Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (2024)

Strawberries are among the easiest fruits for home gardeners to grow. These berries are perennials that return to the garden year after year, they are perfect for small spaces, and you can grow them for a fraction of their supermarket cost. If you want to start a crop of your own quickly and simply, try growing strawberries in raised beds. This article has all the info you’ll need to get started. It’s a complete guide to raised bed strawberry growing – from planting to harvest.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (1)

Why growing strawberries in raised beds is a great idea

Raised garden beds are the perfect fit for strawberries. They offer the good drainage strawberry plants require, and they make it easy to control the quality of the soil your berries are grown in. In addition, raised garden beds make it easy to care for the plants. Protecting the berries from birds is far simpler than when growing strawberries in the ground, and there’s no bending required to harvest the fruits.

More benefits of growing strawberries in raised beds include:

  • Making sure the plants receive ample water is a piece of cake
  • Weeding is kept at a minimum
  • It’s easier to monitor the plants for signs of diseases
  • The fast-spreading plants are kept contained
Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (2)

What types of raised beds are best for growing strawberries?

After you’ve decided to plant your berries in a raised garden, the next step is to decide what type of raised bed to use. Truth be told, the most important thing is to locate your strawberry patch in the full sun; what the bed is made of is of secondary importance. The good news is there are lots of choices. Which one to select depends on your budget, your sense of aesthetics, and how much space you have.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (3)

Here are some different options for strawberry raised beds:

  1. Untreated cedar, redwood, or locust is best. Avoid pressure treated lumber.
  2. Elevated wooden or plastic beds. Raised up on legs, these are great choices for the patio, porch, or deck.
  3. I like the Birdies raised beds from Epic Gardening, but there are lots of other metal raised bed options, too
  4. Bricks, rocks, or concrete. These materials create a more permanent growing space than some other options
  5. Raised bed DIY kits. There’s no shortage of options on the market, but here are some of my favorites.
  6. Geo-textile fabrics. These low-cost, fabric raised beds are great options, too.

A standard 4’ X 8’ raised bed provides enough berries for my family of 3. We eat some of the berries fresh, use some to make jam, and freeze any that we can’t eat fast enough. Larger beds provide more berries, obviously, while a smaller 4’ X 4’ or 6’ X 2’ bed is perfect if you’d just like a handful of berries for your cereal each morning. There is no required minimum or maximum bed size, really. It’s whatever suits your space and your needs. You can even grow strawberries in pots.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (4)

What to fill the raised beds with

Aside from ensuring your strawberry patch is in full sun, another important factor in your success is filling the raised bed with the best soil possible. There are many different choices, and I’ve experimented with several over the years when growing strawberries in raised beds. Here are three options for filling your new strawberry garden:

  1. Fill the bed with a 50/50 mixture of topsoil and some form of organic matter. I like compost, but aged manure is another option. Ideally, the topsoil comes from someplace else on your property, but if that’s not an option, purchase topsoil from a local landscape supply center.
  2. You can also fill your strawberry raised bed using hügelkultur (more about this technique here), which is much like creating an in-bed compost pile by adding layers of materials into the bed. The largest branches go into the bottom and then layers of various organic matters alternate to fill it the rest of the way. The top few inches are a blend of topsoil and compost.
  3. If you don’t have any other option, you can use bagged raised bed mixes to fill the bed. You can also make your own. I like to use a combination of 1/3 bagged garden soil, 1/3 bagged bark-based potting soil, and 1/3 bagged compost. Tara has written about her favorite blend for raised beds in this article, if you’d like an additional option.

Strawberries grow best in a slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.8 and 6.2. Test the soil in your raised bed using a home test kit or a commercial soil test from a lab, every 3 to 5 years. Adjust the pH according to the instructions in the soil test results if necessary.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (5)

The best types of strawberries for growing in raised beds

The good news is that all types of strawberries are suited to raised bed growing. You don’t need to seek out a particular variety or shop at a special nursery for the plants. The main things to keep in mind are that different varieties produce at different times, each variety has a slightly different taste, and some varieties are better for colder climates than others. Read the plant tag, catalog description, or packaging to ensure the strawberry variety you are looking at is right for your climate. Be sure it is hardy in your growing zone. Most strawberries are hardy to -30°F, but some are even more cold tolerant while others are a little less hardy. If you live in a very cold climate, choose accordingly. The good news is that strawberries can be grown anywhere from hot and sunny Florida to cool and frosty Canada – and everywhere in between!

Next, decide when you want to harvest. There are three main types of strawberries:

  1. June-bearing varieties: Produce a large, single crop all at once, typically in mid-June to early July. June-bearing strawberries are the best choice if you plan to preserve your berries as jam
  2. Day-neutral varieties: Produce smaller amounts of fruits throughout most of the growing season
  3. Everbearing varieties: Produce two crops annually, one in the early summer and another in the early autumn.

Regardless of which type you choose, when growing strawberries in raised beds, you’ll want to be sure you get your plants off to a good start by watering them both before and after planting. If the plants are bare-root (no soil on them), soak the roots in water for 8 hours before planting.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (6)

Planting strawberries in raised beds

New plants can be planted in your strawberry bed anytime from early spring through early summer. If your new plants are growing in small pots, be sure to gently loosen the roots before planting them into the raised bed, especially if they were pot bound (roots circling around inside the pot). If the plants are bare-root, spread the roots out into the planting hole and make sure the plant is positioned so the crown is above the soil line and the roots below.

Space strawberry plants about 8 to 10 inches apart. Stagger the rows to give each plant plenty of room to grow. Get the growing season off to a good start by providing regular irrigation through the first year after planting, especially during times of drought.

When growing strawberries in raised beds, the soil may dry out faster than when growing in the ground. Monitor soil moisture carefully and water deeply whenever necessary. Avoid shallowly watering plants; a good, thorough soaking is always better than a light sprinkle.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (7)

Additional care tips for growing strawberries in raised beds

Here’s more to keep in mind when growing strawberries in raised beds.

  1. Pinch off any flowers that are produced during the first growing season. This diverts energy into plant establishment which is especially important the first year.
  2. Use a balanced granular organic fertilizer to provide nitrogen and other nutrients throughout the growing season. Apply once annually, in the spring, at the rate recommended on the packaging
  3. Mother plants produce runners that have daughter plants on their ends. Pinch off all strawberry runners the first two growing seasons, especially for June-bearing varieties. They sap energy from the mother plants and can impact production. If you want to, after year two, you can save the daughter plants to start a new strawberry patch. Learn when to transplant strawberries for healthy plants and large harvests.
  4. To prevent fruit rot from becoming a problem, water only in the morning so the plants dry off by nightfall, mulch the plants with straw to keep the developing fruits off the ground, and do not let the plants get too crowded. Crowded conditions reduce air circulation which promotes fungal diseases.
Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (8)

Mulching a raised bed with strawberries

When growing strawberries in raised beds, mulching is a particularly important step. Not only to reduce the chances of fruit rot as mentioned above, but also to reduce weed competition and insulate the roots from moisture and temperature fluctuations. I like to use straw, but shredded leaves are another great option. Some growers use black plastic or another type of plastic mulch, but these aren’t good options for growing strawberries in raised beds.

Apply 1 to 2 inches of mulch (no more than that) around the crowns of the plants in the fall. If you’d like, you can add another inch in the spring to freshen it up a bit. Do not pile the mulch against the plant stem or put mulch directly on top of the plant’s crown.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (9)

Winter care when growing strawberries in raised beds

While strawberries are hardy and fully perennial, when growing strawberries in raised beds, a bit of extra winter care is required. Soon after the first frost and before a deep freeze, mulch the plants as described above. Do not fertilize late in the season which could generate tender new growth that will be easily damaged by frost.

Protect your raised bed of strawberries from deer and other potential winter visitors with a dome of chicken wire placed over the plants, if necessary. Mice and voles love to burrow under the mulch and feed on the strawberry plant crowns. If they become problematic, set mousetraps baited with peanut butter in your strawberry patch.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (10)

Protecting your raised bed strawberries from birds and other pests

In addition to plant-eating mammals in the winter, when growing strawberries in raised beds there are plenty of other critters who may find your berries tempting, particularly as they ripen. Birds are especially fond of strawberries. To protect your yield from these pests, cover the entire raised bed with bird netting. Erect a frame or hoops made from PVC pipe and then secure bird netting to it using clips or clamps. Weigh down the edges with rocks or bricks, or use landscape staples to hold the netting in place.

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (11)

As you can see, growing strawberries in raised beds is not a complicated affair. Choose the right site, the right bed, and the right variety, and ample harvests of ripe, delicious berries are soon to follow!

For more on growing in raised beds, please visit the following articles:

  • Preparing raised beds for winter
  • How deep to make a raised bed
  • The best veggies for raised beds
  • Galvanized raised bed options
  • 4 x 8 raised bed layout ideas

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Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (12)

Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide (2024)


Growing Strawberries in Raised Beds - A Complete Guide? ›

When it comes to soil, they prefer well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Amend the soil with compost for added nutrients and ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots. Raised beds are ideal for growing strawberries; they promote fluffy, well-drained soil and help prevent invasion from weeds and grass.

Do strawberries grow well in raised beds? ›

When it comes to soil, they prefer well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Amend the soil with compost for added nutrients and ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots. Raised beds are ideal for growing strawberries; they promote fluffy, well-drained soil and help prevent invasion from weeds and grass.

What should not be planted next to strawberries? ›

Bad Neighbors for Strawberries

Common vegetable crops — including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons and plants in the rose family — can introduce the fungi responsible for Verticillium wilt. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red clover can harbor species of nematodes that can feed on strawberries.

How many strawberries can I grow in a 4x8 raised bed? ›

If you are asking how many strawberry plants per square foot is best, it is best to thin the plants out so that only about 4 are left per square foot (no more than 6 per square foot). But, don't toss the extras! You can replant them easily or give them away to friends and neighbors who have a spare pot sitting around.

What not to do when growing strawberries? ›

10 Strawberry Gardening Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs
  1. Choosing the wrong variety.
  2. Location Location Location.
  3. Planting crowns too deep.
  4. Over or under watering.
  5. Over or under fertilizing.
  6. Not mulching.
  7. Not pinching off first-year flowers.
  8. Not winterizing.
Apr 24, 2022

Will strawberries survive winter in a raised bed? ›

Because of colder temperatures, strawberry plants growing in raised beds require more protection that ground level sites. Place 6 to 8 inches of straw or chopped cornstalks on strawberry pyramids or other raised beds in fall.

How big should a raised bed be for strawberries? ›

Day-neutral strawberries are easiest to manage on raised beds. Create beds six inches high and 24 inches across on the top. The beds should be four feet apart on center leaving about two feet between beds for a walkway.

What is a companion plant for strawberries? ›

Try growing asparagus, beans, peas, spinach, lettuce, garlic, horseradish, and rhubarb – yes, strictly speaking, rhubarb is a vegetable. All work well planted alongside strawberries. Strawberries are good for onion companion planting.

What are the rules for growing strawberries? ›

In-ground gardens, raised beds, and containers are all excellent growing areas. Give strawberries room for runners by planting them 18 inches apart. Strawberries can be grown in a variety of ways, but make sure they get 8 or more hours of sun and are planted in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.8.

Can strawberries be planted close to tomatoes? ›

Strawberries and tomatoes are not known companion plants, however they don't dislike each other so they will be fine planted next to each other or in the same garden bed. Tomatoes especially like asparagus, basil, carrot, celery and parsley and they don't like brassicas, fennel, potato or sweetcorn.

Are coffee grounds good for strawberry plants? ›

Because coffee grounds are slightly acidic, they are ideal for strawberries and other plants that prefer a slightly acidic soil. Although coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, they should not be used as the only fertiliser for strawberries, as they contain hardly any other nutrients.

How to prepare a garden bed for strawberries? ›

Initial ground preparations can go a long way to improving ground conditions if yours is far from ideal. Double dig the soil, incorporating plenty of well-rotted organic matter such as garden-made compost. If you have a clay-based soil, improve its drainage by planting your strawberries atop ridges or into raised beds.

How much room does 1 strawberry plant need? ›

Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart, just as you would if setting them in the ground.

Why put black plastic under strawberry plants? ›

The Benefits of Black Plastic Fewer weeds, better weed control, better runner control, better picking environment. Weed Control We encourage germinating and killing weeds before planting. We highly recommend laying plastic 30-40 days before planting.

What month is best to plant strawberries? ›

When to plant strawberry seeds. Strawberry seeds can be planted in late winter or early spring. The plants will be small and require some care before planting out. Gradually harden off the young plants before planting out in their final position in spring, but only once all risk of frost has passed.

What is the best fertilizer for strawberries? ›

The best fertilizer for strawberries is usually a 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 balanced fertilizer. If you keep an organic garden, choose from all-natural fertilizers, including blood meal, kelp meal, soybean meal, and alfalfa meal.

Are strawberries better in raised beds or ground? ›

The ideal time to plant strawberries is the early spring, from the middle of March (after lost frost) to the end of April. You can plant in-ground or in raised beds. Some advantages of raised beds include : Protection plants from foot traffic, which also prevents soil compaction.

What do you put in a raised bed for strawberries? ›

To give your strawberries the best soil possible, purchase potting mix or garden soil that includes 2 or more of these main ingredients:
  1. Sandy loam potting mix.
  2. Quality compost.
  3. Peat moss.
  4. Earthworm castings.
  5. Decomposed manure.
  6. Forest humus.
  7. Chipped dry leaves.
  8. Coco coir.
Oct 5, 2023

How many strawberries can I grow in a 4x4 raised bed? ›

If you have a 4×4 foot garden plot, plant one strawberry plant in the center of each square foot during the very early spring. Pinch or cut all the strawberry flowers off of the plants in year one, but allow the strawberry runners to grow and root within the 4×4 feet of garden.

Do strawberries grow better in pots or ground? ›

Contrary to what most people may believe, soil cultivation is becoming scarcer due to a myriad of issues starting with the fact that soil is no longer as fertile as in the past, followed by the lack of water, limited spaces for growing, and even the effects of climate change, which make growing strawberries in pots the ...

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