Golden Rules every designer has to follow for success- (2024)

Golden rules every designer has to follow while creating an awesome deck

Essentially, the design is about making people happy in their environment. So, it requires an inquisitive mind willing to do research and ask tough questions that might lead them down still more paths of research to arrive at something new and useful. In this blog post we have enlisted the golden rules every designer has to follow while creating an awesome deck. Even though design can be a tricky process, some golden rules every designer ought to follow to deliver consistent and professional designs.

Before entering into golden rule of design, let us a short overview of what is graphic design and how it shapes across industries in terms of designs and creativity.

Graphic Design – Shaping Industries

Graphic design is the art of creating visual content using various techniques and tools. It involves the use of images, typography, and other elements to convey a message or idea. Visual design elements such as color, shape, and texture play a crucial role in creating effective and visually appealing designs. Design and typography go hand in hand, as the choice of fonts and their arrangement can greatly impact the overall look and feel of a design.

From working in graphic design jobs, the agencies to freelance work, graphic designers have the opportunity to showcase their creativity and skills in various industries. Graphic design programs are essential tools for any designer in today’s digital age. Understanding design principles, such as color theory, typography, and composition, is crucial for creating effective and impactful designs.

The design industry continues to evolve, and keeping up with new trends and technologies is essential for success in this fast-paced field. Job for graphic designers is to communicate ideas and messages through various forms of media, such as logos, websites, advertisem*nts, and packaging.

Graphic Design – Multi-faceted field

A designer is a creative professional who specializes in creating functional and visually appealing designs for various purposes. Artwork designing is the process of using artistic skills and techniques to create visually appealing designs for different mediums such as print, digital, or physical products. A designer graphic has expertise in using graphic design tools and software to create digital designs.

Graphic designing means ‘multifaceted field’ that requires a combination of creativity, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills. Print designing is one of the key responsibilities of a graphic designer, which involves creating visually appealing layouts for printed materials like magazines, brochures, and business cards.

The 12 rules of design can vary depending on who you ask, but some common ones include:
  1. Simplicity
  2. Balance
  3. Contrast
  4. Hierarchy
  5. Alignment
  6. Repetition
  7. Proximity
  8. White space
  9. Typography
  10. Color
  11. Texture
  12. Function.

These principles can be applied to various design fields, from graphic design to interior design.

Feedbacks help to grow!

There will always be 1–2% of the people who will never like whatever the workyou put up. Accept it. Accepting both positive and negative feedback for your work is the only way to grow both as a person and a designer. You can reallyreadminds by paying close attention to their feedback. Overa period, a balanced attitude sets in.

Engageyourself with positive influences to achieve high growth. Expert designers keep pace with design trends and follow golden rules every designer ought to follow and take feedbacks and improve the designs, exceeding client expectations.

Design for the audience!

Design for the user or the target audience. Know their behavior, research, and analyze it, to choose the colors, layout, and design the product around them. Tailor it to custom fit to customer’s changing requirements. After all, it is the users who are going to praise or criticize your creative work. Golden texture is a popular design trend that has been gaining traction in the graphic design world. It adds a luxurious and elegant feel to any design, making it stand out and catch the viewer’s attention.

Buildyour design skills to cater to a varied clientele, business, and audience – to be versatile in your design front, producing quality designs. Some golden rules every designer ought to follow while designing for the audience – colors, fonts, contrast, branding, consistent, use of minimal animation, less visual effects etc.

Keep up with the latest design trends!

Golden Rules every designer has to follow for success- (1)

Golden Rules Every Designer To Follow – Design Trends

Graphic design is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. The term “graphic and design” encompasses branding, advertising, web design, and print media. Layout design focuses on the arrangement of elements within a design to improve aesthetic appeal. Color and design play a crucial role in the success of any visual communication. Typography design is a key element in visual communication, as it not only affects the readability but also adds character and personality to the design.

The creative and design allows for innovative solutions to bring life to content ideas. A strong understanding of design principles and techniques is essential in creating successful designs that effectively communicate a message and leave a lasting impression. Design is a never-ending process. There will always be someone who will replace your design with a better one. Make sure you keep learning and improving your works and keep up with the latest trends in design. Explore, implement, and create stunning designs.

Keep pace with the latest design trends, some golden rules every designer ought to follow will be:

  1. Minimalistic designs
  2. Asymmetry
  3. Bold colors
  4. Creative Typography
  5. Animation & Motion graphics
  6. 3D design elements
  7. Memphis Design
  8. Immersive Presentations
  9. Trends in typography
  10. Infographics
Graphic Design Software – Revolutionizing Businesses

Graphic design is essential to any business’s marketing and branding strategy. Graphic design software can be used across various platforms, from website design to print collateral. A selection of the most comprehensive graphic design software, both free and subscription-based, has been compiled to provide creatives with the means to produce remarkable digital artwork.

Graphic design software is a powerful tool used by graphic artists to create impactful designs. Graphic artists software helps creative visualizations, whether it be for print, web, or multimedia platforms. Graphic creation software provides the necessary tools and features for individuals to design and produce graphics without the need for advanced technical skills. Graphics and design software are essential tools for any creative professional looking to enhance their design skills matching with the changing industry needs.

Some of the best graphic design software you can try for your work includes:

  1. Design Wizard
  2. Setka Editor
  3. Adobe Spark
  4. Krita
  5. Lunacy
  6. Gravit Designer
  7. Blender
  8. Inkscape
  9. SketchUp
  10. GIMP
  11. Genially
  12. Paint 3D
Design thinkingprocess!

Graphic design define as the art of combining visual elements and design principles to communicate a message and evoke emotion from the audience. The best design is essential to consider both aesthetics and functionality. The latest design trends are constantly evolving, and it is important to stay updated.

A post design is a crucial element in marketing and communication strategies, as it serves as a powerful tool to convey information and evoke emotions. The process of design for post involves creating visually appealing and informative graphics for social media platforms and websites. Branding designs play a significant role in establishing a brand’s identity and creating a lasting impression on consumers.

Stanford University defines the design thinking process in a series of steps, as follows.

  1. Empathize
  2. Define
  3. Ideate
  4. Prototype
  5. Test

Keep pace with changing design trends, some golden rules every designer has to follow directs a designer to revisit the design thinking process and update oneself to match with the dynamic changes happening around in the design industry.

Keystrengths for a designer
  1. Unbiased attitude
  2. Focused attention
  3. Optimistic approach
  4. Confidence – Exploring the possibilities!
  5. Adventure – Bring out thecreativity in you!
  6. Resilient – Bounce back withenthusiasm!

The above strengths for a designer need to be strengthened from time to time. Some golden rules every designer has to follow also necessitates the fundamental need to strengthen the above key strengths.


It is essential to understandyour audienceand the environment in which they operate. This requires that you putyour own beliefs and prejudices aside and remain unbiased.


To define a problem, be focused to arrive at a real, practical one. Avoid solving too many problems at a time. Evenfor a complex problem, synthesize your observations into a clear problem definition. Try to tella simple storyof the problem that you wantto solve.


Do a brainstorming session – jot down as many ideas as possible, no ideais goodor badunless fullyexplored. To ideate, be optimistic to accept ideas from varied perspectives, includethem even if it totally contradicts your own frame of reference. It is essential to keep the contentsimple to the minimum, avoid beingtoo complex.


In this stage, ideas are converted into meaningful designs, that goverywell with real-time scenarios. More trial and error do follow on, be confident to try and believe that your ideais the rightone. Sooner or later, you will find the right form or shape for your idea.


Every time you shareyour latest-and-greatest designs with real people, you will learnto understand the merits and or criticisms for how your designs workin the real world. This gives the idea or viewof the ground reality.


The graphic design thinking process is iterative by nature. Design-thinkers have a resilient attitude. The ability to bounce backwith an updated creative design to impressthe audience – A clear welcome sign to taste success.

Successful strategies to improve design career!

We give below some golden rules every designer has to follow that helps you keep motivated in your design career:

Know current trends

Make no mistake: knowing what is and isn’t fashionable is still crucial. It is essential to keep upwith the latest design trends and how to design uniquely to stand out against the crowd.

Take risks

Designers who stand still stagnate. Forward progression is everything if you are to developa long-lasting career in the design field. Keep expediting in designs to grow with a design agency.

Understand your influences

Whatever your chosen area of interest, you needto know and understand it better than anyone else. Your positive influences need to reflect on your creative successful designs.


As an experienced designer, one of the Golden Rules you must strictly follow is to make sure you present your design solutions with utmost confidence. Listen attentively to your clients’ opinions and keep any other ideas in reserve. Furthermore, whenever you have options for them, it’s best not to let them choose as there’s a high chance that they would make the wrong decision.

Specialist disciplines are fading fast

The narrower your area of expertise, the less flexible (and attractive) you are to newclients.Beingtoo specific with your expertise in designskills, keep you sought after by clients looking for that specifics alone – More totalistic means, more to lookfor from your skills.

Mentoring experience – A great boon

To guidea younger talent past pitfalls, helpnurture their skills, or simply offer practical supportto theteamis fulfilling, especially if we see new talent benefit from our mentoring.

Stay playful

A desire to be taken seriously early in our career can often inhibit us, but experienced designers rememberhow important it is to play, as well. Success formulae for successful creatives is a passion for playfulness, amid busyschedules.

Up to date portfolio

Unexpected opportunities may arise that need to be acted on swiftly, and hastily refreshing your portfolio is never a good idea. Whatever your current role, having your portfolio at hand to emailat a moment’s notice is essential. Be prepared to present yourself in a professional way. Herecomes the willingness to try a new opportunity.

Trust your instincts

Education, workshop, training, and logic are vital essential skills, but our instincts often providemagic. And if you suspect something is wrong with your design but don’t know what it is, takeit apart and startagain.

Learnfrom your mistakes

Experienced creatives learn from their mistakes and apply these lessons to subsequent work, rather than erase it from their memory. They ensureto updatewith industry’s bestpractices, to reflect in their work on par with repute global standards.

With the dynamic changes happening across the business, some golden rules every designer ought to follow keeps changing and one has to learn from his mistakes and keep up with the latest design trends.


Your job as a designer is to create intuitive, well-designed, creative, and impressive designs, that will be remembered by the audience forever. Learning is not a one-time process. Makesure you keep learning and improving your works and keep up with the latest trends in creative designservices. You will be amazed at the resultsthat reflect your career success in the near future.

We at Visual Sculptors, strive to offer a better learning experience for our aspiring designers, be it PowerPoint Presentation, Logos creation, Slidesformatting, Graphic Designing, or any design Project.

  1. What is one of the golden rules of graphic design?

One of the golden rules of graphic design is to keep it simple. This means using a limited color palette, avoiding cluttered layouts, and using clear and concise messaging. Another important rule is to maintain consistency in design elements such as fonts, spacing, and imagery.

2. What are the designing 7 rules?

The fundamental pillars of design principle are underscored by emphasis, equilibrium, and alignment, contrast, repetition, proportion, movement, and white space.

3. What are the 80 20 rules design?

The Pareto Principle, commonly referred to as the 80/20 rule, is a potent tool for enhancing productivity. It posits that, typically, 80% of the outcomes of any given process are the result of 20% of its inputs. In a UX setting, this concept can be aptly illustrated by acknowledging that 20% of your features are utilized by 80% of your user base.

4. What are the 60 30 10 rules in design?

The principle asserts that a dominant color should occupy 60% of the room, while a secondary color or texture should comprise 30% of the area. The remaining 10% should be reserved for an accent, which serves to punctuate and enliven the overall aesthetic.

5. What is the most commonly used rule in design?

For over two centuries, the Rule of Thirds has served as a valuable tool for artists and designers alike. This universally recognized concept involves the creation of a grid comprised of nine boxes, strategically used to guide the viewer’s attention towards specific focal points within a design.

Golden Rules every designer has to follow for success- (2024)


What are the golden rules that are to be followed during designing? ›

One of the golden rules of graphic design is to keep it simple. This means using a limited color palette, avoiding cluttered layouts, and using clear and concise messaging. Another important rule is to maintain consistency in design elements such as fonts, spacing, and imagery.

What are golden 4 rules in design process? ›

The UI design principals are: Place users in control of the interface Make it comfortable to interact with a product Reduce cognitive load Make user interfaces consistent 1.

What is the golden rule in graphic design? ›

Consider the Golden Ratio a useful guideline for determining dimensions of the layout. One very simple way to apply the Golden Ratio is to set your dimensions to 1:1.618.> For example, take your typical 960-pixel width layout and divide it by 1.618. You'll get 594, which will be the height of the layout.

What are the golden rules of user design? ›

The golden rules are divided into three groups: Place Users in Control. Reduce Users' Memory Load. Make the Interface Consistent.

What are the 5 rules of design? ›

5 Principles of Design
  • Balance. I'm guessing you know what balance is, but in terms of interior design, it's achieved when careful consideration is given to the placement of objects within a space. ...
  • Rhythm and Repetition. ...
  • Emphasis. ...
  • Proportion and Scale. ...
  • Harmony.
Feb 23, 2019

What are the 7 rules of design? ›

The fundamental principles of design are: Emphasis, Balance and Alignment, Contrast, Repetition, Proportion, Movement and White Space. Design differs from art in that it has to have a purpose. Visually, this functionality is interpreted by making sure an image has a center of attention, a point of focus.

What is design and golden rule of design? ›

Layout is the main rule that is followed by all designers, it's number one. Much like how we have a skeleton to give us structure as humans, layout gives structure to design. This is simply how the design is “laid out” on a page (or artboard).

What are the 4 basic design rules? ›

Maintaining your creativity when designing content can be a challenge. Luckily, there are four major design principles that can help guide your ideas. These principles are contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Understanding the role each can play in the design process can help keep your ideas fresh.

What are the 3 types of design rules? ›

Design rules are rules that a designer can follow in order to increase the usability of the system or product. We can these rules into three categories. Those are principles, standards and guidelines.

What is the Golden Rule the best rule? ›

The “Golden Rule”—“Love your neighbor as yourself”—is doubtless the most widely known and affirmed ethical principle worldwide. At the same time, it has its serious, quasi-serious, and jocund critics.

What is the Golden Rule best example? ›

The Golden Rule, or the ethic of reciprocity, is a common sense moral rule described in the philosophical field of ethics. The rule asks people to treat others as they would wish to be treated.

What is the Golden Rule in visual art? ›

The golden ratio, also defined by the letter φ (phi), is the most telling example. This mathematical formula is considered by some as a universal rule of beauty. With a proportion equal to x²=x+1, the golden ratio in art creates a balanced relationship that the mind's eye loves.

What are the rules of design? ›

There are twelve basic principles of design: contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity. These visual and graphic design principles work together to create appealing and functional designs that make sense to users.

What are the three types of golden rules? ›

1) Debit what comes in - credit what goes out. 2) Credit the giver and Debit the Receiver. 3) Credit all income and debit all expenses.

What are the 6 rules of design? ›

Start with the six principles of design: balance, pattern, rhythm, emphasis, contrast, and unity. Just as instructional design models and methodologies shape your training strategy, so should these principles shape your basic visual strategy.

What are the rules of designing? ›

There are twelve basic principles of design: contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity.

What are the three golden rules of architecture? ›

Architect - Retired UK

Firmitas (Firmness, Durability) – It should stand up robustly and remain in good condition. Utilitas (Commodity, Utility) – It should be useful and function well for the people using it. Venustas (Delight, Beauty) – It should delight people and raise their spirits.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.