Chcage 001 thi-kim-phuong-bui snapshot 2 - Submission snapshot 2 RRTTO nameO name Institute of - Studeersnel (2024)

Submission snapshot 2

RRTTO nameO name Institute of Tertiary and Higher Education

UnitUnit CHCAGE001 - Facilitate the empowerment of older people

PPararticipant/ Learner nameticipant/ Learner name Thi Kim Phuong BUI

Student identifierStudent identifier

TTrrainer/ Assessor nameainer/ Assessor name Delia CONDY

CrCreated oneated on 23/02/

TheorTheory commenced ony commenced on 27/02/2023 09:26 AM

Assessment commenced onAssessment commenced on 27/02/2023 09:35 AM

Date of completionDate of completion 01/05/2023 10:06 AM

Completion record

Were the assessment conditions for this unit met? 

Did the learner answer all knowledge questions required in this unit? 

Did the learner perform all the tasks required in this unit? 

WWas additional eas additional evidence prvidence proovided, and vvided, and verified berified by the try the trainerainer, t, to confirm that the learner has the skills ando confirm that the learner has the skills andknowledge rknowledge requirequired for this unit?ed for this unit?

 Yes  No

If applicable was all the eIf applicable was all the evidencevidenceprpresented at the appresented at the appropriate Aopriate AQF leQF levveleland was it:and was it:

Valid Sufficient Authentic Current

   

The learnerThe learner’’s work has been assessed as:s work has been assessed as: Completed  Not completed 

TTrrainer/ assessor comments and fainer/ assessor comments and feedback teedback to learnero learner

Well done Thi Kim Phuongyou are progressing wellKeep up the good work

Assessor Sign offAssessor Sign off

Name:Name: Delia CONDY Date:Date: 01/05/2023 10:06 AM

CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)


01/05/2023 10:06 AM Delia CONDY has marked this enrolment as  CompletedCompleted CommentsComments Well done Thi Kim Phuong you are progressing well Keep up the good work

28/04/2023 10:51 PM T. Bui has submitted this enrolment for marking (2nd attempt) CommentsComments

26/04/2023 12:13 PM Delia CONDY has sent back this enrolment with Twith Trrainerainer''s fs feedbackeedback CommentsComments Excellent work. Just the two questions to add some more information too. I have provided some guidance to assist you along the way. You can always ask for further help in class if needed Keep up the good work.

17/04/2023 11:17 AM T. Bui has submitted this enrolment for marking (1st attempt) CommentsComments

27/02/2023 09:26 AM Unit started CommentsComments Learning commenced on 27 February 2023 Assessment commenced on 27 February 2023

CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Support the rights of older people

PrProovide evide evidence of yvidence of your existing skills and knowledge that demonstrour existing skills and knowledge that demonstrate yate your ability tour ability to:o:

Assist the older person to understand their rights and the complaints mechanisms of the organisationDeliver services ensuring the rights of the older person are upheldIdentify breaches of human rights and respond appropriatelyRecognise signs consistent with financial, physical or emotional abuse or neglect of the older person and report to anappropriate personAssist the person to access other support services and the complaints mechanisms as required

Promote health and re-ablement of older people

PrProovide evide evidence of yvidence of your existing skills and knowledge that demonstrour existing skills and knowledge that demonstrate yate your ability tour ability to:o: Encourage the older person to engage as actively as possible in all living activities and provide them with information and support to do so Assist the older person to recognise the impact that changes associated with ageing may have on their activities of living Identify strategies and opportunities that maximise engagement and promote healthy lifestyle practices Identify and utilise aids and modifications that promote individual strengths and capacities to assist with independent living in the older person’s environment Discuss situations of risk or potential risk associated with ageing

Please prPlease proovide details of evide details of evidence yvidence you haou havve, for example:e, for example:

No content found

  • Previous training courses
  • Workplace documents
  • Skills obtained through unpaid work
  • References

Please prPlease proovide details of evide details of evidence yvidence you haou havve, for example:e, for example:

No content found

  • Previous training courses
  • Workplace documents
  • Skills obtained through unpaid work
  • References

CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Knowledge questions

Develop relationships with older people

Question 1.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Conduct interpersonal exchanges in a manner that promotes empowerment and develops and maintains trust and goodwill

Question 1.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Recognise and respect older people’s social, cultural and spiritual differences

What does trust mean?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Trust is a difficult thing to earn. It can take a long time to be accepted by older people. Trust is often established after aperiod of time where the interactions between two people have gone well enough for each party to be comfortable withthe other.This is usually based on:

  • courtesy
  • listening and responding with empathy
  • non- judgmental interactions
  • respecting the individual differences of each person

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:05 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


Can you expect older people to trust you straight away? Explain.

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

We cannot expect older people to trust us straight away because:Trust depends on behavioral reliability and consistency. When the behavior of workers is not predictable ( for examplenot doing what they claim they will or disclosing information about a person who believed it was private etc), they areletting old people downTrust involves having confidence in worker's intentions - a belief or understanding that the worker respects the person'srights and that the worker will not use the relationship to damage them in any way.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:05 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 1.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Work with the person to identify physical and social enablers and disablers impacting on health outcomes and quality of life

you do with this information?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Community service staff often have access to a great deal of information about clients. This information is confidentialand must remain so. Whist community service employees have a legal obligation under privacy legislation, to protectsensitive and personal client information - written and verbal - they also have an ethical obligation to treat clientconfidences appropriately. That is not to discuss them with others unless authorized by the client to do so.Respect for privacy and confidentiality is fundamental to protecting the rights of clients. However, it is also recognizedthat the sharing of information is essential for clients to receive the assistance they need. With the development oftechnology, information can be relayed and duplicated with ease. While this can facilitate communication, it alsoincreases the possibility of the abuse of confidentiality.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:07 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

What are personal disablers and how can they impact on health outcomes and quality of life?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Disablers are factors that prevent or hinder an older person's participation in physical and social activity that contributeto positive health outcomes and quality of life. They are barriers. Enablers, on the other hand, are factors that enhance,support, facilitate, or motivate participation in physical and social activity. Sometimes, the very absence of an enableracts as barrier.Disablers and enablers can be categorized as being personal, social or environmental.Personal barriers or disablers include:

  • Lifestyles that are in conflict with or not conductive to physical activity.
  • Health problems/ concerns/ frailty, eg heart problems, arthritis, back problems, incontinence, and functionallimitations.
  • Fear of falling/ injury
  • Lack of motivation and interest.
  • Doubts and benefits
  • Lack of fitness.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Past traumatic experiences.
  • Self-consciousness.
  • Lack of knowledge/ education, eg lack of instruction about how to use exercise equipment or not knowing what kindsof exercise to engage in.
  • Lack of encouragement in earlier life.
  • Lack of enjoyment.
  • The perception that physical activity will be uncomfortable.
  • Difficulty sticking to a routine.

CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 1.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Encourage the person to adopt a shared responsibility for own support as a means of achieving better health outcomes and quality of life

Provide services to older people

Question 2.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Identify and discuss services which empower the older person

  • Pain associated with exercise.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:08 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

An older person has a health condition that can be managed with medication and gentle exercise are the worker'sresponsibilities?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Some older people will think about their lives as something that just happens to them instead of something that theycan control themselves. It is important to make older people understand that they are, at least partially, responsible fortheir own health and quality of life.older people should be given all the information needed to improve their health and quality of life. What they decide todo with this information is largely their own responsibility.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:09 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

TTrrainer fainer feedbackeedbackThe worker should also provide encouragement.

An older person has to decide how they will spend their Christmas; for example in the aged care facility they live in, withtheir family etc. How can the older person be empowered to make this decision?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 2.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Adjust services to meet the specific needs of the older person and provide services according to the older person’s preferences

values rather than rational analysis.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:13 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

Why must workers refrain from imposing their own values and beliefs on clients?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

These allow a person to understand the world in terms of how one thing affects another and what things they caninfluence or change and what things are beyond their control. Beliefs come from a variety of experiences. Manyoriginate from or are indoctrinated into people during their developing years by parents, teachers, religious leaders,siblings, friends, coaches, bosses, the media, movies, books and personal experience. They are usually repeatedlyexperienced and reinforced over the years.Values and beliefs are inextricably linked. Values are consequence of underlying beliefs. A value can be considered tobe a cluster of beliefs about a specific concept. For example the value of honesty is simply a title or name we give to acollection of beliefs we hold about the importance or preference we have for being honest; beliefs such as: it alwayspays to be honest or the truth will set you free, or people only trust when you are consistently honest. Values and beliefwill determine what people see as being important and why those things are seen to be important.One can go so far as to say that all behaviors and actions are based on values and belief. Parents who do not valueclose relationships with their children, for example, will not take the time to engage with them, communicate with themor nurture them. People who do no value their health will not take the time to exercise, eat well and avoid those thingsthat might negatively impact upon them ( for example smoking, drinking, taking drugs).If the major values of workers and the older people they interact with correlate, they can usually exist together in areasonably unproblematic way. Where major differences arise, workers need to respect the opinions of others and listento differing viewpoints with an open mind rather than immediately shutting down. Workers need to acknowledge thatdifferences exist and need to find a way of moving forward.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:14 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


What sorts of questions could a care provider ask an older person when working with them to develop a care plan?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

  1. What time do you like to get up in the morning?
  2. When do you like to eat breakfast?
  3. What do you normally eat for breakfast?
  4. When do you have lunch?
  5. When do you have dinner?
  6. What sort of meals do you like to eat at lunch time and dinner time?
  7. What other snacks do you have during the day?



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 2.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Provide services according to organisation policies, procedures and duty of care requirements

  1. What time do you like to go to bed?

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:14 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

Why is it important to adjust services to meet the specific needs and preferences of the older person?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Older people will have a range of needs and preferences. Adjusting services to meet these needs and preferences giveolder people a sense of control. It is also comforting.Preferences can usually be identified by asking a range of open and closed questions, such as:

  1. What time do you like to get up in the morning?
  2. When do you like to eat breakfast?
  3. What do you normally eat for breakfast?
  4. When do you have lunch?
  5. When do you have dinner?
  6. What sort of meals do you like to eat at lunch time and dinner time?
  7. What other snacks do you have during the day?
  8. What time do you like to go to bed?Needs might be established in the same way, for example:
  9. Do you have any allergies or food intolerances?
  10. Are you diabetic?
  11. What medication do you take each day and when do you need to take them?Ask questions and actively listen to answers to determine preferences/ needs. There are a variety of types of questionsthat can be used to gather information.Staff must record responds and file the information in the person's case file. As much as possible staff shouldaccommodate the person's needs and preferences. This might mean, for example, that they need to change their usualsequence of activities ( for example offering a shower in the evening instead of the morning). Some residential caresettings are more flexible than others. If staff are having trouble accommodating an older person's needs orpreferences, they should ask their supervisor for advice.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:15 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


Why is it necessary to provide service according to organisation policies, procedures and duty of care requirements?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Procedures and SOPs exist so that everyone in the organization will know what to do and when to do it. They alsoindicate the standard of work that is required from employees. Thus they are written to ensure that there is consistencythroughout the organization - that each person in the organization delivers the same type of service to the same highstandard. Procedures relate directly to quality control and to the prevention of performance problems. If correct



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

eevidence. Assist the older person to understand their rights and the complaints mechanisms of the organisation

Question 3.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Deliver services ensuring the rights of the older person are upheld

How can workers help older people understand their rights?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

The role of aged care worker is to make sure that older people and their advocates are aware of their rights andresponsibilities. They can do this by telling them about their rights and responsibilities. They should reinforce theinformation given verbally by providing them with a copy of the organization's policies and procedures which outlinesresident's rights and responsibilities.Staff should always let older people know about their rights and responsibilities at intake. They must also let olderpeople know about their rights and responsibilities when there are signs that their rights are at risk or they complainabout infringements to their rights.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:17 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

What client rights must workers protect in order to deliver appropriate service?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

A worker demonstrates support of clients' rights be respecting the clients':

  • rights to personal choice and independence, providing them with informed choice and helping them to achieve theirgoals
  • right to care for themselves if physically and mentally capable, whilst observing their duty of care to ensure that theynot putting themselves at risk
  • personal privacy of their belongings and their affairs, closing doors while assisting others clients with personal care,maintaining the confidentiality of the client and not interesting with their personal belongings
  • right to take part in decisions which will affect hem by encouraging them to have involvement in the decision-makingprocesses
  • right to access service facilities and let them know of their right to choose their own medical practitioner
  • right to mix with other people in the community and help to provide them with the means of doing so
  • religion, sexuality, culture and emotional needs by not imposing their beliefs and convictions upon the client
  • right to take some personal risk in their personal life, and only give advice or intervene if they believe the client is atsome unacceptable degree of risk

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:17 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 3.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Identify breaches of human rights and respond appropriately

Question 3.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Recognise signs consistent with financial, physical or emotional abuse or neglect of the older person and report to an appropriate person

Explain what the term human rightshuman rights encompasses in terms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all people have the rights listed.Article 1All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.Article 2Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such asrace, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of thecountry or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any otherlimitation of sovereignty.Articles 3Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.Article 4No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their formsArticle 5No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:17 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


If you believe that an older person’s human rights are being breached what can you do?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

All incidents and allegations of abuse must be documented and reported to the supervisor. All reasonable steps shouldbe taken to ensure that the client is protected from further harm by preventing contact with the alleged offender. Therights of the worker and responsibilities of the employer must be adhered to in accordance with the appropriatelegislation.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:18 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Promote health and re-ablement of older people

Question 4.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Encourage the older person to engage as actively as possible in all living activities and provide them with information and support to do so

  • ethnicity, first language and religion of the client
  • any need for an interpreter, signer or other communication aid
  • any special needs of the client
  • any significant/ important recent or historical events/ incidents in client's life
  • causes for concern
  • known current or previous involvement of other agencies/ professionals

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:18 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

Outline the steps you should follow to refer an older person to other support services.

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

The steps involved in referring a client to an alternative service or organization are:Step 1Identify a need of the client that cannot be fulfilled be the services offered be involved organization.Step 2This need is discussed with the client and all possible options of services available to fulfill this need are alsoconsidered. The client is involved in the decision as to what type of service would be most appropriate in fulfilling thisneed.Step 3This information is documented according to policies and procedures. where appropriate/ required, the worker'ssupervisor is notified of newly identified need of the client and also the identified services most likely to fulfil this need.Step 4Depending upon the worker's role within the organization, either the worker or the worker's supervisor can take thenecessary action to contact the relevant support services. This initial contract might involve organizing assessmentsfor the client or clarifying eligibility criteria. The client should always provide written or verbal consent prior to release oftheir personal information.Step 5If necessary, either the worker or the worker's supervisor can negotiate with the client and the appropriate services, toarrange an appointment time and exchange any necessary or relevant information.Step 6All contact with the client and alternative service is documented according to organisational policies and procedures.This documentation should make clear exactly which organization is responsible for what areas of service delivery andfulfilling the needs of the needs of the individual.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:19 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 4.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Assist the older person to recognise the impact that changes associated with ageing may have on their activities of living

You are trying to encourage an older person to engage as actively as possible in living activities that involve physicalactivity but are being met with reluctance. What could you do? Provide at least five examples.

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

To encourage older people to engage as actively as possible in all living activities, it is necessary to provide positivemessages and information about physical activity.This might include information about:The benefits of physical activity.The different types of physical activity.How much we need.The way we can incorporate physical activity into our daily lives.Examples of physical activities.It is important to be enthusiastic when delivering these messages as this will spark enthusiasm in the older person.Massages sent with a lack of enthusiasm are unlikely to inspire action. Workers should make it clear that they believeolder people can continue to engage in living activities as this will lead them to believe they can too.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:19 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

Normal ageing involves changes to bodily systems, including the integumentary system, and to cognitive function. Workerswill, in some cases need to help older people recognise and understand the changes and the impact these changes willhave on their activities. What sorts of things might workers need to discuss with clients?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

When working in the aged care industry, workers must conduct their work in a manner that reflects an understanding ofthe key issues facing older people and their carer/s, and workers also need to have a good understanding of the currentphilosophies of service delivery in the sector so they can perform their duties in the manner that is expected of them.Older people in the aged care industry can include individuals living in residential aged care environments, individualsliving in the community and prospective individuals to the service or services. Older people might be supported in theirown home, in independent living accommodation, in residential aged care facilities, in community centers, or ingovernment agenciesKey issues that older people might face include:

  • changes that aging might bring
  • loss and grief
  • societal attitudes and expectationsChanges that aging might bring include:
  • physical process-cognitive function ( including dementia)
  • social interaction
  • role and family relationships

CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 4.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Identify and utilise aids and modifications that promote individual strengths and capacities to assist with independent living in the older person’s environment

  • Women should consume no more than two standard drinks per day
  • Everybody should have at least one or two alcohol free days per week
  • Not smoking: Smoking increases the likelihood a person will have stroke, heart attack, respiratory problems and lung,throat, tongue and mouth cancer.
  • Regular sleep patterns: Sleep is important. People who do not get enough sleep are more likely to:
  • fall over, which can be serious for older people
  • have poor judgement
  • have trouble judgement
  • have trouble concentrating
  • have trouble remembering things
  • be irritable
  • be less motivatedOlder people are more likely to wake several times during the night and might need naps during the day.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:21 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

What strategies can older clients adopt in order to engage in healthy lifestyle practices?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Older people can be supported to adopt strategies to promote healthy lifestyle practices. which increases the likelihoodof the person having not only good physical health, but also a happier, more fulfilling life.Healthy lifestyle practices include:

  • good nutrition
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • exercise
  • staying mentally active
  • socializing with others
  • moderate alcohol intake
  • not smoking
  • regular sleep patterns

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:21 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


You are working with a client who has arthritis, therefore mobility difficulties.What sort of aids could help them to be more independent in their environment?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Being mobile allows the older person to move around their environment and community and be involved in shopping,



CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Question 4.

Assessment objectivAssessment objectives:es:

TTo pro proovide evide evidence that yvidence that you haou havve the essential knowledge re the essential knowledge requirequired for the following pered for the following performance criteria and rformance criteria and related knowledgeelated knowledgeeevidence. Discuss situations of risk or potential risk associated with ageing

recreational ventures, moving indoor and outdoor of their home and attending appointments. Equipment used formobility range from walking sticks and frames, swivel boards for moving in and out of chairs, sliding boards for gettingin and out of a car, wheelchair and motorized transport such as GophersThe musculoskeletal system is made up of the bones and muscles. Muscles strength and bone mass decrease overtime.Conditions impacting on older people include:arthritisosteoporosisfractures and breaksWhen providing care to older people staff should encourage active movement before passively moving someone. Forexample, if someone experiences pain when straightening their own leg, they should take extra care when they aremoving their leg. Seek help from an occupational therapist who is able to give the older people advice on aids andadaptive devices that can help them move safely and independently and complete as many of the activities of dailyliving as possible independently.

Marked on 26/04/2023 11:22 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy

How will the need for mobility aids be identified?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Seek help from an occupational therapist who is able to give the older people advice on aids and adaptive devices thatcan help them move safely and independently and complete as many of the activities of daily living as possibleindependently.

Marked on 01/05/2023 10:03 AM by D. Condy  SatisfactSatisfactororyy


Why is it necessary to discuss risk situations or potential risks associated with ageing with clients?

Submitted answer:Submitted answer:

Workers have responsibility to communicate situations of risk or potential risk associated with aging to the olderperson, so that the older person is aware od the risk, and can make lifestyle adjustments as required to keepthemselves safe.Situations of risk or potential risk might include

  • self-neglect
  • dysphagia
  • uncharacteristic or inappropriate behaviors
  • impaired judgement and impaired problem-solving abilities-cognitive impairment due to acquired brain injury
  • social rights infringements

CHCAGE001 - Transcript (Generated on 01/05/2023)

Chcage 001 thi-kim-phuong-bui snapshot 2 - Submission snapshot 2 RRTTO nameO name Institute of - Studeersnel (2024)
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