21 Vegetables that can grow in partial shade (2024)

Knowing where to grow your vegetables is almost as important as knowing what types to grow in the first place. Your temperature zone defines what you can easily grow, but your ultimate placement of those chosen vegetables will decide how well they’ll grow for you. Here is a list of full sun, shade, and partial sun plants that grow well in most of North America.

21 Vegetables that can grow in partial shade (1)

Full Sun Vegetables

“Full sun” means a minimum of six hours (usually at least 8) of sunlight per day. For at least six hours, the sun should be directly shining onto the plants nearly every day of the season. Obviously inclement weather and overcast days are not counted. No artificial shade (trees, buildings, etc) are blocking sunlight from full-sun veggies.

One of the easiest to grow, cukes have very broad leaves, a common trait in many full-sun plants.

These grow better in some climates than in others, but are a popular early spring and late fall harvest.

Most types of peppers prefer as much sun as they can get.

Like cucumbers, squash plants have very broad leaves and beg for sunlight. Growing them on a trellis or stand can maximize sun exposure.

Like peppers, assuming plenty of water is available, tomatoes will always take as much sun as they can get.

21 Vegetables that can grow in partial shade (2)

Partial Sun Vegetables

Partial Sun are vegetables that require at least four hours of sunlight per day, but often thrive with less than six hours of direct sunlight. These are usually listed as “partial sun” or “partial shade” veggies in garden stores. Partial sun usually means that the plant could still do well with more sun, and partial shade often means that the plant would do better with four to six hours as a maximum.

When in a bush variety, these do well with more sun (closer to 6 hours) than in vine varieties, which can do more with less if they’re on a trellis.

Keep beets partially shaded and they’ll thrive, even in relatively dry conditions.

Full sun on broccoli will lead to rapid flowering (which ruins the taste) while partial sun encourages tighter heads and slower flowering.

Although cabbage is broad-leafed, too much sun will dry it out and encourage smaller heads and bigger open leaves.

Too much sun and the carrot plant grows more foliage than root, so limiting sunlight means larger carrots.

Like broccoli, limiting sunlight to under 6 hours daily means tighter heads of cauliflower.

A popular spice, limiting sunlight will help keep the plants smaller and larger-leafed, which means more harvest and better taste.

Also known as green onions, leeks thrive in cooler, more moist environments compared to regular root onions.

Root onions, like most root-based edibles, need less sun in order to encourage below-ground growth.

Like beans, peas will grow more plant than edible seeds if too much sun is given.

Again, with root plants like radishes, it’s all about encouraging root growth.

Similar to beets and onions in growth pattern, the rutabaga needs restricted sunlight in order to encourage deeper (larger) roots.

Similar to carrots, turnips tend to grow downwards when less sun is available to them.

21 Vegetables that can grow in partial shade (3)

Light Shade Vegetables

Vegetables that do well in less sunlight (2 to 4 hours) are often called “light shade” or “shaded” plants. Some “partial shade” plants are also light shade, such as cauliflower and many spices.

Being leafy, arugula would be expected to a sun-lover, but sunlight often droops and shrivels the leaves, so this is a good “under” plant to put underneath other, larger ones.

Brussels sprouts
This is also a cold-tolerant plant and like most cold-happy plants, Brussels sprouts do well with limited sunlight.

Endive is likely the most shade-loving of all the leafy lettuce-type plants.

Like its cousins in cabbages, kale loves cold weather and less light.

Leaf lettuce
Most lettuce plants prefer less sun.

Mustard greens
A popular plant in the U.S., this one is often grown in flower gardens and near porches where sunlight is limited.

Like lettuce, spinach needs cooler temperatures and less sun.

Swiss chard
Another delicate leafy plant, swiss chard doesn’t enjoy a lot of sunlight.

Even the most open of garden areas provides shade. Be creative with plant placement and you’ll find that you can create your own shaded areas to maximize conditions for each plant’s preference. Tall stalks of corn, for example, can provide partial shade for smaller radishes and peas, while heavy-leafed squash plants might provide near-permanent shade for smaller carrots or turnips.

21 Vegetables that can grow in partial shade (2024)


What vegetables can grow in partial shade? ›

Try these shade-tolerant vegetables in your garden:
  • Salad greens. arugula, endive, lettuce, sorrel, spinach. ...
  • Leafy greens. collards, kale, mustard greens, swiss chard. ...
  • Root veggies. beets, carrots, potatoes, radishes, rutabaga, turnips. ...
  • Brassica veggies. Broccoli and cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage. ...
  • Herbs.
Jun 15, 2017

What vegetable needs the least amount of sunlight? ›

List Of Vegetables That Grow In Partial Sun and Shade
  1. Leeks. Leeks are a member of the onion family that can be grown in low sunlight. ...
  2. Spinach. ...
  3. Kale. ...
  4. Lettuce. ...
  5. Endive. ...
  6. Komatsuna. ...
  7. Mizuna. ...
  8. Tatsoi.
May 13, 2024

Will cucumbers grow in partial shade? ›

Cucumbers will thrive with 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day, however they can tolerate less in shady conditions. Expect less fruit if a cucumber gets less sun.

Can zucchini grow in partial shade? ›

Where to Plant Zucchini. Zucchini needs full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours) and consistently moist soil that is high in organic matter. Some zucchini varieties are vining types that require a trellis or a lot of room to sprawl.

What is considered partial shade for gardening? ›

Partial shade and partial sun refer to areas of your garden that receive between four hours and six hours of sun each day. If your plant calls for partial shade, it will do better at the lower end of this sun exposure scale.

What food can you grow with little sunlight? ›

Just because you don't have a sunny spot in your yard doesn't mean you can't grow vegetables. Many leafy greens including spinach, lettuce, and kale and root crops such as beets and carrots thrive in low light conditions.

Can tomatoes grow in partial shade? ›

Although it's not easy to grow a garden in the shade, tomato plants are fairly adaptable. Many varieties of tomatoes for shade gardens will produce quality fruit, but gardeners often experience smaller yields.

Can peppers grow in the shade? ›

Pepper plants can still healthily grow in partially shaded areas. However, if the location is fully shaded, avoid planting there. Growing in fully shaded areas will result in a major lack of energy to the plants for photosynthesis.

What is the easiest plant to grow in shade? ›

Heuchera, hellebores and bleeding heart are some of the beauties that grow easily in the shade.

What vegetables only need 4 hours of sun? ›

Asian Greens, Mustard Greens, & Collard Greens Produce with Just 4 Hours of Sun. Two other greens that will grow large even in shaded areas are mustard greens and collards. They're not as long lasting as kale and Swiss chard, but you'll still get lots and lots of leaves from these gals over a period of several months.

Can potatoes grow in the shade? ›

Potatoes. Potatoes are good with Partial Shade because they need at least 6 hours of sunlight. Growing potatoes with too much shade can make them sickly, but if you live in a warmer climate, you might find some shade from the afternoon sun a good thing for keeping your potatoes healthy.

Which vegetables don't need a lot of sun? ›

Among vegetables, leafy greens are the most tolerant of shade, including kale, lettuce, spinach, arugula and chard. Related to both beets and spinach, Swiss chard tastes a little like both and is fairly easy to grow.

Do any vegetables grow well in partial shade? ›

While it's true that some vegetables (like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers) require at least 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight to flourish, other vegetables, like root crops, can tolerate part shade (think 3 to 6 hours of sun per day), and a few edibles, like some leafy greens, can even grow in shade (technically defined ...

Do onions grow in the shade? ›

Sunlight Requirements

Onions prefer full sun, especially during the afternoon hours. The heat and light are necessary for proper growth. Onion plants can't be grown in full shade, and those grown in partial shade will be smaller and more susceptible to pests and diseases.

Can peppers grow in partial shade? ›

Pepper plants can still healthily grow in partially shaded areas. However, if the location is fully shaded, avoid planting there. Growing in fully shaded areas will result in a major lack of energy to the plants for photosynthesis.

Do carrots like sun or shade? ›

You should have a total of about 18 plants per square foot. Carrots prefer full sun and relatively cool soil. In a raised bed, neighboring plants will help shade the soil and keep it from getting too hot. Consistent moisture produces the tastiest carrots, so give them about 1" of water per week.

Do strawberries grow in the shade? ›

Strawberries require at least eight hours of sun but what if you have a shadier landscape? Can strawberries grow in shade? Strawberry lovers with shaded yards rejoice because, yes, you can grow strawberries in shade, provided you select shady strawberry varieties.

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