, her gaze fixed on her captain. "You really are something else."

It wasn't the first time she had witnessed Luffy's ability to connect with people on a deep level. He had a way of reaching into their hearts, bringing out their true selves, and inspiring them to overcome their obstacles. Whether it was a powerful enemy, a conflicted ally, or even a member of their own crew like Yamato, Luffy's words had the power to heal wounds and bridge gaps.

Nami couldn't deny that she was relieved to see Yamato slowly coming back to her senses. It was a testament to the bond that had formed between them all, and how much they truly meant to each other. Luffy's love for his friends and his unwavering determination to protect them were the driving forces behind their adventures, and it was moments like these that reminded her why she had chosen to sail with him in the first place.

She glanced around at the rest of the crew, who had been watching the scene unfold in tense silence. Robin had a small, knowing smile on her face, while Franky looked both impressed and relieved. Zoro was still unconscious from his earlier encounter with Yamato, but Chopper had rushed over to check on him, having appeared from his quarters.

Nami turned her attention back to Luffy and Yamato, her heart filled with hope. She knew that no matter how challenging the journey ahead might be, as long as they had Luffy leading the way, they could overcome anything.

We cut back to Luffy and Yamato. Yamato slowly reaches her hand out, grasping Luffy's outstretched hand with hers. Her transformation didn't fade, but her conscience had returned. She had heard what Luffy had confessed to her, and was internally overjoyed. But externally, she remained subdued . As she looked around at her crew mates, all of them in various states of physical or mental distress, she couldn't help but start to tear up. She felt like such a failure. They had trusted her to be a part of their family, and she'd been too careless, almost killing them.

As her emotions start to spiral out of control, she feels Luffy grip her hand tighter. She turns to him, a questioning look. " Don't do that." He says, " don't feel bad. It's not your fault. You can't help what your powers do." He tells her, knowing that she was blaming herself, and wanting her to know that nobody was mad or blaming her. " I used to have trouble with my powers too, specifically my Haki. Sometimes I would lose control of it, and accidentally knock out hundreds of people! I could've hurt our crew if they were in the wrong place too, so you're not the only person that's ever had that problem. But we're a family, and we'll accept you, all of you, even your cool wolf powers." Luffy told her, hoping that was enough to calm her panic. Yamato felt herself relax, especially when the rest of the crew nodded in agreement, having been listening to their captain speak.

Feeling overwhelmed by the emotions swelling inside her, she couldn't help but smile, albeit with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thank you, Luffy," she whispered, her voice quivering with emotion. "And thank all of you." She nodded to her fellow crewmates, her newfound family.

The tension on the Sunny began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relief and unity. The crew had faced yet another trial together and had emerged stronger for it. They knew that their journey to find the One Piece was far from over, and that more challenges awaited them, but as long as they had each other, they believed they could conquer anything that came their way.

Line Break

Line Break

Line Break

Yamato lay in her quarters, the dim light of dawn seeping through the windows. She couldn't help but replay the events of the previous night in her mind. The acceptance and forgiveness she had received from her crewmates had been overwhelming. Yet, despite their reassurances, she couldn't shake off the remnants of self-doubt that still clung to her.

As she hesitated about facing the crew that morning, a mix of emotions washed over her. She felt lighter, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders, but there was also a sense of anxiety lingering within her. What if they had changed their minds? What if she was still seen as a danger?

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a loud and boisterous voice. The door to her room swung open, revealing Luffy with his characteristic grin. His energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and she couldn't help but feel her worries dissipate in his presence.

As Luffy barged into her room, a cheerful grin plastered across his face, he couldn't contain his curiosity and concern for Yamato. He greeted her with a hearty "Morning, Yamato! How're you feeling today?"

Yamato, who had been nervously contemplating the day ahead, was momentarily taken aback by his directness. She hesitated for a moment before replying with a soft smile, "I'm... I'm doing okay, Luffy."

Luffy, always perceptive when it came to his crew's feelings, sensed her uncertainty. He reassured her with his infectious optimism, "Don't worry! We'll have breakfast together, and you'll feel even better! Sanji's making your favorite Sea King filet, to cheer you up!"

Yamato's smile grew more genuine as she realized that Luffy's concern was sincere. With him around, the worries of the world seemed a little less daunting, and she felt truly grateful to be a part of this unique and caring crew.

As Luffy and Yamato strolled together towards the mess hall, the morning sunlight cast a warm glow over the Thousand Sunny. Yamato couldn't help but admire Luffy's infectious enthusiasm for the day ahead. His carefree nature and boundless energy had a way of brightening the gloomiest of moments.

Lost in her thoughts, Yamato finally gathered the courage to address what had been on her mind since last night. She lightly tapped Luffy's shoulder and began, "Luffy, about what you said last night..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Sanji's boisterous voice rang out from the mess hall entrance, shouting his greetings to the "Lovely Lady Yamato." His adoration for the crew's newest member was evident, though his timing could have been better.

Luffy turned his head, a hint of curiosity in his expression, clearly distracted by Sanji's interruption. Yamato couldn't help but sigh inwardly, wondering if she'd ever get the chance to have that conversation with Luffy.

Yamato settled into her seat next to Luffy, who was bubbling with excitement about the meal. She glanced around the table, her nerves slowly melting away as she realized that the crew hadn't changed their attitude towards her. Nobody was giving her distrustful glances or looks of anger and fear. A few, like Robin, Franky, and Nami, showed concern in their eyes, but it was a concern for her well-being, not a judgment for what had happened last night.

The rest of the crew acted as if last night had never occurred. Laughter and chatter filled the air, and Yamato couldn't help but smile as she soaked in the happy atmosphere. She silently thanked the heavens again for bringing these incredible people into her life, for accepting her as a member of their unconventional family.

Line Break

Line Break

Later that afternoon, Yamato sat on the deck of the Sunny, taking in the warm sunlight. As she lost herself in her thoughts, she was joined by Nami. Nami looked at her with concern and asked, "Yamato, how are you doing? Do you need someone to talk to?"

Yamato replied with a small smile, "I'm okay, Nami. I actually talked to Luffy earlier this morning."

Nami raised an eyebrow and gave Yamato a knowing smile. "Is that all you did? Just talk?"

Yamato blushed and mumbled, "Well, yes, we talked. But I...I wanted more."

Nami giggled mischievously, leaning in closer to Yamato, and whispered, "If you want more than just talking, you might need to be the one to take the initiative. Luffy can be a bit oblivious when it comes to that stuff. Go for it; he won't mind."

Yamato blushed even deeper, her nerves getting the best of her. She looked down at her hands, fidgeting slightly. Nami noticed her discomfort and gently placed a hand on Yamato's shoulder.

"Don't be so shy, Yamato," Nami said reassuringly. "You deserve to be happy, and I know Luffy loves you. If you want something more with him, you should go for it. Trust me, he won't mind at all."

Yamato looked up at Nami, her eyes reflecting a mix of uncertainty and hope. "You really think so, Nami?"

Nami nodded with a warm smile. "Absolutely. Just be yourself and follow your heart. Luffy will appreciate your honesty, I promise."

Yamato felt a surge of confidence and gratitude. With a grateful smile, she thanked Nami and decided to take her friend's advice to heart, standing up to go talk to Luffy.

Nami watched her go with a mischievous grin. Yes, her plan was coming to fruition. Soon enough, there would be tiny Luffy and Yamato babies for her to spoil and teach. She couldn't wait…

Yamato quietly entered Luffy's quarters, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She found Luffy peacefully napping on his bed, his hat covering his eyes. She couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked in his sleep. She approached him and gently called his name, her voice soft and affectionate.

"Luffy..." She whispered, lightly shaking his shoulder to wake him up. She wanted to talk to him, to clear up their feelings for each other, and hopefully take their relationship to a new level.

Luffy slowly stirred from his nap, blinking as he woke up. He looked up at Yamato with a warm smile, happy to see her. "Hey, Yamato. What's up?" he asked, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Yamato couldn't help but feel her heart race as she gathered her courage. She nervously fidgeted with her fingers before finally speaking up. "Luffy, there's something I want to talk to you about... It's about what you told me last night, about... about loving me," she confessed, her cheeks tinged with a hint of pink.

Luffy blinked for a moment, processing her words, and then a grin spread across his face. He sat up and looked at Yamato with those bright, determined eyes that always seemed to light up when he talked about something he cared deeply about. "Yamato, what I said last night, I meant it. I really do love you," he declared earnestly. "You're an amazing person, and I can't help but feel something special when I'm with you."

He scratched the back of his head, a rare sign of nervousness from the usually carefree captain. "I mean, I understand if you don't feel the same way, but... I'd really like to try being in a relationship with you," he mumbled.

Before he could finish, Yamato's eyes lit up with joy, and she cut him off with a happy, rushed agreement. "Yes, Luffy, I feel the same way! I'd love to be in a relationship with you!" She couldn't help but smile radiantly, and her heart felt like it was soaring.

Luffy scratched his head, trying to understand what being in a relationship meant. "So... what does that mean exactly?" he asked, genuinely curious. "I mean, I know people in relationships do stuff like kissing, right?" He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

Yamato blushed slightly, nodding in response. "Yes, kissing is one way to show affection in a relationship."

Luffy's eyes widened, and he grinned. "Cool! I've heard of that before!" Then he paused, his expression growing thoughtful. "Oh, and I heard some people in relationships get married. But I don't want to get married," he added quickly, looking a bit concerned. "I heard it's like being chained down forever from some mountain bandits and the Redhair pirates when I was a kid."

Yamato giggled softly at his innocence and concern. "Don't worry, Luffy. People don't have to get married to be together, especially not so soon!" She reassured him with a smile.

Luffy let out a sigh of relief, a big grin spreading across his face. "Phew! I'm glad we don't have to get married right away. I want to keep going on adventures with you!"

He then shifted his attention back to the topic of kissing. "So, kissing... I've never done it before," Luffy admitted with a sheepish grin. "But I'm willing to give it a try!"

Yamato chuckled, charmed by his carefree nature. "Well, I'm not exactly experienced with romantic affection either, but we can figure it out together," she said with a playful wink. "Practice makes perfect, right?"

Leaning down, Yamato pressed her lips against Luffy's, the significant size difference looking fairly comical. It might not have been the most conventional first kiss, but it felt perfect to her. After all, it was with the person she loved nore than anything, and that was all that mattered.

The Good, The Bad, The Crazy, and Luffy - AzureExorcist (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.