Image (31723) > G. & J. Lines Dolls’ Houses Database (2024)



Sheenagh Bottrell

13/06/2024 11:59:08 pm


    Its interior is not shown in this album, but that of another, slightly later, No. 24 may be seen on the page after next.


    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/187/crop/040-HPIM1536-1x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:189,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/042-Kits.jpg',title:'No. 24 ("Kits Coty"), c1906 - 1916/17. Dimensions: 34 inches [85 cm] wide, 20 inches [50 cm] deep and 32 inches [80 cm] high',description:'

    This is an example of the later version with metal attic windows, which were introduced c1912. Please see the caption here for an explanation of the name.


    The two dormer roofs, with their widows' walks are notable because, unlike the roofs of G & J Lines models with gables which were sealed, and therefore inaccessible for play, these dormer roofs were usually without bases, and sat loose on the tops of the bays. This allows small items to be placed inside, which can then be viewed through the windows.


    The house shown above has been dated by Marion Osborne. Please see the next page for a view of its interior.



    This image © Margaret

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/189/crop/042-Kitsx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:190,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/043-kits-int.jpg',title:'No. 24 ("Kits Coty"), c1906 - 1916/17',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page.


    Please see this caption for an explanation of the \"Kits Coty\" nickname, and the caption underthe previous photo for dating information and a note on the unusual construction of the roof, on the example shown here.


    This image © Margaret

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/190/crop/043-kits-intx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28664,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/Kits-1resz.jpg',title:'No. 24 (\"Kits Coty\"), c1906 - 1916/17. Dimensions: 34 inches [85 cm] wide, 20 inches [50 cm] deep and 35 inches [88 cm] high (to top of clock tower)',description:'

    This is the unique No. 24, formerly in the collection of the late Mrs Joy McQuade1, which bears the "Kits Coty House Harleston 1912" plate which gave rise to the "Kits Coty" nickname by which all No. 24s (and, by extension, some G & J Lines models with similar design features) have come to be known by collectors. An account of thefull history of the name may be foundhere.


    In addition to the legend on its plate, which appears to date it to 1912, this example also has metal-framed attic windows in the dormer roofs, which were most probably introduced in 1912. The dormer roofs themselves are notable, because, unlike the roofs of G & J Lines models with gables which were sealed, and therefore inaccessible for play, these dormer roofs were usually without bases, and sat loose on the tops of the bays. This allows small items to be placed inside, which can then be viewed through the windows.


    This house is apparently also a G & J Lines "special" because the widow's walk usually present on the right bay roof has been replaced with what is probably a clock tower, although there is no longer a clock present. G & J Lines produced at least four models with working clocks set into their façades for several years from c1909 until (possibly) 1916. Examples of these are included in this database, starting here. The hole in the tower on the house above is suggestive of those in which timepieces were fitted in the various "Clock Houses". (Examples of Clock Houses may be seen on the nine pages in this Volume, starting here). For an additional fee, G & J Lines were always amenable to make bespoke adaptations to their models; whoever bought this one for its first young owner in 1912 may have asked for a working clock to be included.


    All the exterior paintwork and papers appear to be original.


    More photos of the house shown above may be seen in its owner's album Kits Coty House - Harleston 1912.


    1Mrs McQuade died in February, 2022, on her 93rd birthday.


    This image © Michaela


    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28664/crop/Kits-1reszx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'03/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28665,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/Kits-2resz.jpg',title:'No. 24 (\"Kits Coty\"), c1906 - 1916/17',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page.


    All the decoration, including wallpapers and the gold liningstill visible on the internal doors, appears to be original.It also has all its original fittings: four fireplaces, including the one in the kitchen which is fitted with a small range, and its kitchen dresser.


    More photos of the house shown above may be seen in its owner's album: Kits Coty House - Harleston 1912.


    This image © Michaela

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28665/crop/Kits-2reszx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'03/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:191,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/044-Lines-No-18-side-opening-(Claire-Quick).jpg',title:'No. 18 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), pre-1909. Dimensions: 26 inches [66 cm] wide, 19 inches [48 cm] deep and 35 inches [89 cm] high',description:'

    "Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits" are nicknames by which this model is known to collectors, as are Nos. 32 and 33, because they all have similarities in designtoNo. 24, which collectors call the "Kits Coty". That model may be seen on the previous five pages. These nicknames were not used by G. & J. Lines, so never appear in any catalogue. (Please see the caption to the first picture of a No. 24 in this Database for an explanation of the Kits Coty name). The No. 32 is of very similar appearance to the No. 18, but is slightly smaller in size (please this pictureof a No. 32 for comparison. An example of aNo. 33 follows, here).


    The house shown above is the earlier version of No. 18 with openings on both sides. The front-opening version was introduced as "considerably improved" in the 1909 - 10 catalogue, hence the "pre-1909" date given above for this side-opening example.


    The house shown here is awaiting restoration. There should be a small dormer roof, fitted with a window in the front, and a widow's walk above, set on top of the projecting bay. These roof sections were supplied loose, so could be lifted off. They have no base, so small items placed on the flat of the roof could then be viewed through the dormer window, as if in an attic. Being loose, these roofs are susceptible to loss, as has happened here. (It's the two detached side doors which are seen placed on top of the bay). The pitched roof on the right is fixed. These models left the factory with this unusual arrangement.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.



    This image © Claire Quick

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/191/crop/044-Lines-No-18-side-opening-(Claire-Quick)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:192,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/045-Lines-no-18-L-side.jpg',title:'No. 18 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), pre-1909',description:'

    This is the left side interior of the house on the previous page. The dormer roof which would have covered this part of the house is missing - these roofs were supplied loose by the factory, so are susceptible to loss.


    Awaiting restoration.



    This image © Claire Quick

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/192/crop/045-Lines-no-18-L-sidex180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:193,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/046-Lines-No-18-R-side.jpg',title:'No. 18 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), pre-1909',description:'

    This is the right side interior of the house shown here. Awaiting restoration.



    This image © Claire Quick

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/193/crop/046-Lines-No-18-R-sidex180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:194,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/047-No-18-Kt-min.jpg',title:'No. 18 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), c1909 - 10. Dimensions: 26 inches [66 cm] wide, 19 inches [48 cm] deep and 35 inches [89 cm] high',description:'

    Please see the caption here for the explanation of the names. The No. 32 is of very similar appearance to the No. 18, but is slightly smaller (please see here for comparison).


    The house shown above is the later, front-opening, model of the No. 18, dating from c1909 - 10, when this design was described as "considerably improved" in that season's catalogue. The sometime owner of this house says: "The exterior is in completely original condition with the G & J Lines' brick paper on each side wall. The roof has the original G & J Lines' tiled paper."


    The small dormer roof, fitted with a window in the front, and a widow's walk above, set on top of the projecting bay, was supplied loose, so could be lifted off. There is no base, so small items placed on the flat of the roof could then be viewed through the dormer window, as if in an attic. Being loose, these roofs are susceptible to loss, although this one has survived.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.



    This image appears courtesy of the copyright holder, KT Miniatures. Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/194/crop/047-No-18-Kt-minx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:195,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/048-inside-No-18-front-opening-kt-min.jpg',title:'No. 18 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), c1909 - 10',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page.


    The No. 32 has the same interior layout as the No. 18, but is smaller (the No. 32 may be seen here for comparison). The sometime owner of this house says: "There are four big rooms, ceiling height of just under 10 1/2". The tiled lino flooring effect paper, I believe, is probably original. The brick flooring paper is not original. The wallpapers are replacements but they have been sympathetically and beautifully done. Also there are three wooden G & J Lines fireplaces, which is nice...these are so often lost."



    This image appears courtesy of the copyright holder, KT Miniatures. Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/195/crop/048-inside-No-18-front-opening-kt-minx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:196,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/049-Kits-Coty-(pat).jpg',title:'No. 32 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), c1910. Dimensions: 24.5 inches [61.5 cm] wide, 17 inches [43 cm] deep and 32 inches [80 cm] high.',description:'

    Please see the captions here and here for the explanation of the names. The house shown above (No. 32) is of very similar appearance to the No. 18, but is smaller in size (please see the series of five photos starting here for comparison).


    In common with the similar models Nos. 18. 24 and 33, the small dormer roof, fitted with a window in the front, and a widow's walk above, set on top of the projecting bay, was supplied loose, so could be lifted off. There is no base, so small items placed on the flat of the roof could then be viewed through the dormer window, as if in an attic. Being loose, these roofs are susceptible to loss, although this one has survived. The pitched roof on the right is fixed. These models left the factory with this unusual arrangement.


    The example above has been restored. Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.


    This image © Pat

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/196/crop/049-Kits-Coty-(pat)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:197,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/050-Kits-Coty-int-(pat).jpg',title:'No. 32 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), c1910',description:'

    Please see the captionshereandherefor the explanation of the names, and the caption on the previous page for a note on the unusual construction of the roof.


    This is the interior of the house on the previous page. The No. 32 has the same interior layout as the No. 18, but is smaller in size (please see the five photos starting here for comparison).



    This image © Pat

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/197/crop/050-Kits-Coty-int-(pat)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:200,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/051-DSC06220.jpg',title:'No. 33 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), c1909 - 10. Dimensions: 30 inches (76cm) wide, 17 inches (43.2 cm) deep and 34 inches (86.5cm) high',description:'

    Please see the captions hereandherefor the explanation of the names.


    The No.33 is very similar in appearance to No. 32 (on the two previous pages) but has an extra bay; the model also has some similarities with No. 24 (which may be seen in five photos in this album starting here). The No. 33 is larger than No. 32; it is smaller than No. 24.


    In common with the similar models Nos. 18, 24 and 32, the small dormer roof, fitted with a window in the front, and a widow's walk above, set on top of the projecting bay, was supplied loose, so could be lifted off. There is no base, so small items placed on the flat of the roof could then be viewed through the dormer window, as if in an attic. Being loose, these roofs are susceptible to loss, although this one has survived. The pitched roof on the right is fixed. These models left the factory with this unusual arrangement.


    The exterior of this house has been restored. A view of its interior is shown on the next page.



    This image © Valerie

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/200/crop/051-DSC06220x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:199,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/052-DSC06222.jpg',title:'No. 33 ("Half-size Kits" or "Half Kits"), c1909 - 10',description:'

    Please see the caption on the previous page for links to the explanation of the names.


    This is the interior of the house on the previous page. The inside faces of the opening doors have been repapered and repainted, but the interior papers in all the rooms are original.



    This image © Valerie

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/199/crop/052-DSC06222x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:201,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/053-wendys-1910-lines.jpg',title:'G. & J. Lines, c1910 (model number not known). Dimensions: 32 inches [81 cm] wide, 20 inches [51 cm] deep and 30 inches [76 cm] high.',description:'

    This G & J Lines House was sold through Hamley's toyshop, London. It has some similarities with No. 24, the "Kits Coty", and the "Half-Kits" models, Nos. 32 and 33, on the previous four pages.


    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the external dormer window seen in the photo is a dummy.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.



    This image © Wendy Stephen

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/201/crop/053-wendys-1910-linesx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:202,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/054-Lines-(Hamleys)-int-(Wendy)-Iss-1-of-mag.jpg',title:'G & J Lines, c1910 (model number not known)',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page.


    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the external dormer seen in the previous photo is a dummy.



    This image © Wendy Stephen

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/202/crop/054-Lines-(Hamleys)-int-(Wendy)-Iss-1-of-magx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:25577,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/HPIM7178resz.JPG',title:'G & J Lines No. 25. Dimensions (approximate): 39 inches [99 cm] wide, 16 inches [40.6 cm] deep (with garden retracted),and 36.5 inches [92.7 cm] high',description:'

    The No. 25 was produced in two versions. The house shown here is the slightly smaller versionwith a hipped roof, which has two front-facing dormer windows and two chimneys. The slightly larger versionwhich hasa central front-facing gable may be seen on the followingtwo pages.It isn't known for certain which of the two versions appeared first, but it may be that the one on this page was earlier..


    This one has been positioned herein this Volumebecause its roof is of similar construction to the small hipped roofs on Nos.18 and 24 under their widows' walks, which may be seen here and here.It is presumed that the dormer windows on the house above are dummies and that there is no access to the spacewithin the roof.


    This editor has seen only two photographs of this version of model No. 25. Oneis in a cutting from a very old magazine (the photo used by the magazine is itself a reprint (with consent) from a Christie's auction catalogue), and the other is in The Book of G & J Lines Ltd byMarion Osborne (published 2021). As it was not possible to obtain permission to use these images, this artist's impression of the house in thephotographfrom the magazine was commissioned by this editor. The artist was working from a black and white image, so the colours may not be accurate, although they are based on those used on contemporaneous G & J Lines models.


    Despite the relatively poor quality of the magazine photograph, it was possible to see that the roof was covered in the zig-zagroof tile pattern paper commonly used by G & J Lines in the early years of the 20th century. This may be seen on a No.18, here. It wasn't the only roof paper pattern used on this model, however. The example shown by Marion Osborne has the equally common "fish scale" tiles on its roof, as seen on this No. 30. It may be that the factory workers assembling these models used whichever pattern was to hand at the time.


    The house represented above still had two sets of twin trees on little stands original to the garden which pulls out from under the house when it was photographed by Christie's in the early 1980s. The five main windows have head mouldings similar to those on the Kits Coty;there are button bosses over the front door and the two dormer windows. The example shown by Marion Osborne has shallow triangular pediments over all five of the main windows.


    There isn't a viewof the interior of this model available on site, but the layout is the same as that of the central gable version which may be seen on the page after next. According to descriptions in surviving G & J lines catalogues these houses, in both versions, had"four rooms with fitted fireplaces, kitchen dresser, hall, stairs and landing". The kitchen fireplace hada hob grate. All the fireplaces were fitted into chimney breasts.


    Two exterior views of an example of the central gableversion of the No. 25 are included in this Volume. Onewith its garden retracted, the other with its garden open.



    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/25577/crop/HPIM7178reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'02/08/2022',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28472,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No-25-with-coach-house--see-notes,-resized1.jpg',title:'No. 25, \"The Garden House\", c1909 - 10. Dimensions: 43.5 inches [110.5cm] wide (including garage), 28.5 inches [72.5cm] deep (with garden extended), and 39.5 inches [100.5cm] high',description:'

    Known to collectors by the nickname "The Garden House", this model is described in the 1909 - 10 catalogue as a "Country Residence with Motor Garage attached and beautiful garden laid out with flowers".This version of the No. 25cost 100 shillings (£5) to buy in 1909. [To put the cost in perspective, a top-rate London dockworker earned about 30 shillingsper weekat this time. Many other employed working men earned no more than 20 shillings (£1) per week1]


    This is theslightly larger version of the No. 25, which hasa central front-facing gable. The slightly smaller version, with a hipped roof,may be seen on the previouspage.It isn't known which of the two versions appeared first.The example above is in remarkably complete original condition, although it was noted in 2020that there was some "old over paint to exterior, some slight damage and wear, and the inside of the opening doors are repapered".It even includes the original ramp in front of the "Motor Garage" for the car to be driven down.The garage is, in fact, separate from the house, rather than being directly attached. All too often it is missing from surviving examples of this model.The garden is contained in a drawer at the front, as shown. Its original flowers are no longer present.


    The interior of the house shown abovemay be seen on the page after next. In this central gable version of the No.25, the atticisaccessible, via a hatch at the back of the house.


    There are no views of the interior of the garage available on site, nor is there a description of its interior in the surviving catalogues.The Book of G & J Lines Ltdby Marion Osborne2offers just one example of a No. 25 garage. This shows that access is from above, by lifting off the roof. The upper room may then be lifted off the lower storey to access the garage. Being two storeys high, it may be supposed thatthe upper room was intended as livingaccommodation for the chauffeur,as inthe annexe to Peggy Lines' own dolls' house3which was built some years later, in 1932.


    Theexterior viewof thisexample of thecentral gableversion of the No.25 shown abovehasits garden retracted. Another example, on the next page, is shownwith its garden open.


    Other examples of the No. 25 modelon site may be seen in the albums Penrhyn Castle's No. 25, , and lallyp's No. 25, "The Garden House".


    1Round About a Pound a Weekby Maud Pember Reeves. Published 1912.


    2The Book of G & J Lines Ltd, plus Silber & Fleming, Swan Toys Ltd, C E Turnbull Ltd, James Wisbeyby Marion Osborne. Published 2021, issued on a USB data stick only.


    3Peggy Lines' dolls' house is only indirectly connected with G & J Linesbecause it was madein Lines Bros'Tri-ang factory in1932, shortly after G & J Lines had ceased to trade. Peggywas agranddaughter of Joseph Lines, former director of G & J Lines. Walter Lines, Peggy's father, was one of Joseph's four sons.Three of thosesons, namely William, Walter and Arthur, jointly founded Lines Bros Ltd in 1919.


    Thisimage © Special Auction Services (SAS). Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28472/crop/No-25-with-coach-house--see-notes,-resized1x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:25547,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No-25-from-Lot-art-SAS1.jpg',title:'No. 25, \"The Garden House\", c1909 - 10.',description:'

    Please see the caption on the previous page for detailed notes on this model.


    This is not the house shown on the previous page, but another example of the central gableversion of the No.25. It has been included here because it is shown with its garden open.


    This image © Special Auction Services (SAS). Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/25547/crop/No-25-from-Lot-art-SAS1x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'27/07/2022',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28473,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No-25-interior---SASresz1.jpg',title:'No. 25, \"The Garden House\", c1909 - 10.',description:'

    This is the interior of the house seen two pages previously. Please see the caption on that page for detailed notes on this model.


    All original wallpapers, floor papers and fittings, with the exception of the papers on the inside of the opening fronts. The fireplace in the kitchen retains its original range. (It's possible that even the lace curtains are original - the model was certainly sold with lace curtains - but whether these are original or not can't be proven).


    This image © Special Auction Services (SAS). Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28473/crop/No-25-interior---SASresz1x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:205,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/057-Clock-house-(Marel-Urry).jpg',title:'No. 34,"The Clock House", 1909 - 10. Dimensions: 30 inches [76 cm] high, 28 inches [71 cm] wide and 18 inches [45 cm] deep.',description:'

    This model is described in the 1909 - 10 catalogue as: "This new registered design should appeal to mothers from the instructional as well as the recreative point of view. The little girl can learn how to tell the time from her Dolls' House Clock, which is a thoroughly good time keeper."


    There is no interior view for the house shown above available on this site. but the interior of another example of this model may be seen on the next page.



    This image © Marel Urry

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/205/crop/057-Clock-house-(Marel-Urry)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:25549,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/Clock-house-interior---Special-Auction-Servicesresz.jpg',title:'No. 34, \"The Clock House\", 1909-1910',description:'

    Described in the catalogue as having "...four nicely-papered rooms with hygienic parquet floors and latest pattern fireplaces", this is NOT the interior of the house shown on the previous page but that of another example of this model.


    The house above has original fireplaces, wall and floor papers. Its clock is missing.



    This image © SAS, 2015. Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/25549/crop/Clock-house-interior---Special-Auction-Servicesreszx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'27/07/2022',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:26658,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/01-Frontresz.jpeg',title:'A \"Clock House\", c1909-1910',description:'

    The owner notes that there are some differences between this house and the 1909-10 catalogue illustration shown in Marion Osborne's digital The Book of G & J Lines Ltd (2021). In that work, Mrs Osborne notes that she has seen examples of various "Clock Houses" but only the No. 34 appears in the extant surviving catalogues. There are no known model numbers for the variations.


    The house shown above is missing the little dormer which would have had a working clock in it. It does have its chimneys and the peg which holds the front closed.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.



    This image © Zoe H

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/26658/crop/01-Frontreszx180x180.jpeg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'31/12/2022',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:26659,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/04-Inside-Incl-Doorsresz.jpeg',title:'A \"Clock House\" (model number not known), c1909 - 1910',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page.


    Its owner says: "The rooms have all been repapered at some point in its past. I say 'repapered', but the kitchen and the opening fronts have been covered with fabric! The original downstairs floor papers are still there, but the parquet floor papers in the upstairs rooms have been covered over with some sort of fabric.


    All the original fireplaces are still present, and, happily, the samples of the original papers are visible behind them. They're not terribly exciting papers (all a bit drab!) but I do like to restore to original if I can, so I might have to have a go, but I'm thinking that I'll paper onto card and insert that over what's there now as it's all part of its past and it would be nice to keep it. Apart from the fabric on the opening fronts - that's coming off because it's not a nice fabric and the glue used to stick it on has turned a horrible brown colour. I've had a peep under it and there's nothing underneath."



    This image © Zoe H

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/26659/crop/04-Inside-Incl-Doorsreszx180x180.jpeg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'31/12/2022',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:215,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/058-clock-house-2---cropped,-resized.jpg',title:'A \"Clock House\" (model number not known), c1909 - 10 ',description:'

    Dated from a surviving catalogue showing No. 34, the Clock House, which is here in this album. There are a number of design similarities between the two models: for comparison, please use the link just given to go to the No. 34's page. As previously noted, Marion Osborne has discovered several variations on the No. 34, none of which appear to have been given a model number.


    The house shown here appears to be a smaller-sized variation of No. 34. It is missing its clock. There are, however, notable differences in the façades - the one above has its front door on the opposite side to that of No. 34, there is only one small window alongside it, instead of two, and there is no first floor balcony, with French windows leading on to it: consequently, the first floor timbering is different.


    An interior view of the house above is not available on this site but the interior of a very similar model may be seen here, subsequently.


    All the houses on the next four pages appear to be further adapted versions of the No. 34/Clock House model.



    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/215/crop/058-clock-house-2---cropped,-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:207,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/059-DSC06397.jpg',title:'A \"Clock House\" (model number not known), c1909 - 10 . Dimensions: 24 inches [61 cm] wide, 20 inches [51 cm] deep and 36 inches [91.5 cm] high',description:'

    The owner of the house shown above says: "Clock House without clock. Identical to variation of the Clock House [on the previous page], but without the clock dormer." Please see the caption here for a discussion on the Clock House variations.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this house.



    This image © Valerie

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/207/crop/059-DSC06397x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:208,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/060-DSC06398.jpg',title:'A \"Clock House\", c1909 - 10 (model number not known)',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page.


    The owner says: "Four good rooms. A very tall house...36 inches [91.5cm] high. The room at bottom left has original paper on the floor and the back wall. All the rooms have the same floor paper. The paper on the inside of the left opening front [not shown] might be original. The other wallpapers are replacements by a previous owner. The overmantel in the room at bottom right is actually the missing fireplace [from the room to the left] cut down and a mirror inserted!"



    This image © Valerie

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/208/crop/060-DSC06398x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:209,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/061-Lines-mock-tudor-after-Clock-House-C-Noakes.jpg',title:'A \"Clock House\" (model number not known), c1909 - 10 ',description:'

    Dated from a surviving catalogue showing the similar Clock House, No. 34 - please see this page, previously, for comparison. A number of Clock House variations are known - please see the caption here for more detail.


    There is no interior view on site of the model shown above.



    This image © Cynthia Noakes

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/209/crop/061-Lines-mock-tudor-after-Clock-House-C-Noakesx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:210,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/062-clock-house-3-cropped.jpg',title:'A "Clock House" (model number not known), c1909 - 10 ',description:'

    Dated from a surviving catalogue showing the similar Clock House, No. 34.


    Described by a former DHP&P member as \"An odd house\". If it is a variation of No. 34, the clock is missing and has been replaced by the dormer window. The owner says, \"It\'s like No. 34, The Clock House - the roof on the Clock House is similar and had a clock where the dormer window is. Was this a Clock House or did it always have the dormer window? Were there different models? It has similar but not identical, beaming on the left side The strut down the lower left side is on the Clock House too, and the little bits of wood, but the top section should jut out a bit onto them.\"


    This house has many similarities with the one on the previous page - the main difference being the attic dormer. There is no interior view of the house shown here in this album, but its owner says: \"It has four rooms, a hall, stairs and a landing. The interiors of previous ones don\'t have these features.\"


    Following the publication of \"The Book of G & J Lines, plus Silber & Fleming, Swan Toys Ltd, C E Turnbull Ltd, James Wisbey\" by Marion Osborne in 2022, it is now known that a variety of Clock Houses were produced. Only No. 34 has a known model number.



    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/210/crop/062-clock-house-3-croppedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:211,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/063-Lines-Letchworth-front.jpg',title:'"Letchworth", c1912 - 1914. Dimensions: 26 inches [66 cm] wide and 28 inches [71.5 cm] high, (depth not known)',description:'

    This model appears to have been supplied exclusively by G & J Lines to the London (UK) department store, Harrods. It is illustrated in a surviving 1914 Harrods catalogue.


    This example has an overpainted exterior (including overpainted roof paper). A few original window blinds remain. This model opens in three places: both ends and the central panel in the front. A photo showing these doors open, and an external view of the left end wall, is shown in the album Rebecca Green's "Letchworth" in the G & J Lines Category in the Makers gallery on-site.


    The house has four main rooms, plus a hall, landing and stairs. There is no interior overview of this model available on-site but views of three individual rooms, plus the hall, staircase, and landing, may be seen in the album referred to above.


    This image © Rebecca Green

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/211/crop/063-Lines-Letchworth-frontx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:224,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/067-IMG_4191.jpg',title:'No. 17, c1906 - 1914*. Dimensions: 25 inches [71 cm] wide, 14 inches [63.5 cm] deep, and 28 inches [71 cm] high',description:'

    This is the earlier side-opening version of a model which remained in production until c1914. It was replaced by a front-opening version which was introduced in 1910. An example of this later version follows the illustrations of the house shown above. This earlier version may be dated to 1905 - 1909 from its inclusion in the 1906 and 1909 Gamages catalogues, where it is also described as a "Country Villa" (1906), and a "Very Handsome Villa" (1909).


    *It is unclear when this model ceased production. In The Book of G & J Lines Ltd plus Silber & Fleming, Swan Toys Ltd, C E Turnbull Ltd, James Wisbey1, its author, Marion Osborne, asserts that the No. 17 appears in a 1913 catalogue, but it isn't shown or mentioned on any of the catalogue pages after 1911 which are reproduced as illustrations to the text.


    The house shown here was in a very poor state when acquired by its present owner, and has undergone full restoration. Please see the next two pages for views of its interior.


    [For those looking to identify an old house from its appearance, please note that the front-opening Lines Bros [Tri-ang] DH/4 has some similarities with this model]


    This image © Zoe H

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/224/crop/067-IMG_4191x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:225,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/068-IMG_4220.jpg',title:'No. 17, c1906 - 1914*',description:'

    This is the left side interior of the house on the previous page. Please see the caption to that photo for details of the history of the model and dating information.


    It was in a very poor state when acquired by its present owner, and has undergone full restoration. These are all reproduction wallpapers.


    Please see the next page for a view of the right side interior of this model.


    This image © Zoe H

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/225/crop/068-IMG_4220x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:226,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/069-IMG_4222.jpg',title:'No. 17, c1906 - 1914*',description:'

    This is the right side interior of the house on the previous two pages. Please see this photo caption on the first of those pages for details of the history of the model and dating information.


    It was in a very poor state when acquired by its present owner, and has undergone full restoration. These are all reproduction wallpapers.


    This image © Zoe H

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/226/crop/069-IMG_4222x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:213,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/065-Lines-No-17-Country-Villa.jpg',title:'No. 17, c1906 - c1914*. Dimensions: 25 inches [71 cm] wide, 14 inches [63.5 cm] deep, and 28 inches [71 cm] high',description:'

    This is an example of the later front-opening version of this model which was introduced in in the 1910 - 11 G & J Lines catalogue, where it is also described as a "Very Handsome Villa". The earlier version (c1905 - 1909) which opens on both sides may be seen on the previous three pages.


    *It is unclear when this model ceased production. In The Book of G & J Lines Ltd plus Silber & Fleming, Swan Toys Ltd, C E Turnbull Ltd, James Wisbey1, its author, Marion Osborne, asserts that the No. 17 appears in a 1913 catalogue, but it isn't shown or mentioned on any of the catalogue pages after 1911 which are reproduced as illustrations to the text.


    The house shown here has original tiled paper on its roof and retains some original gold paint details; there is some overpainting of the white walls.


    Its interior may be seen on the next page.


    [For those looking to identify an old house from its appearance, please note that the front-opening Lines Bros [Tri-ang] DH/4 has some similarities with this model]


    1Digitally self-published in 2021. Available on USB memory drive only.


    This image © Rebecca Green

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/213/crop/065-Lines-No-17-Country-Villax180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:214,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/066-Lines-No-17-Country-Villa-whole-interior.jpg',title:'No. 17, c1906 - 1914*',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page. Please see the caption to that photo for details of the history of the model and dating information.


    Original wall and floor papers, and fireplaces. Further interior views of the house shown here, showing its rooms furnished, may be seen in the album Rebecca Green's No. 17 in the G & J Lines category of the on-site Makers Gallery.


    This image © Rebecca Green

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/214/crop/066-Lines-No-17-Country-Villa-whole-interiorx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'04/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:227,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/070-Lines-No-37-ext-marion-martin-mag-issue-3.jpg',title:'No. 37, c1913 - 1930. Dimensions: 21.5 inches [54.6 cm] wide, 13 inches [33 cm] deep and 26 inches [66 cm] high.',description:'

    The photos of this example have been reproduced from the article by Marion Martin in Issue 3 of the DHP&P magazine.


    From the style of the windows, this house dates to c1915.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.


    This image © Marion Martin

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/227/crop/070-Lines-No-37-ext-marion-martin-mag-issue-3x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:228,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/071-lines-no-37-mag-issue-3-(marion-Martin).jpg',title:'No. 37, 1915 - 1930',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. Please see that photo's caption for dating information for the house shown here.


    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model is sealed. This is how it left the factory - the "attic window" seen in the previous photo is a dummy.


    This image © Marion Martin

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/228/crop/071-lines-no-37-mag-issue-3-(marion-Martin)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:229,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/072-Lines-No-37-(Wendy-Lawday-in-mag)-resized.jpg',title:'No. 37, 1913 - 1930. Dimensions: 21.5 inches [54.6 cm] wide, 13 inches [32.5 cm] deep and 26 inches [66 cm] high.',description:'

    This house has some differences in the external details compared with the No. 37 on the previous two pages, although the windows are of a similar c1915 style.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of the house shown above.


    The photos of this example have been taken from the article Restoration of G and J Lines Dolls House No. 37 (ca 1915-1925) by Wendy M Lawday in Issue 9 of the on-site DHP&P magazine.


    This image © Wendy M Lawday

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/229/crop/072-Lines-No-37-(Wendy-Lawday-in-mag)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:230,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/073-Lines-No-37-int-(Wendy-Lawday-may-2011-mag)-resized.jpg',title:'No. 37, 1913 - 1930',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. Please see that photo's caption for dating information for the house shown here.


    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the "attic window" seen in the previous photo is a dummy.


    This image © Wendy M Lawday

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/230/crop/073-Lines-No-37-int-(Wendy-Lawday-may-2011-mag)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:231,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/074-Lines,-similar-to-No-37,-resized.jpg',title:'G. & J. Lines' house, model number/date/dimensions not known',description:'

    Placed here owing to the similarities with the No. 37, seen on the previous four pages.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model.


    This image © Roberta Snape

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/231/crop/074-Lines,-similar-to-No-37,-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:232,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/075-Lines,-similar-to-No-37-(roberta-snape).jpg',title:'G. & J. Lines house, model number/date not known',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page.


    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the "attic window" seen in the previous photo is a dummy.


    This image © Roberta Snape

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/232/crop/075-Lines,-similar-to-No-37-(roberta-snape)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:233,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/076-marel-4th-june-for-website-2-1-resized.jpg',title:'G & J Lines' house, model number/date/dimensions not known',description:'

    This appears to be another example of the variant of the No. 37 seen on the previous two pages.


    There is no interior view available on this site of the house above, but it is likely that the internal layout is similar to that of the model featured on the preceeding page.


    This image © Marel Urry

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/233/crop/076-marel-4th-june-for-website-2-1-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:234,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/077-lines-No-35-resized.jpg',title:'No 35, c1910 - 20. Dimensions: 22 inches [55 cm] wide, 11 inches [28 cm] deep and 22 inches [55 cm] high. ',description:'Photo 76. Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model. (This image copyright: Margaret).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/234/crop/077-lines-No-35-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:235,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/078-Lines-No-35-int.jpg',title:'No 35, c1910 - 20',description:'Photo 77. This is the interior of the house on the previous page. There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the "attic window" seen in the previous photo is a dummy. (This image copyright: Margaret).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/235/crop/078-Lines-No-35-intx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:259,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No-35-Caroline-Hamiltons-early---Zoe,-resized.jpg',title:'No 35, c1915. Dimensions: 19 inches [48.25 cm] wide, 11 inches [28 cm] deep and 22 inches [56 cm] high.',description:'Photo 78. This model appears in the 1915 catalogue of the UK department store/mail order firm, Gamage's, where it is described as: "Quite a new New Model [sic] of interesting design. Fireplaces and chimney pots included. Neatly papered, and window-fitted curtains and blinds. 2 large rooms". The No 35 appears to have been available since c1910 (see photos 76 and 77, previously). This 1915 "New Model of interesting design" appears to have been achieved by grafting the façade of the No A (see photo 85, later in this album) onto the opening front of the earlier version of the No 35, creating a fairly curious-looking house. There isn't a full interior view for this model on site, but the two-room layout is the same as in the earlier version of the No 35 seen on the previous page. The catalogue illustration does suggest that this 1915 model was supplied with front steps, but these are missing from the example above. The attic room in the example above is NOT original, but was created by the owner opening-up the roof space, which would have been sealed when the house was built. A rider at the foot of the catalogue page says: "During the present crisis [WWI] all prices subject to change without notice." These war-time exigencies may have extended to using façades from No As on this model, owing to shortages of materials, but this is speculation only. (This image copyright: Zoe H).',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/259/crop/No-35-Caroline-Hamiltons-early---Zoe,-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:12263,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/IMG_20201012_075316resz.jpg',title:'No 35, c1910 - 20. Dimensions: 22 inches [55 cm] wide, 11 inches [28 cm] deep and 22 inches [55 cm] high.',description:'

    Photo 79. This model possibly dates to c1914 - 18. The owner says: "Altered windows, odd gable, usually there is a window in the gable, but this decorative circular feature is too small to hide a window. It looks like it was made from left overs. It may have made during the war years when materials were scarce", hence the speculative date given. This house has been restored. It may be seen as it was before renovation here. Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model. (The more usual façades for this model, depending on date, may be seen on pages 76 and 80 in this album).


    [This image © Valerie]

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/12263/crop/IMG_20201012_075316reszx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:23,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=23&h=60&w=60',name:'Brooksey (Admin)',dateHtml:'17/10/2020',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:12264,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/IMG_20201012_134602resz.jpg',title:'No 35, c1910 - 20.',description:'

    This is the interior of the house seen on the previous page. It has been restored. The owner says: "A bit of an oddity, the ceiling of the top room only comes half way across the room: it's possible to put a hand into the attic from the bedroom." It may have been built that way, but "...during the renovation it became evident that the back had been removed, the floor taken out and a staircaseinserted before replacing the back. If you look at the photos of the interior when I first bought it, you can see that when the house was first 'done up' the renovator made an elementary mistake, he/she put the supports for the new floor at the level of the old floor, so when the new floor was put onto the supports it was at a too high level. I took those supports out and put new ones in so the two rooms are equal height." Thestaircaseand two fireplaces which were not original have been removed. Theappearance of this interior before restoration may be seen here.


    [This image © Valerie]

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/12264/crop/IMG_20201012_134602reszx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:23,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=23&h=60&w=60',name:'Brooksey (Admin)',dateHtml:'17/10/2020',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:238,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/081-Lines-35-(Nikki).jpg',title:'No 35, c1925. Dimensions: 19 inches [48.5 cm] wide, 11 inches [28 cm] deep and 20 inches [51 cm] high.',description:'Photo 81. This later model is less wide and less tall than the models seen previously, on pages 76 - 80. Described in the 1925 catalogue as "(improved this season). A New Model with improved front in Roughcast and Brick. Fireplaces and Chimney Pots included. Neatly papered and Windows fitted with Curtains and Blinds. Two large rooms." Please see the next page for a view of the interior of the house shown here. (This image copyright: Nicki).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/238/crop/081-Lines-35-(Nikki)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:239,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/082-Lines-35-int-(Nikki).jpg',title:'No 35, c1925',description:'Photo 82. This is the interior of the house on the previous page. Presumably the partitions are a later addition, because the 1925 catalogue description states "Two large rooms." A typical two-room interior in an earlier version of this model may be seen in photo 77, previously. There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the "attic window" seen in the previous photo is a dummy. (This image copyright: Nicki). ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/239/crop/082-Lines-35-int-(Nikki)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:240,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/083-No-38-AD-and-KT-resized.jpg',title:'No 38, c.late 1920s - 1932. Dimensions: 24 inches (61 cm) wide, 13.5 inches (34 cm) deep and 26.5 inches (67.5 cm) high',description:'Photo 83. Dated by Marion Osborne. Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model. (This image appears courtesy of the joint copyright holders: Alicia Davies and KT Miniatures. Used with consent).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/240/crop/083-No-38-AD-and-KT-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:241,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/084-No-38-int-AD-and-KT-resized.jpg',title:'No 38, c.late 1920s - 1932',description:'Photo 84. This is the interior of the house on the previous page. (This image appears courtesy of the joint copyright holders: Alicia Davies and KT Miniatures. Used with consent).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/241/crop/084-No-38-int-AD-and-KT-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:246,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/089-Lines-C-Margaret-hobbs.jpg',title:'No C, c1913 - 15. Dimensions: 17 inches [43.25 cm] wide, 7.25 inches [18.5 cm] deep and 17 inches [43.25 cm]',description:'Photo 85. The largest of the three models which carried the slightly odd identifiers of Nos A, B and C. The model above appears in the 1915 catalogue of the UK department store/mail order firm, Gamage's. Marion Osborne dates this style of windows to 1913 - 15. This model is the larger version of the No B, which may be seen on pages 87 and 88, subsequently. Please see photo 86 on the next page for a view of the interior of this model. (This image copyright: Margaret). \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/246/crop/089-Lines-C-Margaret-hobbsx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:247,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/090-lines-C-int-M-Hobbs.jpg',title:'No C, c1913 - 15',description:'Photo 86. This is the interior of the house on the previous page. Please see the caption to photo 85 for the dating details. (This image copyright: Margaret).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/247/crop/090-lines-C-int-M-Hobbsx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:244,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/087-german-house-=-005-resized.jpg',title:'No. B, c1913 - 15',description:'

    The middle-size of the three models which carried the slightly odd identifiers of Nos. A, B and C. No. B is a smaller version of the No. C.


    The owner of the No. B above says: "This house has been dated by Marion Osborne to 1913 - 15, from the style of its windows."


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of the house shown above.


    This image © Barbara

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/244/crop/087-german-house-=-005-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:245,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/088-lines-house-b-007.jpg',title:'No. B, c1913 - 15',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. Please see its caption for the dating details.


    The owner says, "Original papers and fireplaces".


    This image © Barbara

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/245/crop/088-lines-house-b-007x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:242,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/085-Lines-A-ext-(Sue)-resized.jpg',title:'No. A, c1915. Dimensions: 10 inches [25 cm] wide, 6.5 inches [16.5 cm] deep and 14.5 inches [36.5 cm] high.',description:'

    This is the smallest of the three models which carried the slightly odd identifiers of Nos. A, B and C. The No. A is stylistically quite different in appearance from Nos. B and C.


    The house above has been dated from its inclusion in the catalogue of the UK department store/mail order firm, Gamage's, for 1915. The timbering and window frames are lithographed. This model's façade was also used as the central section of the front on the 1915 version of the No. 35.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of the house shown above. A view of the inside of the front, showing original wallpaper and blinds, may be seen here.


    This image © Sue

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/242/crop/085-Lines-A-ext-(Sue)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:243,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/086-Lines-A-int-(Sue)-resized.jpg',title:'No. A, c1915',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. The wallpapers are original.


    A view of the inside of the opening front, showing original wallpaper and blinds, may be seen here.


    This image © Sue

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/243/crop/086-Lines-A-int-(Sue)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:249,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/092-No-60-Gamages-1915-resized.jpg',title:'No. 60, 1914 - 1917. Dimensions: 21 inches [52.5 cm] wide, 11.5 inches [29 cm] deep and 28.5 inches [71 cm] high.',description:'

    The owner says: \"Model number from Gamages\' catalogue of 1915. It has the metal door which helps to date it, as the tin door versions were abandoned at the end of 1915. This photo was taken pre-clean-up, the day the house was brought home - the frame was off-white under the over-paint.\"

    There is no interior view available for this particular house in this Album, but a view of the interior of another No. 60 may be seen on the next page.

    This image © Marel Urry

    ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/249/crop/092-No-60-Gamages-1915-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:250,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/093-No-60-int-(jill)-resized.jpg',title:'No 60, c1915',description:'

    This is NOT the interior of the house on the previous page but that of another example of this model. The wallpapers are old (c1920s), but not original to the house.

    The owner says, \"It\'s missing a staircase and its fireplaces and if anyone knows what they should look like I\'d love to know.\"

    (This image copyright: jill).

    ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/250/crop/093-No-60-int-(jill)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:14819,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/IMG_2236resz.JPG',title:'No 61, c1915. Dimensions: 33.5 inches [85 cm] high, 24 inches [61 cm] wide and 16 inches [40.75 cm] deep.',description:'

    This model has been restored. Please see the next page for a view of its interior.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/14819/crop/IMG_2236reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:23,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=23&h=60&w=60',name:'Brooksey (Admin)',dateHtml:'15/12/2020',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:14820,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/IMG_2225resz.JPG',title:'No 61, c1915',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page. It has been restored. The reproduction early 20th century dolls\' house wallpapers were created by the owner/restorer. They are mostly designs used by the later firm of Lines Bros (Tri-ang). The ownersays:


    \"This was my first attempt at papering and I found It quite difficult. It looks a bit \"new\", but then I suppose it is! It will probably look better when I have furnished it.\"

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/14820/crop/IMG_2225reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:23,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=23&h=60&w=60',name:'Brooksey (Admin)',dateHtml:'15/12/2020',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:251,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/094-old-Lines-(roberta-snape).jpg',title:'No 63, c1915. Dimensions: 30 inches [76 cm] high, 24 inches [61 cm] wide and 18 inches [45.75 cm] deep.',description:'Photo 94. Effectively a larger version of the No 60 seen in the previous two photos. There is no interior view available for the house shown above on site but that of another No 63 may be seen in photo 96, subsequently. (This photo copyright: Roberta Snape).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/251/crop/094-old-Lines-(roberta-snape)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:248,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/091-Unidentified-Lines-(2)-(susanne-g)-resized.jpg',title:'G. & J. Lines' house c1915 (model number not known)',description:'

    Inserted here because of the similarities with the No 60, on the next two pages.

    Susanne.G. says, \"This house was in the Lego Collection in Denmark. In Constance Eileen King\'s book \"The Collector\'s History of Doll\'s Houses\" there are two more photos [of it], including the interior. King dates it as mid-nineteenth century, which is obviously wrong. This photo is from Theriault\'s online auction catalogue for the [sale of the] Lego collection.\"

    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the \"attic window\" seen in the photo above is a dummy. The tin door dates it to no earlier than 1914, the year when these metal doors were introduced. There is no interior view available for this model on site. \n

    ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/248/crop/091-Unidentified-Lines-(2)-(susanne-g)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:252,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/095-Unidentified-Lines-(Christine-Cleymans).jpg',title:'No 63, c1915. Dimensions: 30 inches [76 cm] high, 24 inches [61 cm] wide and 18 inches [45.75 cm] deep.',description:'Photo 95. Another example of the model on the previous page. This one has been overpainted, the roof, base and brick papers are additions, and the balcony railing is a replacement for the original turned wooden balusters. Please see photo 96, following, for a view of the interior of this model. (This image copyright: Christine Cleymans). ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/252/crop/095-Unidentified-Lines-(Christine-Cleymans)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:253,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/096-Unidentified-Lines-int-(Christine-Cleymans).jpg',title:'No 63, c1915',description:'Photo 96. This is the renovated interior of the house on the previous page. (This image copyright: Christine Cleymans). ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/253/crop/096-Unidentified-Lines-int-(Christine-Cleymans)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:254,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/097-Unknown-Lines-(trevor)-resized.jpg',title:'G & J Lines' house (model number/date not known)',description:'

    Unconfirmed G & J Lines model.


    There are moderate similarities in the design with at least two established G & J Lines models, but there are as many differences. The bay shape, some aspects of the roof design, and the canopy porch detail over the front door echo details in the No. 18, which may be seen here. The house above also has some superficial resemblance to the No. 73.


    There is neither an interior view for this model nor a catalogue description of its rooms available. The house shown has been restored. It is known that the restorer found "...round the back...Stables!" and "Upon stripping the house, I found that the staircase was not original, hence it looked out of place." The staircase was removed as part of the restoration.


    This image © Dolls House Restoration

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/254/crop/097-Unknown-Lines-(trevor)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28371,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/HPIM5281resz.JPG',title:'No. 70, 1914 - c1925. Dimensions: 15 inches (38 cm) wide, 18 inches (45.5 cm) deep and 24.5 inches (62 cm) high',description:'

    This model was produced in four known versions. The first two were in production during the years given above. After 1925/26 the catalogue number was given to a short-lived model with a curved front, an example of which is not available on this site. The design was changed again by c1928, the model now having a rectangular 2-storey bay, and decorative beams in addition to brickwork on the façade. That version may be seen here.


    The No. 70, a smaller version of the No. 71 seen on the page after next, is a 2-storey house. There is no access to the attic: the dormer is a dummy.


    The example shown is the later version of the 1914 - 1925 design. The earlier model had a deeper bay with extra windows in its sides. All the windows in the earlier model were also larger, with 12 panes rather than six, as seen in the house above. There is no example of this first version on site currently, but larger windows may be seen in the version of the No. 71, here. This image also shows the side bay windows. The dimensions given above are those of the deeper-bay version of the No. 70. The house shown above is likely to be slightly more shallow.


    The house shown has been restored. It was in poor condition when acquired by its present owner. Its rescue and restoration are described in its owner's album What to do? An overview of its interior may be seen on the next page.


    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28371/crop/HPIM5281reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'17/05/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28370,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/HPIM5280-(2)resz.JPG',title:'No. 70, 1914 - c1925',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. It has been restored. Some original wallpapers survive, albeit in a damaged condition, particularly in the upper and lower rooms on the left, and in and around the bays of the opening front. Where possible, these have been conserved and are displayed in their \"shabby chic\" faded glory.


    More photos of this house, including detailed views of its surviving original wall and floor papers, may be seen in the owner\'s album What to do?


    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28370/crop/HPIM5280-(2)reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'17/05/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28882,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No.-71---KT-(1).jpg',title:'No 71, 1914 - c1927. Dimensions: 24 inches [60 cm] wide, 18 inches [45 cm] deep and 29 inches [73 cm] high',description:'

    The catalogue designation, No. 71, was later used for a slightly smaller house with a very different façade having a rectangular 2-storey bay, with decorative beams and brickwork on the façade and different interior layout. which was available from c1929 until 1931. An example of this later model may be seen in four photos subsequently in this archive, starting here.


    The No. 71, a larger version of the No. 70 seen on the two previous pages, is a 2-storey house. There is no access to the attic: the dormer is a dummy.


    In close to original condition, the house above has lost a chimney from the left side of the roof, its front door and a small balcony which would have been above it, matching the existing one on the other side. A later version of this model, which has retained its front door and the balcony, may be seen here.


    The 12-pane windows date this as an earlier version of the model. By c1925, smaller 6-pane windows were fitted and there were no longer side windows in the bay. These changes may be seen on the later model referred to above.


    Please see the next two pages for views of the interior of the house shown here.


    This image © KT Miniatures. Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28882/crop/No.-71---KT-(1)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28883,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No.-71---KT-(2).jpg',title:'No 71, 1914 - c1927',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. Please see the caption to that photo for details on the history of the model.


    The fireplaces are original; the original wallpapers were found preserved under later layers of papers which were carefully removed. Please see the next page for a view of the deep bays inside the opening front, which are large enough to function as small extra rooms.


    This image © KT Miniatures. Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28883/crop/No.-71---KT-(2)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28884,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No.-71---KT-(4).jpg',title:'No 71, 1914 - c1927',description:'

    This is the inside of the opening front of the house shown on the previous two pages, showing the large bays. These have the potential to be furnished as small rooms, as may be seen here in a later version of this model.
    \nThis image © KT Miniatures. Used with consent.

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28884/crop/No.-71---KT-(4)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28885,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/DSCF5945resz.JPG',title:'No 71, 1914 - c1927. Dimensions (1914): 24 inches [60 cm] wide, 18 inches [45 cm] deep and 29 inches [73 cm] high',description:'

    This is the version of the No. 71 which was probably in production from c1926, as suggested by Marion Osborne1. It isn't known exactly when this version appeared or when it was discontinued. No model designated No. 71 appears in any of the known surviving catalogues after 1926 until the introduction of a different design with that number in 1931.


    The speculative dating of the model shown above comes from the inclusion of its smaller 6-pane windows, replacing the earlier ones which had 12 panes. The 6-pane windows were first used on various new designs introduced in the 1926 catalogue. This later No. 71 has also lost the side windows in the bay which the earlier version had. That 12-pane/side bay windows version may be seen here. The caption to that photo includes more details of the No. 71's history.


    The No. 71, a larger version of the No. 70, is a 2-storey house. There is no access to the attic: the dormer is a dummy.


    This example of the No. 71 is later than the version shown on the previous three pages. The dimensions given are those of the first version of the No. 71. It isn't known if this version is any different. Some surviving No. 71's with 6-pane windows are known open both front and back - another innovation brought in by G & J Lines in 1925 - but not all do.


    The house above has been overpainted. The chimneys are much heavier-looking than those on the earlier version seen here, so are likely to be later replacements.


    Please see the next page for a view of the side of the bay on a contemporaneous No. 71, which shows the absence of the side windows.


    There isn't a view of the interior of the house shown above in this archive. The layout was unchanged from the earlier version which may be seen here. The deep bays in the inside of the opening front are large enough to use as small rooms. These may be seen here (unfurnished) and here (furnished) in this archive. Further views of the house shown above, including individual rooms, may be seen in its owner's album .


    This image © CathB

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28885/crop/DSCF5945reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:23,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=23&h=60&w=60',name:'Brooksey (Admin)',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:255,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/098-DSC05059.jpg',title:'No 71, 1915 - c1927/1930. Dimensions: 24 inches [60 cm] wide, 18 inches [45 cm] deep and 29 inches [73 cm] high.',description:'

    This is another example of the version of the No. 71 which was probably in production from c1926. Please see the caption to the previous photo for more information on its history and dating.


    The house above was acquired by its owner in poor condition; it is shown here after restoration. It has been included to show the absence of side windows in the bay, a change in the specification which probably occurred in 1926 or soon after1.


    Please see the next page for a view of the inside of the opening front of this model. Its two window bays are large enough to furnish as small rooms.


    1In : Osborne, M.The Book of G & J Lines Ltd, plus Silber & Fleming, Swan Toys Ltd, C E Turnbull Ltd, James Wisbey(privately published, 2021, in digital format only)


    This image © Valerie

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/255/crop/098-DSC05059x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:292,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/133-DSC05055.jpg',title:'No 71, 1914 - c1927/30',description:'

    Further detail from the refurbished house shown on the previous page. Inside of the opening front, showing the potential for creating two small extra rooms in the window bays.


    This image © Valerie

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/292/crop/133-DSC05055x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:257,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/100-No-72-in-V-and-A-Bethnal-Green-(Trevor)-resized.jpg',title:'No 72, c1915. (Dimensions not known).',description:'

    This example is in the possession of the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green, London, UK.


    Please see the next page for an interior view of this model.


    This image © Dolls House Restoration

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/257/crop/100-No-72-in-V-and-A-Bethnal-Green-(Trevor)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:258,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/101-No-72,-interior---Carolyn-resized.jpg',title:'No 72, c1915',description:'

    This is NOT the interior of the house shown on the previous page, but that of another example. Awaiting restoration.


    The owner says: "Traces of the original papers can still be seen. I have the staircase and another original fireplace". There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the external dormer seen in the previous photo is a dummy. (


    This image © Carolyn

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/258/crop/101-No-72,-interior---Carolyn-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'05/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28556,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No.-73,-Cornwall---©-Zoe.jpeg',title:'No 73, 1914 - 1925. Dimensions: 29 inches [73 cm] wide, 18 inches [46 cm] deep* and 37 inches [93 cm] high',description:'

    This is the largest model in the early 20th century 70s series.


    There isn't an interior view of the house above on site. The interior of another example of this model may be seen on the next page.


    *The depth is given as 11 inches [28 cm] in the 1915 catalogue, but this is clearly erroneous. The depth given here is that of the No. 71, which the No. 73 is likely to match.


    This image © Zoe H


    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28556/crop/No.-73,-Cornwall---©-Zoex180x180.jpeg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'19/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:261,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/103-Lines-No-73-int-(Trevor).jpg',title:'No 73, 1914 - 1925',description:'

    This is NOT the interior of the house on the previous page but that of another No. 73 which has been restored.


    There is no accessible attic room - the roof on this model was sealed. This is how it left the factory - the dormer seen in the photo above is a dummy.


    This image © Dolls House Restoration

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/261/crop/103-Lines-No-73-int-(Trevor)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:262,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/104-Possible-No-70-resized.jpg',title:'No 70, c1925 - 29. Dimensions: 18.5 inches [47 cm] wide, 17 inches [43.25 cm] deep and 29 inches [74 cm] high.',description:'The house shown dates to c1925-29. It cannot be earlier than 1925 because it is both front and back opening - a feature which was first introduced in 1925. It's unlikely to be later than 1929 because it has its original metal front door, which Marion Osborne has suggested was superseded by wooden doors by 1930. It has all its original windows.The remnants of roof paper are original. Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model. (This image copyright: LindaBrown). ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/262/crop/104-Possible-No-70-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:263,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/105-Possible-No-70-int-resized.jpg',title:'No 70, c1925-29',description:'This is the interior of the house on the previous page. There should be stairs between the narrow rooms on the right: these are missing. The ground floor "Anemone" wallpaper is original. The first floor paper is not recognised as one used by G.& J. Lines. (This image copyright: LindaBrown). ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/263/crop/105-Possible-No-70-int-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28879,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/Revamped-1.jpg',title:'No. 71, c1929 - 1931. Dimensions: 24 inches [61 cm] wide, 16.5 inches [42 cm] deep and 26 inches [66 cm] high',description:'

    No. 71 was previously used for a slightly larger house with a very different façade and different interior layout, which was available from 1914 until (possibly) 1927. Examples of this model may be seen in several photos earlier in this archive, starting here.


    The suggested date of 1929 for its introduction is given because it doesn't appear in any earlier surviving catalogue, although the similar Nos. 70 and 74 were present as "new designs" from 1925. Production ended, along with all G & J Lines models, when the firm ceased to trade in early January, 1932, following the death of Joseph Lines on 31st December, 1931.


    Owing to the short time in which it was available, this model is relatively rare. The example shown above was acquired in poor condition: it has been restored. Front and back opening, its interior and back may be seen on the next three pages. Further photos of the house before, during, and after restoration may be seen in the album .


    This image © CathB



    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28879/crop/Revamped-1x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28878,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/DSCF3548.jpg',title:'No. 71, c1929 - 1931',description:'

    This is the interior of the house seen on the previous page.


    It is shown before restoration. No original wallpapers survived under the later additions. Individual rooms after refurbishment may be seen in the album .


    This model opens front and back. The back of the house shown above may be seen on the next two pages.


    This image © CathB

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28878/crop/DSCF3548x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28880,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/105c-No71-1931-back---Ninja.JPG',title:'No. 71, c1929 - 1931',description:'

    This is the back of the house seen on the previous two pages. Shown before restoration.


    The 70s series houses in this style were made to open both front and back after 1925.The panel on the left is hinged, opening to give access to the model's two largest rooms. The panel on the right is fixed. Please see the next page for a view of the larger rooms through the opening panel.


    This image © CathB


    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28880/crop/105c-No71-1931-back---Ninjax180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28932,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/No-71,-1931-interior-from-back---Ninja-.JPG',title:'No. 71, c1929 - 1931',description:'

    This is the back of the house seen on the previous three pages.


    Shown before restoration, the back panel is open giving a partial view into the two largest rooms.


    This image © CathB

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28932/crop/No-71,-1931-interior-from-back---Ninja-x180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'11/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:264,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/106-No-74-jfben-resized.jpg',title:'No. 74, 1925 - 31. Dimensions: 25 inches [63.25 cm] wide, 17 inches [43.25 cm] deep and 27 inches [68.75 cm] high.',description:'

    Described as "New" and "A splendid reproduction of a country residence" in the 1925 catalogue.


    This model opens in four places at the front. Two 2-storey panels, one at the right, opens the entrance hall, stairs and landing; the other in the centre, accesses the two largest rooms. The garage and the room above each have a separate opening panel for access. There is also an opening panel in the back, giving rear access to the two main rooms. Despite having the round window, there is no access to the triangular space behind the central gable.


    Please see the next page for an overview of the interior of another example of this model.This is followed by two views of the back of the house shown above, including one with its back panel open giving a view into the interior.


    For more images of this model, compiled from three separate sources, please see the album No. 74 in the G & J Lines category in the on-site Makers gallery.


    This image © juliefbennet

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/264/crop/106-No-74-jfben-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:26477,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/20221109_183935resz.jpg',title:'No. 74, 1925 - 1931',description:'

    This is NOT the interior of the house shown on the previous page, but that of another example of this model which is awaiting restoration. Whilst stripped bare, it does show an overview of the layout of this model.


    The No. 74 is described in the 1925 catalogue as having "Two very large rooms, dressing room, lounge hall, staircase and garage" but this suggests more rooms than there are. The lower right room from which the stairs arise is surely too small to furnish as a "lounge hall" - it is an entrance hall at best, with possibly room for a hallstand, with a landing above. It appears that G & J Lines didn't intend for this house to have either a bathroom or a kitchen. Most owners put a bathroom in the "dressing room" above the garage, which itself is often "converted" into a kitchen.


    A rear view of the interior of the house shown on the previous page follows on the page after next.


    For more images of this model, compiled from three separate sources, please see the album No. 74 in the G & J Lines category in the on-site Makers gallery.


    This image © Chunky

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/26477/crop/20221109_183935reszx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'26/11/2022',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:26667,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/109-No-74-back-jfben-resized.jpg',title:'No. 74, c1925 - 31',description:'

    This is the back view of the house seen here, showing the opening rear panel (located in the centre, with the two windows).


    This image © juliefbennett

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/26667/crop/109-No-74-back-jfben-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:23,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=23&h=60&w=60',name:'Brooksey (Admin)',dateHtml:'01/01/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:268,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/110-No-74-back-panel-open-jfben.jpg',title:'No. 74 c1925 - 31',description:'

    This view shows the interiors of the two main rooms of the house, shown here and here earlier in this archive, as seen via the opening back panel.


    This house is awaiting interior restoration. No original wallpapers survive; a few remnants of floor papers remain. Although not mentioned in the catalogue, it's likely that there would have been fireplaces in these two large rooms. If so, these have been lost.


    This image © juliefbennett

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/268/crop/110-No-74-back-panel-open-jfbenx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:269,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/111-lines-DH80-fiona-brayshaw-resized.jpg',title:'No 80, c1925. Dimensions: 36 inches [90 cm] wide, 27 inches [68 cm] deep and 36 inches [90 cm] high.',description:'

    Described as "This fine Tudor Mansion" and "Extra Large" in the 1925 catalogue, this house opens both front and back, giving access to eight rooms, plus hall and landing. The catalogue states that the attic opens (the eighth room). It is located behind the triangular gable, and is accessed by the gable front dropping down, but there is no view of this on site.


    The No. 55 may be considered to be a smaller version of the No. 80. Two versions of the smaller house may be seen in this database, starting here.


    The sometime owner of the house above wrote: "House is in all original condition, inside and out". Views of the interior of this model may be seen here and here, and its fully detailed rear elevation is shown here.


    This image © Fiona Brayshaw

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/269/crop/111-lines-DH80-fiona-brayshaw-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:270,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/112-lines-DH80-fr-int-fiona-brayshaw-2-resized.jpg',title:'No 80, c1925',description:'

    This is the interior overview of the front rooms of the house on the previous page. Original wallpapers. Please see the next page for a view of the rear elevation and the photo after next for an overview of the back rooms in this house.


    This image © Fiona Brayshaw

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/270/crop/112-lines-DH80-fr-int-fiona-brayshaw-2-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:271,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/113-DH_80_original-fiona-brayshaw-no-3-resized.jpg',title:'No 80, c1925',description:'

    This is the rear view of the house shown on the previous two pages. In original condition. Please see the immediately previous and following photos for views of the interior of this model.


    This image Fiona Brayshaw

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/271/crop/113-DH_80_original-fiona-brayshaw-no-3-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:272,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/114-DH_80_original-fiona-brayshaw-no-4-resized.jpg',title:'No 80, c1925',description:'

    This is the interior overview of the back rooms of the house on the previous three pages. All original wallpapers.


    This image © Fiona Brayshaw

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/272/crop/114-DH_80_original-fiona-brayshaw-no-4-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28476,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/010resz.JPG',title:'No. 55, 1925 - 1931. Dimensions: 31 inches [78.75cm] wide, 20 inches [51 cm] deep, and 30 inches [76 cm] high',description:'

    Introduced as "New" in the 1925 catalogue, this model is a smaller version of the No. 80 seen on the previous four pages.


    The No. 55 has a similar façade to that of the No. 80 but the house is only one room deep, although, like the No. 80, it opens front and back. Consequently, the back of the house is as detailed as the front. This detail may be seen on another, slightly later, No. 55, here.


    The example shown above may be dated accurately to 1925 because it is the very early version, which hasn't a sundial above the front door. This feature appears to have been added fairly soon after the model's introduction, because the addendum "Now supplied with Wall Sundial" appears even in the 1925 catalogue description. There's no sundial in the accompanying illustration; G & J Lines continued to use that illustration for this model right up until the firm ceased trading in January 1932. The catalogue illustration also shows an unusually-shaped chimney on the left side of the roof. The house above has such a chimney, but it's on the right of the roof, not the left. This style of chimney appears to have been included in only the earliest version of the model.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of the house shown here.


    An example of the later version of the model, with sundial, and a plainer chimney stack on the right of the roof, may be seen on the page after next.


    This image © JennyB

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28476/crop/010reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28477,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/011resz.JPG',title:'No. 55, 1925 - 1931',description:'

    This is the interior of the house shown on the previous page. Awaiting restoration.


    No original wallpapers survive: the house was redecorated in the 1960s using some Tri-ang wallpapers as well as some from Hobbies. In the 1970s sticky-backed plastic was used on the stairs.


    This image © JennyB


    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28477/crop/011reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'10/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28465,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/HPIM6904-(2)resz.JPG',title:'No. 55, 1925 - 1931. Dimensions: 31 inches [78.75cm] wide, 20 inches [51 cm] deep, and 30 inches [76 cm] high',description:'

    Introduced as "New" in the 1925 catalogue, this model is a smaller version of the No. 80 seen on four previous pages starting here.


    The No. 55 has a similar façade to that of the No. 80 but the model is only one room deep, although, like the No. 80, it opens front and back.


    The house shown above is an example of the slightly later version of this model with the added sundial, which was absent when the No. 55 was first introduced. This feature appears to have been added fairly soon after the model's introduction, because the addendum "Now supplied with Wall Sundial" appears even in the 1925 catalogue description. There's no sundial in the accompanying illustration; G & J Lines continued to use that illustration for this model right up until the firm ceased trading in January 1932. The earlier version also had a different, unusually-shaped chimney on the right side of the roof, whereas this one has much more plain stack. The earlier version of the model with these different details may be seen here for comparison.


    An exterior view of the No. 55's fully detailed back may be seen on the next page. The example shown has been renovated - there was significant loss of both the external and interior original decoration when acquired by the present owner.


    There isn't an interior view in this Database of the house shown above, but its layout doesn't differ from that of the earlier example on the previous page. Individual rooms in the house shown here may be seen in the owner's album No. 55 renovation.


    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28465/crop/HPIM6904-(2)reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28466,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/HPIM4271resz.JPG',title:'No. 55, 1925 - 1931',description:'

    Showing the fully-detailed opening back of the house shown on the previous page. The original G & J Lines Thistle label has survived.


    This image © Mrs Gulliver

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28466/crop/HPIM4271reszx180x180.JPG'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/06/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:275,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/117-No-36-Zoe-H.jpg',title:'No 36, c1931. Dimensions: 19.75 inches [50.5 cm] wide, 12.5 inches [31.5 cm] deep and 20.75 inches [53 cm] high.',description:'

    First appearing in the 1931 catalogue (issued in either June or July of that year), No. 36 was one of the last new designs introduced in the year or so before G & J Lines ceased trading (sometime in January 1932). Bright, colourful and a bit more toy-like than the firm\'s previous designs, No. 36 is the middle-sized model in a short series of three houses: Nos. 34, 36 and 38.

    In production for less than a year, all three models are rare. There is no example of either a No. 34 or a No. 38 on site at present.

    The house above is in very good, original condition. An overview of its interior may be seen on the next page.

    This image copyright: Zoe H

    ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/275/crop/117-No-36-Zoe-Hx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:276,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/118-No-36-int-Zoe-H.jpg',title:'No 36, c1930.',description:'This is the interior of the house on the previous page. (This image copyright: Zoe H). ',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/276/crop/118-No-36-int-Zoe-Hx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:279,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/119-marel-lines-1931-bungalow-ext-resized1.jpg',title:'Bungalow, 1931. Dimensions: 16.5 inches [41.5 cm] wide, 8.5 inches [21.5 cm] deep and 12 inches [30.5 cm] high.',description:'

    This house wasn't assigned a model number in the 1931 catalogue, "Bungalow" being its only designation.


    It is one of the last models produced by G. & J. Lines before the firm was closed down in January, 1932, following Joseph Lines' death on December 31, 1931.


    Please see the next page for a view of the interior of the house shown here.


    This image © Marel Urry

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/279/crop/119-marel-lines-1931-bungalow-ext-resized1x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:278,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/120-marel-lines-1931-bungalow-int-resized.jpg',title:'Bungalow, 1931. ',description:'

    This is the interior of the house on the previous page.


    Original wallpaper, floor paper and corner fireplace/stove.


    This image © Marel Urry

    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/278/crop/120-marel-lines-1931-bungalow-int-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:273,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/115-ye-village-Stores-(Margaret)-resized.jpg',title:'No 1740, "Ye Village Stores", c1925 - 31. Dimensions: 21 inches [53.5 cm] wide, 11 inches [28 cm] deep and 25 inches [64 cm] high.',description:'Please see the next page for a view of the interior of this model. (This image appears courtesy of an anonymous DHP&P member, who retains the copyright. Used with consent).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/273/crop/115-ye-village-Stores-(Margaret)-resizedx180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:274,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/116-Ye-village-stores-int-(margaret).jpg',title:'No 1740, "Ye Village Stores", c1925 - 31',description:'This is the interior of the model on the previous page. (This image appears courtesy of an anonymous DHP&P member, who retains the copyright. Used with consent).\n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/274/crop/116-Ye-village-stores-int-(margaret)x180x180.jpg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'06/09/2019',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28933,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/103AE37B-808A-42E9-BA83-1C882D34BD17resz.jpeg',title:'Post Office, 1931. Dimensions: 17 inches [43 cm] wide, 10 inches [25 cm] deep and 22 inches[56 cm] high',description:'

    Only in production for a few months, this was a new model introduced in 1931. Production ended when G & J Lines ceased to trade in January, 1932, following the death of Joseph Lines.


    Acquired in fairly poor condition, the example shown above appeared to have been converted to a small four-room house, with most of the Post Office features, including the post box, having been removed and lost. These have been restored. More photos of this model, including a record of its appearance before restoration, may be seen in its owner's album Post Office in the G & J Lines Makers gallery.


    The interior of this model may be seen on the next page.


    This image © Clare Harlow


    \n',thumbnail:{src:'/Portals/0/GravityImages/28933/crop/103AE37B-808A-42E9-BA83-1C882D34BD17reszx180x180.jpeg'},author:{id:52,avatar:'/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=52&h=60&w=60',name:'Database Admin',dateHtml:'11/07/2023',url:'',isUser:false}},{id:28934,galleryId:47,type:"image",src:'/Portals/0/EasyGalleryImages/17/47/A7835E06-3C05-447E-9002-ACD54BA19F6Cresz.jpeg',title:'Post Office, 1931',description:'

    This is interior of the model shown on the previous page. The shop is described as having a counter in the catalogue; this has been lost.


    Shown after restoration.When acquired, the interior had been partitioned into four rooms. The partition was removed, taking the model back to its original two-room layout. It was re-decorated using reproduction papers. The owner says: "Remnants of these papers were present, but literally just bits. Only thing I changed was to swap them over. I thought the green stripes looked more post officy. I’ll be making a counter and fitting it out when I have time."


    This image © Clare Harlow

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    Image (31723) > G. & J. Lines Dolls’ Houses Database (2024)
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    Name: Reed Wilderman

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