Environmental Impact of Agriculture: Effects (2024)

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Long ago, in our past, our ancestors decided to settle around the most fertile strips of land and start family-centred communities. They chose climates and soils that favoured the growth of plants or animals and preferred the proximity of freshwater resources.

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    Nowadays, our preferred areas of inhabitance are somewhat different. Our current cities don't typically offer fertile soils, naturally clean water resources or clean air. However, they provide transportation services and access to these resources brought from elsewhere, such as via pipes, freight or other means.

    Still, all urban and non-urban centres depend on agriculture. The environmental impact of agriculture has been significant, and we must analyse it and try to make it as sustainable as possible for generations to come.

    What do we mean by the environmental impact of agriculture?

    Agriculture refers to plant cultivation, animal rearing, and any afferent activities. It has been a natural result of human habitation for centuries, and many animals have adapted to living on farmlands. Agriculture is practised differently globally, depending on environmental conditions and available species.

    The point of agriculture is to produce food, clothing and other products which enhance people's quality of life.

    This hasn't been possible everywhere, and years of drought or insufficient agricultural produce have often stirred human conflicts.

    COVID-19 has recently disrupted some countries' food and economic systems, and the 2022 war in Ukraine has triggered food crises around the world.

    Food and Agriculture Organisation's (FAO) food price index shows an +137.5% increase in oil prices and a +69.5% increase in cereal prices worldwide, compared to 2016 averages.1

    In the context of climate change, dictated by rising temperatures of both air and seawater and changing precipitation patterns, sustainable farming methods become essential.

    Positive effects of agriculture on the environment

    Agriculture is vital to the global food supply, but it also significantly impacts the environment. On the positive side, agriculture provides a major source of employment and contributes to economic growth. It also helps to conserve natural resources by using less land to produce more food.

    Sustainable or regenerative agriculture can be quite different from industrial-scale or intensive agriculture.

    Agriculture can help to:

    • Reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere by storing carbon (C) in soils:

      • Crop and soil carbon sequestration are, for example, possible through permacultures and tall-growing plants such as bamboo.

    Permaculture, also known as permanent crop culture, is the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.

    • Improve air quality:

      • Plants "catch" and reduce dust levels.

    • Provide habitat for wildlife:

      • Farmland hedgerows and their riparian (river, banks, etc.) areas tend to be quite biodiverse.

    • Develop new technologies:

      • Ionising radiation is used to mutate DNA and enhance species of agricultural importance. This radiation is made by radiation-generating technology, such as electron accelerators.

    • Lead scientific advancements:

      • The Haber-Bosch process was born from the need to fertilise agricultural fields. It revolutionised the industry, allowing our population to grow significantly. The Haber-Bosch process managed to produce ammonia (NH3) from nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H), and nowadays, it may also be used to enrich animal feed.

    Negative effects of agriculture on the environment

    On the negative side, agriculture can lead to soil erosion and water pollution. It can also contribute to climate change by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

    Agriculture is a driving force for deforestation globally, but especially in the following countries:

    • Brazil (South America)

    • Indonesia (Asia)

    • Malta and the United Kingdom (Europe)

    95% of all reported deforestation worldwide in 2019 occurred in the tropics.2

    Deforestation occurs at the minute especially in South-American rainforests due to the changing political and economic views, and in the African rainforests due to ongoing conflict and war zones.

    Subsistence clears and uses rainforest land slightly differently than commercial agriculture.

    • Native Americans had used subsistence agriculture for hundreds of years. It involved using a plot of land modified for the plantation of bananas, maize, or animal rearing until it started to lose fertility, typically within two years.

    Such plots were left to recover between 50 and 100 years before the native inhabitants reoccupied them. This is believed to have contributed to the enhancement of the rainforest biodiversity.

    • Commercial agriculture clears land more intensively and over larger areas. The soils in those regions may be enriched chemically to allow crops to grow for longer. This means that tropical soils, which are already poorer in nutrients than temperate soils, may take longer to regenerate.

    When abandoned, it is difficult for the forest to overtake them, as those plots of land may not be enclosed by rainforest patches anymore.

    Similar trends exist around the world! Rotational grazing & cropland are one of the best techniques to prevent significant soil quality loss and erosion.

    Oil palm plantations in Indonesia cause more deforestation and biodiversity loss in Indonesia than cattle rearing. Soy plantations cause the most plant agriculture-related deforestation in South America.

    Some of the other negative effects of agriculture on the environment include:

    • Changes to the hydrological cycle:

      • Agriculture uses 70% of all freshwater our society taps into annually.3 Altered vegetation cover (with only a few species of agricultural plants) influences the quality and amount of water that seeps through the rocks back into basins and aquifers, usually negatively. Moreover, inefficient irrigation techniques can account for excessive water evaporation before it reaches the soil.

        Drip irrigation is more water-efficient than sprinklers!

    • Soil quality loss:

      • Soil loses quality through compaction by trampling and through the use of heavy machinery. Moreover, mono-crops reduce overall soil nutrients and biodiversity and lead to further loss of soil fertility.

    'Mono-crops' is the practice of planting the same type of crop.

    Earthworms and mycorrhizae help biodiversity and enhance crop growth but can go locally extinct through the use/overuse of pesticides or chemical fertilisers.

    Mycorrhizae is a fungus that helps plants obtain nutrients through roots, and grow better.

    • Pesticide use:

      • Pesticides have been pivotal in preventing monocultures from being consumed by pests and preventing widespread famine. However, they are known to decrease the number of invertebrates, weed seeds, and microbiota, which otherwise feed a significant amount of the bird and mammalian population that inhabits flatlands. Intensive agriculture is the leading cause of bird population decline around the world.

    • Domestic bee-dependent, leading to a decline in biodiversity:

      • Both wild and domestic bees need to be allowed to survive. Almond farms in California are mono-crops (monocultures) that need bee pollination, with the side effect that almond flower pollen and nectar cannot solely provide for the nutritional needs of honeybees. As a result, fifty million bees died in the winter of 2018-2019 alone.4

    • Genetic contamination:
      • It can happen naturally, through cross-pollination or hybridisation, or caused by human activities, such as genetically modified (GM) crops. GM crops have an advantage over their wild counterparts when specific conditions are provided, but they may not necessarily be more resilient in all given natural scenarios. The result is usually a loss of genetic diversity.

    Impact of agriculture on biodiversity

    Certain types of agriculture can promote biodiversity, while others impede the growth of anything else but the intended crop(s). Let's look at some examples of how agriculture impacts biodiversity.

    Rotational agriculture in Transylvania, Romania

    Opwall's 2021 case study of Romanian agricultural practices5 has identified several sustainable farming practices. Some of these characteristics include:

    • Sheep and cattle are allowed to graze together on unfenced terrain.

    • Old deciduous forests surround grazing and agricultural hillside fields.

    • Hay and clover fields are allowed to grow wildflowers and wild herbs. Cutting is also done later in the season.

    • Agriculture is practised with little heavy machinery.

    • Avoidance of pesticides and reliance on natural predators.

    Maltese aquifers

    Agricultural irrigation represents the most significant factor of aquifer depletion in Malta.

    Malta is an island surrounded by saltwater and subject to low precipitation and high annual temperatures.

    Unregulated practices in agriculture, such as the use of nitrite and nitrate fertilisers, have led to the pollution of underground water reserves (aquifers). The result is that most of the water on the island is obtained from saltwater filtration, which is innovative, but also expensive.

    Environmental impact of agriculture examples

    Many historical and present examples can effectively illustrate the environmental impacts of agriculture.

    The Aral Sea

    The Aral Sea was once the fourth-largest inland sea in the world. However, it has been rapidly shrinking since the 1960s due to excessive irrigation from nearby agriculture. Specifically, agricultural development re-routed the river tributaries to fields, meaning that the sea, already subject to high temperatures, was left without enough incoming water volume.

    Evapotranspiration is a process whereby water is evaporated from the surface of the earth and transpired from plants.

    Evapotranspiration is a major component of the water cycle and plays a significant role in determining the climate of an area.

    Once the sea's water table shrunk to unsustainable levels, the evapotranspiration rate became the leading cause of its shrinking. This is because the Aral Sea occupies a hot and arid part of the world.

    This has resulted in the loss of habitat for local wildlife, and the increased salinity of the water has made it toxic to many fish. The Aral Sea is now less than 10% of its original size, and its ecosystem is on the brink of collapse.6

    The Attica region of Greece

    Timber-cutting and grazing, especially goat and sheep grazing, started to affect the landscape of Greece from 2400 years ago.

    Four centuries before Christ, Plato described Attica (the region around Athens), saying: “What now remains compared with what then existed is like the skeleton of a sick man, all the fat and soft earth having wasted away, and only the bare framework of the land being left.”7

    Agriculture and climate change

    Deforestation creates desertification, which leads to a lack of food, water and species displacement. Agriculture also causes water pollution from pesticides and fertilizers, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions from livestock and heavy machinery.

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases state-of-the-art reports on climate change. Let us look below at three of the most critical greenhouse gases emitted from agriculture.


    Global warming potential (Measured over 20 years, according to IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report)


    Nitrogen oxides (NOx)


    Released into the air, waterways and soils through fertilizer application, manure management and crop burning.

    • Causes eutrophication (algal overgrowth).

    • Contributes to the formation of smog and acid rain.

    • Contributes to ozone depletion.

    • Can cause respiratory problems.

    Carbon dioxide (CO2)


    Released from tilling and deforestation, fossil fuel combustion for vehicles and tools (tractors, chainsaws, etc.), and crop burning.

    • Significant amount of emissions contributes to global warming.

    Methane (CH4)


    Comes from livestock (cattle, sheep, etc.), manure management, and rice agriculture.

    • It is more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

    The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a gas's capacity to absorb heat. The reference point in measuring these gases is CO2, which is represented by the value 1.

    While it is true that agriculture can lead to habitat loss and the decline of some species, it can also provide new opportunities for other species to thrive. Human communities worldwide will perhaps reach a point where they produce enough food sustainably and have overcome agricultural diseases and environmental limitations—sharing our resources with other species and allowing co-existence to promote sustainability and biodiversity.

    Environmental Impact of Agriculture - Key takeaways

    • Agriculture is disrupted by environmental 'fickleness', war, and other natural or artificial factors worldwide.

    • Agriculture impacts the environment through pesticide and fertilizer use, air pollution, deforestation, etc.

    • Agriculture puts significant pressure on freshwater and forest resources, especially in the tropics.

    • Agriculture can also positively impact the environment, helping reduce air pollution and providing a resource-rich habitat to certain wild species.

    • The Aral Sea is an extreme example of the effects of unsustainable agriculture. An entire landlocked sea evaporated because of them!


    1. Dea Bankova et al., The war in Ukraine is fuelling a global food crisis, 2022.
    2. Global Forest Watch, Commodity-driven deforestation’, 2019.
    3. Food and Agriculture Organization, Water for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, 2017.
    4. Annette McGivney, 'Like sending bees to war': the deadly truth behind your almond milk obsession, 2020.
    5. Sophia Wood, How does Transylvania’s agriculture promote biodiversity?, 2021
    6. Shamseer Mambra, Aral Sea Disaster: Why One of the Biggest Inland Seas Dried Up?, 2022.
    7. Ecosystem Services Partnership, Environmental Pollution in Greece, 2022.

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    Soil carbon sequestration in agriculture is possible with the avoidance of...tilling
    Crop carbon sequestration in agriculture is possible with the implementation of...permacultures
    Electron accelerators are used to...enhance plant species' DNA
    95% of all deforestation in 2019 occurred in...the tropics
    What people that you have read of practised subsistence agriculture? Describe their practices.e.g. Subsistence agriculture had been used by Native Americans for hundreds of years and involved using a plot of land that was modified for the plantation of bananas, maize, animal rearing, etc. until it started tolose fertility, typicallywithin two years. Such plots were left to recover for up to 100 years before they were reoccupied by the native inhabitants, and this is believed to have actuallycontributed to the enhancement of the rainforest biodiversity.
    What techniques can you think of prevent loss of soil quality and erosion?Rotational grazing, animal manure application, etc.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Environmental Impact of Agriculture

    What are five environmental effects of agriculture?

    Five environmental effects of agriculture are soil fertility loss, eutrophication of water bodies, deforestation, climate change and pesticide pollution.

    How much does agriculture affect the environment?

    Agriculture affects the environment a lot, both positively and negatively. It can lead to soil erosion, water pollution, contribute to climate change, and deforestation. It can also help reduce CO2 levels, improve air quality, habitat for wildlife, and provide food.

    How does agriculture impact the environment?

    Agriculture impacts the environment through land use, plant species selection, water requirements, and other resource requirements such as micronutrients (e.g. nitrogen), etc.

    What was the impact of agriculture on humans?

    The impact of agriculture on humans was felt at a group and society level as it allowed the species to settle and hunt less, and better develop plant and animal husbandry.

    How does agriculture affect climate change?

    Agriculture impacts climate change through the release of nitrogen oxides from fertiliser applications, manure management and crop burning, carbon dioxide from deforestation, soil tilling and fossil fuel combustion for machinery, and methane, from livestock and diverse agricultural methods. It can also help prevent or mitigate climate change by absorbing CO2.

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    Environmental Impact of Agriculture: Effects (2024)


    Environmental Impact of Agriculture: Effects? ›

    Agriculture causes deforestation, water overuse, and greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change impacts agriculture through productivity, soil quality, and health risks. Soil degradation is caused by erosion, nutrient depletion, and chemical use.

    How does agriculture impact the environment? ›

    Agriculture is the leading source of pollution in many countries. Pesticides, fertilizers and other toxic farm chemicals can poison fresh water, marine ecosystems, air and soil.

    What are the environmental effects of agricultural land use? ›

    Agricultural land use may also result in loss of native habitats or increased wind erosion and dust, exposing humans to particulate matter and various chemicals. Some land uses can accelerate or exacerbate the spread of invasive species.

    What are the biggest impacts on agriculture? ›

    Climate change can disrupt food availability, reduce access to food, and affect food quality. For example, projected increases in temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, changes in extreme weather events, and reductions in water availability may all result in reduced agricultural productivity.

    What are the impacts of agricultural revolution in the environment? ›

    The Agricultural Revolution impacted the environment, transforming forests and previously undisturbed land into farmland, destroyed habitats, decreased biodiversity and released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

    How does agriculture impact lives? ›

    Agriculture impacts society in many ways, including: supporting livelihoods through food, habitat, and jobs; providing raw materials for food and other products; and building strong economies through trade.

    What are the 5 negative effects of agriculture on the environment? ›

    Agriculture causes deforestation, water overuse, and greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change impacts agriculture through productivity, soil quality, and health risks. Soil degradation is caused by erosion, nutrient depletion, and chemical use. Monoculture and factory farming harm ecosystems and emit greenhouse gases.

    What are three environmental effects of agricultural societies? ›

    Significant environmental and social issues associated with agricultural production include changes in the hydrologic cycle; introduction of toxic chemicals, nutrients, and pathogens; reduction and alteration of wildlife habitats; and invasive species.

    How does farmland help the environment? ›

    It grows our food. It supports wildlife and biodiversity. It cleans our water, increases resilience to natural disasters like floods and fires, and helps combat climate change. Our food, our water, our environment, our survival—it all depends on American farmland and ranchland.

    How does farmland affect climate change? ›

    Other agricultural emissions include nitrous oxide from cropped and grazed soils, methane from enteric fermentation and rice cultivation, nitrous oxide and methane from managed livestock manure, and CO2 from on-farm energy use. Globally, carbon dioxide emissions are the largest contributor to climate change.

    How has human land use impacted the environment? ›

    Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

    How agriculture has a large impact on the environment for two reasons? ›

    In addition to its effects on climate, the expansion of agriculture has caused massive losses in biodiversity around the world: natural habitats have been converted to farms and pastures, pesticides and fertilizers have polluted the environment, and soils have been degraded.

    How did agriculture impact society? ›

    More abundant food supplies could support denser populations, and farming tied people to their land. Small settlements grew into towns, and towns grew into cities. Agriculture produced enough food that people became free to pursue interests other than worrying about what they were going to eat that day.

    How was the environment affected by agriculture? ›

    Agriculture has a significant environmental impact in three key ways. First, it requires large amounts of fresh water, which can cause significant environmental pressures in regions with water stress. It needs water as input and pollutes rivers, lakes, and oceans by releasing nutrients.

    What are the harmful effects of bacteria in agriculture? ›

    They impact normal photosynthetic functions. They can cause plant diseases like chlorosis and necrosis. They lead to a decrease in nutrient uptake and mobilization. They also lead to a decrease in the translocation of water and nutrients through the vascular system.

    How does agriculture affect soil quality? ›

    Agriculture alters the natural cycling of nutrients in soil. Intensive cultivation and harvesting of crops for human or animal consumption can effectively mine the soil of plant nutrients. In order to maintain soil fertility for sufficient crop yields, soil amendments are typically required.

    How does food impact the environment? ›

    Food needs to be grown and processed, transported, distributed, prepared, consumed, and sometimes disposed of. Each of these steps creates greenhouse gases that trap the sun's heat and contribute to climate change. About a third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions is linked to food.

    What are the pros and cons of agriculture? ›

    Pros: Lots of food; Less danger than hunting. Cons: Conflicts over access to food supply; Weather might damage crops. Pros: Specialization allowed humans to become experts through the development of artists, leaders, scribes; Domestication of wheat, corn, and rice; Agriculture lead to the creation of civilization.

    How does animal agriculture affect the environment? ›

    Raising livestock for human consumption generates nearly 15% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, which is greater than all the transportation emissions combined. It also uses nearly 70% of agricultural land, contributing to deforestation, biodiversity loss and water pollution.

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