Cucumbers (2024)

      RHS Growing Guides

      Our detailed growing guide will help you with each step in successfully growing Cucumbers.


      Getting Started

      Section 1 of 8

      Cucumbers are tender climbing or scrambling plants, for growing in a greenhouse,

      Cucumbers (1)

      Cold frames are glaze box-like structures made from brick or wood with a hinged or removable, glazed, sloping lid. Useful to protect plants from cold weather over winter or acclimatise (harden off) young plants in spring and provide extra warmth for tender crops in summer.

      Mulch news

      cold frame or a warm sunny site outdoors, either up supports or trailing on the ground. With enough warmth and plenty of water, they’ll produce lots of tasty, crunchy, refreshing cucumbers from mid-summer onwards. You can also choose from small, medium or full-length fruits, with many different varieties of each type.

      Cucumbers (2)

      Cucumbers (3)

      Cucumbers are easy to grow from seed indoors, or can be bought as young plants or grafted plants in spring or early summer. Make sure you select a variety suitable for your growing location – a greenhouse or an outdoor type. Greenhouse varieties crop for a longer season, from mid-summer through to early autumn. Outdoor varieties are weather dependent, starting to fruit later and finishing earlier, but should still produce a good crop in warm conditions.

      If you grow cucumbers up supports, such as bamboo canes or trellis, they take up little ground space, so are ideal in compact gardens, patio containers or small greenhouses.

      Month by Month

      Jobs to do now
      • Sow seed indoors
      • Sow seed indoors













      Plant Out




























      There are many cucumber varieties to choose from, varying in fruit size, flavour, disease resistance and growing location. There are indoor varieties for growing in greenhouses, polytunnels or large cold frames, and outdoor or ridge cucumbers for growing in a sunny, sheltered spot.

      Small or mini cucumber varieties produce lots of fruits, which are ready to harvest more quickly than longer ones. There are also varieties with tiny fruits (gherkins) for pickling.

      F1 Hybrid varietiesare generally more vigorous and productive, but seeds are more expensive. Several cucumber varieties have an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM), which shows they performed well in trials, so should crop reliably for you – see our list of AGM fruit and veg.

      Grafted cucumber plants have recently become more readily available – these are very vigorous plants and should produce a larger crop over a longer season. They are more resistant to soil-borne pests and diseases, so are useful for growing in the same ground (such as a greenhouse border) year after year. However, grafted plants are more expensive and there’s only a limited choice of varieties.

      Related RHS Guides

      Grafting vegetables

      What and where to buy

      Cucumber seeds are widely available in garden centres and from online suppliers.

      You can usually buy young cucumber plants or plug plants in spring, in garden centres and online. This is often a good option if you only want one or two plants. The choice of varieties may be limited though.

      More vigorous grafted cucumber plants (see above) are available in spring from online veg seed/plant suppliers by mail order.

      Recommended Varieties


      Bite sized fruits of about 10/15cm ( 4 to 6 inches). Crisp sweet juicy flavour. Eaten straight from the plant without...

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      'Mini Munch'

      All female greenhouse variety, as name suggests, perfect lunch box snack at just 7cm ( 3inches) long. Mid green colour,...

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden

      'Mini Munch'


      Mini, bitter free fruits, male flowers may occasionally form which should be removed. Best grown under protection...

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden


      Showing 3 out of 5 varieties


      Preparing the Ground

      For growing outdoor cucumbers, choose a warm, sheltered, sunny site with fertile soil. Remove any weeds and dig in two bucketfuls of well-rotted organic matter, such as garden compost, for each plant. Then rake in a general purpose fertiliser at a rate of 100g (3½oz) per square metre/yard.



      Cucumbers are best sown indoors, as they can be started off earlier to get an earlier crop. Germination is also more reliable and young plants are easier to look after until they’re more resilient. They should be moved to their final growing position after about a month.

      Seeds of outdoor varieties can also be sown outside in mild locations, once the soil has warmed up in early summer.

      Sowing indoors

      Cucumbers (4)

      Sowing times depend on where you’re ultimately going to grow the plants.

      Sow in:

      • Mid-February to mid-March – if you’ll be growing them in a heated greenhouse

      • April – if they’ll be growing in an unheated greenhouse, polytunnel or large cold frame

      • Late April – for growing outdoors

      Fill 10cm (4in) pots with seed compost, water well, then sow one seed in the centre of each, 1–2cm (½–¾in) deep. Position the seeds on their side to prevent rotting.

      Place the pots in a heated propagator at 21°C (70°F) or on a warm sunny indoor windowsill.

      Remove from the propagator once seedlings appear, which may take one to two weeks. Continue to keep the young plants warm, in bright light, and water regularly.

      Sowing indoors has several advantages:

      • Reliably warm conditions, which should lead to better germination.

      • Keeps the seedlings out of reach of slugs and snails.

      • Protects seedlings from poor weather.

      Sowing outdoors

      Seeds of outdoor cucumber varieties can be sown directly in their growing site in late May or early June, especially in milder parts of the UK or if the weather is particularly warm. They should be protected with cloches or fleece.

      Prepare the ground as detailed above, then sow the seeds 1–2cm (½–¾in) deep and 30cm (1ft) apart. You can sow up to three seeds together in each spot, to allow for failures, then if several germinate, remove the weaker ones to leave just one strong seedling at each spacing.

      Cover the sowings with cloches or fleece to keep them warm, and leave the covering in place after germination too, to help the young plants get well established and grow strongly. Protect seedlings from slugs and snails.



      Indoor-sown cucumber plants or newly bought plants should be settled into their final growing site in spring or early summer, depending on where that will be:

      • Greenhouse cucumbers – transplant into their final growing container or a greenhouse border in late March (in a heated greenhouse) or late May (in an unheated greenhouse, polytunnel or cold frame), as long as the temperature can be kept above 12–15°C (53–59°F).

      • Outdoor cucumbers – hardenoff carefully, before being planting outside from early June, once you’re sure temperatures won’t drop below 12–15°C (53–59°F) at night. Choose a warm, sunny, sheltered spot.

      Planting them is very straightforward – water well beforehand and try not to disturb the rootball, so they settle in quickly without a check in growth:

      • To plant in a container – choose a pot that is at least 30cm (1ft) wide and deep, and fill it with good quality potting compost. Position one plant in the centre, firming it in gently then watering generously. You can also plant two cucumbers in a growing bag.

      • To plant in the ground – either outdoors or in a greenhouse border or polytunnel, prepare the soil (see Preparing the ground, above) then plant 30cm apart, firming in gently and watering well.

      Related RHS Guides

      Vegetables: transplanting

      Putting up supports

      Cucumbers (5)

      Cucumbers are climbing or scrambling plants that can either be grown up supports or allowed to trail on the ground. Growing them vertically means they take up very little ground space, which is useful in small gardens as well as small greenhouses.

      Put the supports in place at planting time – bamboo canes, wires, strings, netting, trellis or anything similar that their tendrils can twine around. They can’t cling to flat surfaces. The stems need tying in initially, and may need help later if they lose their way or come loose, especially outdoors and when laden with fruit.

      • With greenhouse cucumbers – insert a tall, sturdy bamboo cane up to the greenhouse roof, or attach a vertical wire or string from the roof, secured at ground level. Horizontal supports may also be required for side-shoots.

      • With outdoor cucumbers – build a wigwam or other structure from tall bamboo canes, or use stout netting supported vertically on upright stakes. Cucumbers will also climb up trellis or wires attached to a wall or fence.

      If you leave outdoor cucumbers to trail over the ground, it’s best to lay weed-suppressing membrane or black plastic over the soil, to deter weeds. And do bear in mind that the plants and fruit are more vulnerable to pests such as slugs on the ground.


      Plant Care

      Cucumbers, whether grown outdoors or in a greenhouse, polytunnel or cold frame, need warmth and regular watering to crop well. When grown in containers, they need additional watering and feeding too.


      Water little and often, to keep the potting compost or soil evenly moist. Take care to water at the base of the plants and avoid wetting the leaves, which can encourage fungal diseases.


      Feed cucumber plants in containers every 10–14 days with a general liquid fertiliser.

      Once they start flowering, change to a weekly tomato feed, to encourage flowering and fruiting.

      Pinching out shoots

      It’s a good ideal to restrict the vigorous growth of cucumbers, so they concentrate on making fruit rather than growing too large:

      • With greenhouse cucumbers, pinch out the growing point when it reaches the greenhouse roof. Also pinch out the tips of side-shoots two leaves beyond a female flower (which has a tiny fruit behind it). Pinch out the tips of flowerless side-shoots once they reach 60cm (2ft) long.

      • With outdoor cucumbers, pinch out the growing tip once plants have developed seven leaves, to encourage side-shoots. Also pinch out the tips of flowerless side-shoots after seven leaves.

      Removing male flowers

      • Most greenhouse varieties are all-female (check seed packets for details), producing almost exclusively female flowers (with a tiny fruit behind them). These must not be pollinated, otherwise the resulting fruits will be bitter. Occasionally male flowers (without a tiny fruit behind them) may appear, in which case remove them.

      • Outdoor cucumber plants produce both male and female flowers. The female flowers need to be pollinated in order to produce fruit, so don’t remove the male flowers.

      Temperature and humidity

      In greenhouses, raise the humidity in hot weather by pouring a watering can over the concrete floor or central path, so the water evaporates. High humidity also deters red spider mites and powdery mildew.

      Greenhouses can get extremely hot in summer, so put up shading to keep temperatures lower, ideally 18–25°C (64–77°F).



      Cucumbers (6)

      Cucumbers ripen from mid-summer to mid-autumn in a greenhouse, with a shorter season outdoors depending on the weather.

      Fruit size varies according to the variety. In general, smaller-fruited varieties are best at about 10cm (4in) long and full-sized varieties at about 15–20cm (6–8in). The fruits should be uniformly green and firm, usually with a slightly rounded tip.

      Fruits can grow rapidly, so check them regularly to get them at their best. If they turn yellowish, bulbous or soft, they are likely to be over ripe.

      Cut the stem cleanly with a sharp knife or secateurs, rather than pulling. Regular harvesting encourages further fruiting.



      Section 8 of 8

      Cucumbers are tender plants and need warm temperatures to germinate and grow strongly, and ideally 18–25°C (64–77°F) to crop well. They also need regular watering, especially when flowering and fruiting.

      Although usually healthy and vigorous, they can be weakened by powdery mildew and red spider mites, especially in greenhouses and if humidity is low. Mildew-resistant varieties are available. Protect young plants from slugs and snails. Mosaic virus is a more serious problem, and affected plants should be destroyed.

      Buy cucumbers at

      Every purchase supports the work of the RHS

      Buy cucumbers at

      Cucumbers (2024)


      What are the benefits of eating cucumber? ›

      Here are six ways eating cucumbers improves your health:
      • Increases hydration. Drinking water every day is crucial for your health. ...
      • Strengthens bones. Cucumbers are high in vitamin K — a big bonus for bone health. ...
      • Promotes gut health. ...
      • Helps manage blood sugar and weight. ...
      • Protects against cancer. ...
      • Improves heart health.
      Apr 2, 2023

      Why must you not eat raw cucumber with meals? ›

      But, eating cucumber with meals can cause indigestion for some people because of the compound called cucurbitacin (class of biochemical compounds). Also, cucumbers must always be eaten with its skin on after it is washed thoroughly.”

      Is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable? ›

      Botanically, Cucumbers Are Fruits

      Because cucumbers have seeds in the middle and grow from the flower of a cucumber plant, they are botanically a fruit. Botanical vegetables may be other edible structures of a plant, such as the leaves, stems and roots, and they do not have seeds.

      Do cucumbers have any nutritional value? ›

      In just a single cup of cucumber slices, you'll get 14% to 19% of the vitamin K you need for the day. You'll also get vitamins B and C along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

      What happens if I eat cucumber every day? ›

      All that water in cucumbers can help keep you hydrated. Plus, the fiber boost they give you helps you stay regular and avoid constipation. The vitamin K helps blood clot and keep your bones healthy. Vitamin A has many jobs, like helping with vision, the immune system, and reproduction.

      Does cucumber burn belly fat? ›

      Although cucumber water does not directly aid in weight loss or target belly fat, it may help a person lose weight by providing a low calorie alternative to sodas and other flavored drinks with empty calories.

      Why should we not drink water after eating cucumber? ›

      The optimal pH level needed by the body to digest food is also thought to be disturbed by drinking water before or after consuming cucumber. The pH levels could be diluted by too much water, which could prevent the acids needed to break down food from working properly and ultimately result in poor digestion.

      Why cucumber is not eaten at night? ›

      Cucumber can be consumed at any time of the day or night as it helps to balance all the three doshas and helps to maintain the water content of the body. If you have weak or poor digestion then you must avoid taking at night because Cucumber seeds are heavy to digest.

      Should you peel cucumbers? ›

      Cucumbers also have a high water content. They're made up of about 96% water. To maximize their nutrient content, cucumbers should be eaten unpeeled. Peeling them reduces the amount of fiber, as well as certain vitamins and minerals.

      Is a pickle a cucumber? ›

      Technically, pickles are fruit. They are made from cucumbers which are commonly seen as vegetables; however, they are a seed containing fruit of the cucumber plant. But what's kind of a big “dill” is that the lucky pickles are classified correctly for importing and exporting purposes!

      Are cucumbers a creeper or climber? ›

      The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around supports with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant may also root in a soilless medium, whereby it will sprawl along the ground in lieu of a supporting structure.

      What do Americans call cucumber? ›

      American cucumbers, whose seed is called Americana Slicing Hybrid, are the variety you're most likely familiar with at the grocery store, and are often simply labeled "cucumber." The skin of these cucumbers can be tougher than other varieties, and some you buy at the grocery store may have been coated in wax to help ...

      What should not be mixed with cucumber? ›

      Cucumber and tomato are both eaten together in salads. But this is not the right food combination in terms of health. Actually, the way these two are digested is completely different, so eating them together should be avoided.

      Are cucumbers healthier than carrots? ›

      Cucumber has 63% less calories than carrot. Carrot has more thiamin, niacin, Vitamin B6 and folate. Carrot is a great source of dietary fiber.

      Is cucumber good for high blood pressure? ›

      It lowers your blood pressure.

      Potassium is an electrolyte that helps regulate the amount of sodium retained by the kidneys. Cucumbers are a good source of potassium. Drinking cucumber water helps your body get more potassium, potentially helping to lower your blood pressure.

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      Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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      Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

      Birthday: 1999-09-15

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      Job: Mining Executive

      Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

      Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.