EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (2024)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (1)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (2)

This is afull megawadof funky, gimmicky and mostly small maps with a wide variety of themes, ideas, and gameplay styles. There's a bit of something in here for everybody: run-and-gun action, suspense and atmosphere, slaughter, indoor maps, outdoor maps, hell maps, space maps, classic-style, '94-style and some whackadoo sh*t I can't even give a description to, to name just a few. You'll just have to get your feet wet and see for yourself!

You may have played some of these in theirprevious incarnation, back when this was just a handful of silly little speedmaps I was throwing out. In fact it really started as a single map (that's MAP18 now) which I contributed to @Dusty_Rhodesneat speedmapping threadat the time (without which/whom this absolutely would not have happened). It got me rethinking my usual mapping workflow and penchant for makingreallybigmaps, helping me keep down sprawl and put down map features without overthinking any of it too much. It still took two and a half years to get the whole thing done but that's been with alotof other things going on.

The mapping process (theoretically) went something like this:

🫘30 minutes to draw the overall layout, inc. rooms, sector heights, doors, lifts etc.
🫘minutes to texture, place monsters, add detail if time permits
🫘minutes to tweak it until I actually like it

Actual build times mostly between 1.5 and 10 hours because I either forgot the rules or made layouts that were way too ambitious. At any rate in spite of the "speedmap" genesis of the idea I didn't forbid myself from going back and modifying maps to make them more fun or more fully realized—as long as I wasn't adding entire new areas and onlyadjusting what was already there. Nonetheless speed remained core to the project because I'm a busy man and I knew it would never see the light of day or just peter out otherwise (seemy other much more long-festering mapping project.)

Why "Extra Beany Canned Doom"? Because:

🫘Like beans, the maps are small and proteiny
🫘Also like beans, there are exactly 32 of them
🫘Like canned food, the maps are quick to make and play
🫘Like Doom, the maps are full of Doom enemies and textures
🫘"Beany" is a funny word lol beany
🫘I actually hate beans so I'm motivated to make the maps extra good to compensate

Special thanks to all the playtesters who contributed in ways great and very great to making this less of an incoherent mess than it would have been otherwise. @baja blast rd.@Biodegradable@CBM@Clippy@Dubbag@Dusty_Rhodes@FEDEX@Fernito@Gibbonjade@kalensar@Kyka@LadyMistDragon@LoatharMDPhD@Maribo@NefelibetaNightriderDoom @Origamyde@azerty @P41R47@Sesamia@Silhouette 03@slugger@thiccyosh@xdarkmasterxThanks all for being subjected to this madness

Additional credits:

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Patched Up Textures (PatchTex.wad) by @Gothic(absolutely love these)
Doom I Textures (d1gfxd2.wad) by id Software, of course; compiled by SargeBaldy
Lavafall from GothicTX by Gothic Team
Railing and waterfall from PLUTONIA.WAD
Cloudy sky from Claustrophobia 1024 2 texture pack
Hell sky from DOOM.WAD
Space sky from nitesky.zip (1997, 2005) by Rich "Weeds" Nagel
All other artwork by Stupid Bunny

Ultimate Doom Builder
Doom Builder X
WhackEd 4

TITLE: Footloose by Kenny Loggins; sequenced by unknown
INTERLEVEL: Breaking the Chains by Dokken; sequenced by unknown
INTERMISSION: Game Theme by unknown (SimAnt)
MAP01: overp2.mid by unknown (Hyperball)
MAP02: Too Many Puppies by Primus; sequenced by unknown
MAP03: Great Temple by Daniel Bernstein (Blood)
MAP04: Suspense by Robert Prince (Wolfenstein 3D)
MAP05: Dark Halls by Robert Prince (Doom)
MAP06: More by Tom Mustaine (TNT: Evilution)
MAP07: Dark Carnival by Daniel Bernstein (Blood)
MAP08: Untitled (Floor 3, 21) by Joe Abbati (Corridor 7)
MAP09: Blackmarsh by Kevin Schilder (Hexen II)
MAP10: Space Pirate Statue Chamber by Yamamoto Kenji and Hamano Minako (SuperMetroid); Sequenced by Unknown
MAP11: Departure by Lee Jackson (Duke Nukem 3D)
MAP12: Octo by Kevin Schilder (Hexen)
MAP13: Infinite by Tom Mustaine (TNT: Evilution)
MAP14: Robot Hive (Keen GBC); Sequenced by Xkylyr Rauh
MAP15: Untitled by Robert Prince (Doom)
MAP16: Pee Wee's Big Adventure (Theme) by Danny Elfman; sequenced by unknown
MAP17: Running from Evil by Robert Prince (Doom II)
MAP18: Adrian's Asleep by Robert Prince (Doom II)
MAP19: Hellero by Robert Prince (Rise of the Triad)
MAP20: Pissed by @leejacksonaudio(Duke Nukem 3D)
MAP21: Soarin' Over the Space by Jun Senoue (Sonic Adventure 2); sequenced by unknown
MAP22: Song 7/Letni by Robert Allen (Jazz Jackrabbit)
MAP23: The Silent Base bymxbobbie49
MAP24: Wave Music 5 by Matt Murphy (Raptor: Call of the Shadows)
MAP25: Jupiter by Dan Froelich (Jill of the Jungle); Sequenced by Dan Froelich and modified by Stupid Bunny
MAP26: Cyborg by @Immorpher
MAP27: War Song by Stéphane Picq (Dune)
MAP28: Plutopia by @Jimmy
MAP29: SA-X Arrival by Shinji Hosoe (Metroid Fusion; Sequenced by unknown)
MAP30: Corner.mod (Terminal Velocity); sequenced by Eternal for eclipse.wad
MAP31: Pacman by Bobby Prince (Wolfenstein 3D)
MAP32: Don't Metal With Me! by Bobby Prince (Commander Keen IV); sequenced by Xkylyr Rauh

Make sure to check the "how to play" and especially the big conspicuous "READ THIS" sections below. Beyond that, enjoy, and let me know if anything is broken so that I can unbreak it for everyone. I'll fix anything that's egregiously busted and maybe do some rebalancing if something is off from the difficulty intended (maybe start withHurt Me Plentyif it's your first time), but for the most part this should be done and I should be ready to move on with my life

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (3)

Behold, the miracle of birth! Today we are witness to the hatching of the doomguy from its egg, truly one of the wonders of nature. Watch as it eats the gibs left behind by its mother, made of the remains of her mate.

What lies ahead for this young doomguy as it emergesfrom its nest? Most likely, ripping and tearing, and the struggle for survival that all beasts must face. The little doomguy wastes no time: look, a chainsaw left behind by loggers! Time for him to go gather some tasty, juicy gibs of his own, before the next mating season commences.

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (4)

🫘Play with any limit-removing source port —it's mostly tested in Crispy but they all should work in GZDoom, DSDA-Doom, Eternity and the other limit-removing ports, and each map has been tested in them(but see below)

🫘Single player

🫘Freelook permitted, that's how I tested it

🚫No jumping or crouching

The difficulty levels are loosely balanced as such (noting that I am bad at Doom and that limits my ability to properly balance for UV):

🫘ITYTD:Go for it! A nice way to casually experience the maps with minimal pressure or frustration.
🫘HNTR:Same as HMP, but with fewer monsters. Balanced to be a gentle challenge for people who are new or just want a relaxed time
🫘HMP:The "default" difficulty, recommended for first time playthroughunless you're looking for a challenge. Same monster count as UV but with more kit.
🫘UV:It will get pretty hard sometimes but definitely not god level. Same monster count as HMP but with less health/ammo/arms
☠️N!:lol no

All maps are tested from pistol start—you can play them continuous, but if your port supports the -pistolstart flag or equivalent then I recommend it (see below). The maps are a hodgepodge of ideas with only the barest progression in theme or difficulty. So if you aren't enjoying a map go ahead and skip it! That's what God made idclev for (but I hope you enjoy most of the maps at least)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (5)

Reveal hidden contents

Since couple of maps take advantage of weird gimmicks like ghost monsters and some obscure-ish bugs with floor movement, make sure the following settings are set to YES in your favorite port:

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (6)

⚠️Use exactly Doom's floor motion behavior
⚠️Ghost monsters on

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (7)

Infinitely tall actors off(if applicable)
Lost soul limit off (you know you want to)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (8)

🫘Freelook enabled/autoaim disabled (if you use a mouse)
🫘Playing with -pistolstart parameter (supported by Crispy, DSDA, Woof!, some others)

I have the COMPLVL lump in there so if you are using a current version of GZDoom, DSDA, Nugget, Woof!, or some others then it *should* set some of these for you. However it may be good to check them nonetheless because a couple maps WILL break otherwise, and COMPLVL support is still rudimentary in GZDoom.


EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (9)

RC1 - 5/13/2024


EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (10)

Reveal hidden contents

Here's just a sampling of what you'll get to do in this adventure:

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (11)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (12)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (13)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (14)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (15)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (16)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (17)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (18)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (19)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (20)

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (21)

Reveal hidden contents

Build times should be taken as tentative because half the time I forgot to run the timer and also times in many cases exclude alotof post-playtest tweaking and adjusting

-- EPISODE I: HELL IS EARTH ------------------------------------------------

MAP01: Intro to Forestry
Build time: 2.5 hours
Finished: 12/17/2021
Kill all of the invasive demons ruining this beautiful peaceful forest

MAP02: Beware the Beast Man
Build time: 5 hours
Finished: 1/6/2022
...for he is the Devil’s pawn. Alone among God’s primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother’s land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

MAP03: Bad Neighbo(u)rs
Build time: 1.5 hours + like 3 more hours making it look pretty and stuff
Finished: 8/27/2022
This is the last time they don't give your lawnmower back! Get in there and teach the deadbeats a lesson

MAP04: Gnatsies
Build time: 2 hours
Finished: 11/21/2021
The UAC has made friends with someone even more horrible than the Devil! Get in there and kill the sh*t out of their fascist asses

MAP05: Toxin Command Processing
Build time: 6 hours
Finished: 9/22/2022
Essential part of the Phobos Base, located just down the road from the Station Control Lab Anomaly Center

MAP06: The T.T.P. Project
Build time: 2.5 hours
Finished: 12/17/2021
What does "TTP" stand for? Anyway see what the UAC scientists have beencooking up, and maybe stop it or something idk

MAP07: Carnival Games
Build time: 2 hours
Finished: 12/2/2021
Yay, the carnival's in town! Let's head to the fairgrounds down by the blood treatment plant and have ourselves a rip snortin good time

MAP08: Knot Seize
Build time: 4 hours
Finished: 2/9/2023
Not another Nazi fortress! Seize Fort Knot and destroy the evil within

MAP09: Fort Doomguy
Build time: 3-4 hours
Finished: 11/21/2021
Sneak in, neutralize the enemy, and get the hell out. And don't get burned by the sentries

MAP10: Cyber Bullies
Build time: 3 hours
Finished: 9/24/2022
Those mean ol cyberdouches chased you into the tunnels under the school and are about to give you the swirlie of a lifetime! See if you can get the drop on them and finally give them their comeuppance

MAP11: Bikini Atoll
Build time: 5 hours
Finished: 2/10/2023
Uh oh, looks like it's not the way your grandpa remembers it when he visited in 1954 :( I guess this is one island vacation you won't be relaxing through

-- EPISODE II: INFERNAL AFFAIRS --------------------------------------------

MAP12: Stairway to Hell
Build time: 7 hours
Finished: 2/26/2023
Don't let your knees get sore going down all these stairs

MAP13: Cathedral of Rust
Build time: 3.5 hours
Finished: 12/25/2021
Throw the Three Holy Switches of Oxidation and enter the Corroded Sanctuary to kill the Big Rusty Bishops within, only then will the sacrament of Eucharust be complete

MAP14: Keen Mustn't Die!
Build time: 3.5 hours
Finished: 9/16/2022
Pro-Gannalech extremists have kidnapped a bunch of Commander Keens! Get in there, save the Billys and neutralize the terrorist threat. And be careful, if all the hostages die then the ATF will bust in and handle things their way

MAP15: Fortress of Mystery
Build time: 2 hours
Finished: 12/10/2021
An ancient tale of demonic rivalry, mystery, and fortresses plays out in slightly new form. Maybe with a new mystery or two to boot

MAP16: You Asked for This
Build time: 2 hours
Finished: 9/23/2023
Doomguy decides it's time to check out some monster poles
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This map was made in response to a poll that Clippy didin which folks chose their favorite monster, tournament style until onewas the winner. The number of times they appear here is exactly as manyas they appeared in the tournament, so logically the more of them thereare the more well liked they should be. Enjoyyyyyy

MAP17: map01.wad
Build time: 6 hours
Finished: 9/18/2022
sup im new here anyway this is just some stupid sh*t i through togethercheck it out or dont watever idc www.fileorangutan.rs/f/69420/map01.wad

MAP18: Angry Chair
Build time: 1.5 hours
Finished: 11/15/2021
Sitting on an angry chair
Now Doomguy wants to sit there
But first he'll get a nasty scare
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The map that started all this madness. The one with the shortest build time and still probably the best of the lot

MAP19: Kill the Fat Marshal
Build time: 3-4 hours
Finished: 8/21/2022
Find and kill Hermann Göring, shoot Hitler right in his face and end this Nazi sh*t once and for all

MAP20: Satan's PC
Build time: 12 hours
Finished: 2/3/2023
Satan's computer has a virus...and it's YOU! Defeat Satan's antivirus and brick his PC before he DMs photos of your feet to everyone on Doomworld

-- EPISODE III: SPACE MADNESS ----------------------------------------------

MAP21: SPACE!!!111!!11!one!
Build time: 6 hours
Finished: 12/19/2023
You arrive in the FUTURE where you board a big shiny space station, expecting to meet lots of friendly and helpful humans that will give you hugs, and not monsters or anything lame like that

MAP22: The Demon Dig
Build time: 3.5 hours
Finished: 11/29/2021
Doomguy came for donuts and all he got was some kind of sh*tty open pit mining project full of demons

MAP23: Chromoid Labs, 1024
Build time: 3 hours
Finished: 12/17/2021
Dr. Archibald V. Ile has been collecting research grants for years and the endowment wants you to go in and see what their funding has been going towards. Whatever it is it f*cking sure better not be demon related

MAP24: Call of the Shadows
Build time: 7 hours
Finished: 3/14/2023
In the shadowy Archaean lava tubes of the Moon you find a long-abandoned UAC base. What killed the researchers who had been based here? Do I even need to ask? Fun fact shadows are darker on the Moon due to lack of atmospheric light scattering

MAP25: Gorignak
Build time: 7 hours
Finished: 9/18/2022
Those damn dirty aliens have thrown you in the execution pit. Can you survive the onslaught of their battle beasts?

MAP26: The Imp*erial Engine
Build time: 6 hours give or take many many many hours of tweaking
Finished: 10/3/2023
You find yourself at the heart of a great and terrible machine. You don't know what it does, but you should probably hit the STOP button before the imp-lications of its power become clear

MAP27: Dome of Darkness
Build time: 12 hours
Finished: 3/21/2023
Survive the challenges that lie within the Dome. Grappling hook and Second Dome not included

MAP28: Panopticon
Build time: Around 16 hours
Finished: 5/11/2024
A utopian City of Tomorrow under the stewardship of the Great Eye, the Watchful Guardian, It who once awakened shall never sleep. Built to guard the inhabitants against the terrors of Hell, It believes that the only cure for a scourge of demons, is an even bigger scourge of demons

MAP29: Fever Dream
Build time: a million billion hours
Finished: 4/18/2024
"Oh no, I think I have the flu", urghles Doomguy as he rolls into bed,"Or maybe it was all those baked bean and sauerkraut pizzas I just ate." Either way, it's gonna be a rough night ahead for our hero and the brave wastebasket by his bedside

MAP30: The Many-Eyed God
Build time: 12 hours
Finished: 3/9/2024
Confront the final evil in its Doomy lair, and reckon that there is no escape but still there may yet be victory....

(And then two secret maps ;3333 )

EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors [RC2] (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.